
hasoffers API 研究 Getting Started with the Brand API

hasoffers 官網 :  http://www.hasoffers.com/

hasoffers幫助文檔 : http://support.hasoffers.com/

hasoffers api文檔:  http://developers.hasoffers.com/#/brand

hasoffers背景登陸:  https://xxxx.hasoffers.com/loginxxxx為公司申請的賬号

最近研究了一段時間的hasoffers, 發現這家夥太強大了,一個廣告平台做如此強大,讓我等開發人員實在沒少費心思研究,現在把研究結果記錄下來,以供學習

in order to use the api, your network must be on the enterprise pricing plan or a dedicated solution.

all requests require an api key, which is a randomly generated string unique to your network.

ip address making request must have been submitted to the white-list for api access.

additionally, all requests require your network id.

api keys can be created from within the application:

log into the application and hover over the support tab in the navigation bar, and click on the "api" link from the drop-down.

if you don't already have an api key there will be a notice underneath the navigation bar with a link to create one.

once you've created one, the page will display your private api key. it will begin with the letters 'net'.

you can also talk to your account manager about creating and obtaining your api key

white-listing an ip address can be added from within the application:

hover over the support tab in the navigation bar and click on the api link from the drop-down.

there will be a box underneath your api key to submit an ip address to whitelist.

networks are limited to 50 api calls every 10 seconds. if you require a higher limit, please contact your account manager.

your network's api key and network id are used to authenticate requests through the api. every api request must have a valid api key and network id combination. when making an api request,use your api key value for the networktoken parameter,

and your network id for the networkid parameter.

加黑的是比較關鍵的兩個參數  api key = networktoken

 , network id  =   networkid 。提取關鍵内容才是最重要的。這兩個東西在support

api 中。

network id is demo

api key is netabc123

offer id is 42

request url:

sample response:


hasoffers API 研究 Getting Started with the Brand API