
AliSQL 介紹

alisql是基于mysql官方版本的一個分支,由阿裡雲資料庫團隊維護,目前也應用于阿裡巴巴集團業務以及阿裡雲資料庫服務。該版本在社群版的基礎上做了大量的性能與功能的優化改進。尤其适合電商、雲計算以及金融等行業環境。該版本性能優于社群版mysql 70%左右,可幫助中小企業和開發者提升資料營運能力。


針對電商秒殺場景,alisql有着特殊的優化,“在通用基準測試場景下,alisql版本比mysql官方版本有着 70% 的性能提升。在秒殺場景下,性能提升 100倍”

alisql is a mysql branch originated from alibaba group. it is based on the mysql official release and has many feature and performance enhancements. alisql has proven to be very stable and efficient in production environment. it can be used as a free, fully compatible, enhanced and open source drop-in replacement for mysql.

alisql has been an open source project since august 2016. it is being actively developed by engineers from alibaba group. moreover, it includes patches from percona, webscalesql, and mariadb. alisql is a fruit of community effort. everyone is welcomed to get involved.

<a href="https://github.com/alibaba/alisql">https://github.com/alibaba/alisql</a>