
【原創】RabbitMQ 之 SASL Authentication(翻譯)SASL Authentication

the three built-in mechanisms are:

3 中内置的機制如下:


sasl plain authentication. this is enabled by default in the rabbitmq server and clients, and is the default for most other clients.

sasl plain 鑒權機制。預設被 rabbitmq 伺服器和用戶端使能,并且也是大多數用戶端的預設選擇。


non-standard version of plain as defined by the amqp 0-8 specification. this is enabled by default in the rabbitmq server, and is the default for qpid's python client.

由 amqp 0-8 标準文檔定義的非标準版本 plain 鑒權機制。該機制預設被 rabbitmq 伺服器使能,并且是 python 用戶端 qpid 的預設選擇。


non-standard mechanism which demonstrates challenge-response authentication. this mechanism has security equivalent to plain, and is not  enabled by default in the rabbitmq server.

采用 challenge-response 鑒權機制的非标準機制。該機制在安全性上等價于 plain 機制,但預設不被 rabbitmq 伺服器使能。

the java client does not use the javax.security.sasl package by default since this can be unpredictable on non-oracle jdks and is missing entirely on android. there is a rabbitmq-specific sasl implementation, configured by the saslconfig interface. a class defaultsaslconfig is provided to make sasl configuration more convenient in the common case. a class jdksaslconfig is provided to act as a bridge tojavax.security.sasl.

see connectionfactory.getsaslconfig() and connectionfactory.setsaslconfig(saslconfig)

the erlang client provides its own sasl mechanism implementations in the amqp_auth_mechanisms module. the #amqp_params{} record can be provided with a list of authentication functions in preference order for network connections.

erlang 用戶端在子產品 amqp_auth_mechanisms 中給出了其自身 sasl 鑒權機制實作。記錄 #amqp_params{} 可被用于一系列就安全函數中,且記錄中内容的順尋決定了網絡連接配接使用的鑒權機制的順序。

the .net client provides its own sasl mechanism implementations based on the authmechanism andauthmechanismfactory interfaces. the connectionfactory.authmechanisms property is a list of authentication mechanism factories in preference order.