

{"info":{"title":{"content":"華為智駕技術,是行業第一梯隊嗎?5月31日晚,在問界新M7Ultra釋出會現場,餘承東公布了幾組重磅資料,鴻蒙智行表現亮","en":"Is Huawei's intelligent driving technology the first echelon in the industry? On the evening of May 31, at the press conference of the new M7Ultra, Yu Chengdong announced several sets of blockbuster data, and Hongmeng Zhixing performed well"},"description":{"content":"華為智駕技術,是行業第一梯隊嗎?5月31日晚,在問界新M7Ultra釋出會現場,餘承東公布了幾組重磅資料,鴻蒙智行表現亮...","en":"Is Huawei's intelligent driving technology the first echelon in the industry? On the evening of May 31st, at the press conference of the new M7Ultra, Yu Chengdong announced several sets of blockbuster data."}},"items":[]}