

{"info":{"title":{"content":"突發!騰訊釋出公告:将打擊“煽動中日對立”言論,評論區炸鍋了","en":"Outburst! Tencent issued an announcement: It will crack down on the remarks of \"inciting confrontation between China and Japan\", and the comment area is fried"},"description":{"content":"最近有個事兒挺火的,騰訊這回可是真動真格了!你們知道嗎?前幾天,蘇州那邊發生了一件挺揪心的事兒,有個哥們兒突然拿刀在街上...","en":"There's been a hot thing recently, Tencent is really moving this time! Did you know? A few days ago, a very worrying thing happened in Suzhou, a buddy suddenly took a knife on the street..."}},"items":[]}