
在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll


server application unavailable

the web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable.  please hit the "refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.



在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll

我們會發現在事件檢視器中這個錯誤的 event id為1062,下面是錯誤的具體資訊: 

"在同一 iis 程序中不可能運作兩個不同的 asp.net 版本。請使用 iis 管理工具重新配置伺服器以在一個單獨的程序中運作應用程式。" 

在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll




慶幸的是,解決的辦法也很簡單。隻要建立一個應用程式池,然後将.net4的web應用程式轉移到新的應用池即可。一旦我們将網站或虛拟目錄轉移到新的應用程式池,我們就可以着手将web應用程式更新到新的.net framework版本。請參照下面的操作步驟進行應用池的建立和轉移。

在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll
在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll


compilation error  

description: an error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.  

compiler error message: cs2018: unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll' 

source error: 

[no relevant source lines] 

source file: line: 0 


在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll


asp.net state server 服務關閉了,開啟即可。asp.net state server服務預設是手動開啟的, 是以很多時候在伺服器重新開機後,asp.net state server 服務其實是停止狀态的,最好将該服務設成自動啟動。

server error in '/' application. 


  unable to make the session state request to the session state server. please ensure that the asp.net state service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. if the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\aspnet_state\parameters\allowremoteconnection.   

  description: an unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.   

  exception details: system.web.httpexception: unable to make the session state request to the session state server. please ensure that the asp.net state service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. if the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\aspnet_state\parameters\allowremoteconnection.


在”開始菜單→管理→服務”裡面啟動asp.net state server。啟動成功的話,應該能在任務管理器中看到下圖所示

在win2003上IIS部署可能出現的問題的解決方案一、在IIS上部署運作多個版本的ASP.NET Framework二、.NET 4.0 IIS伺服器報錯Unable to find messages file 'cscui.dll


