
How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

author:zz dives into the night with the wind

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

Peacock fish are very popular pet fish, and they can add a beautiful scenery to the fish tank at home. Although we all know that peacock fish will eat small fish that have just been born, they reproduce quickly, and after mating with females and males, they will give birth to small fish in a short time, so their reproduction is no problem. A week after the baby peacock fish are born, we can easily tell their sex. We can judge the gender of peacock fish by three aspects: body shape, color and fins.

Check the body shape and color of the peacock fish

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

See if the peacock fish is slender or round. There is a very clear difference in the body shape of male and female peacock fish. The body of the male peacock fish is slender, while the female peacock fish's body is generally larger than the male fish and is round. Sometimes females are even twice as large as males.

If the female peacock fish is pregnant, it will become more bloated and even feel a little rounded and square. As the time of pregnancy increases, it will become more and more rounded.

As peacock fish swim around in the tank, you can use a magnifying glass to see their size, size, and color.

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

Look at the size of the peacock fish. To better determine the sex of peacock fish, you can measure their length. Female peacock fish can grow up to about 6 cm long and are much larger than males in body shape, while male peacock fish can only grow up to about 3 cm long.

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

See if the peacock fish is brightly colored and whether there are rich patterns on the body. Compared with female peacock fish, male peacock fish are not only more colorful and colorful, but also have rich patterns on their bodies. Males are generally covered with orange, blue, purple, green, black and white stripes and spots on their bodies and tails. This color scheme helps them attract females.

Sometimes, though, this method of judging the gender of peacock fish by color and pattern doesn't necessarily work. Because some varieties of female peacock fish are also very colorful. Therefore, when distinguishing the gender of peacock fish, in addition to looking at the color, we had better look at what other differences are on their bodies, so that it is safer. You can check what varieties of peacock fish are available online, and then compare the color of your peacock fish and the pattern on the body to see which species they belong to.

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

Check the lower side of the peacock's tail for pregnancy spots. When you look at the shape and color of the peacock fish, you can get closer and find out if there are any pregnancy spots on the fish. The pregnancy spot is a dark spot located below the side of the body of the peacock fish, near the tail. This is a distinct feature of female peacock fish, which do not have pregnancy spots on the body.

As the female peacock fish becomes pregnant, the pregnancy spots on her body will become larger and darker. As the labor period approaches, you may still be able to see the small fish in its body near the pregnancy spots. After the baby fish is born, the color of the pregnancy spots on the female peacock fish will become lighter. When it becomes pregnant again, the color of the pregnancy spot will become darker again.

View the fins of the peacock fish

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

See the shape of the peacock fish's dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is the fin on the back of the fish, located 3-8 cm behind the head. The dorsal fin of the male peacock fish is relatively long, and when it swims in the water, the dorsal fin will follow, while the female peacock fish has a shorter dorsal fin and will not move when swimming.

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

See the shape of the peacock's tail fin. We can judge the gender of peacock fish by looking at the shape of their tails or tail fins. The brightly colored tail fins of the male peacock fish are not only wide and long, but also have beautiful patterns on them. The tail fins of females are shorter and narrower than those of males.

How to distinguish between male and female peacock fish

See the shape and length of the peacock fish's fins. The fin is located on the belly of the fish in front of the caudal fin and is smaller in size. The fins of male peacock fish are narrow and long, with some pointed tips at the ends. It transports sperm into the female through fins.

In contrast, the fins of female peacock fish are short and triangular. Its pregnancy spots are located just above the fin.

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