
The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

author:Bing said
The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

In April 1949, after crossing the river under Erye, the 18th Army entered the northwest region of Zhejiang on May 6, and the operational staff officer Miao Zhongqin rushed to Zhang Guohua with the messenger: "According to reliable information, the enemy's Anhui Security Brigade, the 3rd Brigade, the 5th Brigade, and other departments, together with their families and young students who were coerced, fled to the Kaihua County area of Zhejiang. After being hit by our army on the way to the south, it has turned to the vicinity of Hongqiao in the northwest region of Kaihua. ”

Zhang Guohua listened to the music: "Isn't this civilized?" How far are we from Hongqiao? ”

Miao Zhongqin replied affirmatively: "There are 30 miles." ”

Zhang Guohua thought for a moment and said, "The 52nd Division has already passed through the Kaihua area at this moment. ”

He immediately consulted with Tan Guansan and issued an order: "Pass the order, the 53rd Division Jin Shaoshan and Wang Qimei are near the town of Majin, controlling the main road, preparing to attack the enemy in Hongqiao; Luo Yegang and Yu Yanlin of the 54th Division are moving closer to me at full speed; Wu Zhong and Liu Zhenguo of the 52nd Division are sealing their mouths on the spot and blocking the enemy's way." ”

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

On the afternoon of May 7, 2 divisions of the 18th Army and the troops directly under the army had formed a three-sided encirclement of the enemy in Hongqiao, and under the order of Zhang Guohua, the 53rd Division took the lead in launching a surprise attack. After a night of fighting, Jiang Jun's gang of men and horses fell to pieces. By the afternoon of May 8, most of the Anhui enemy guard brigade and assault brigade were annihilated, and the enemy's 5th Brigade and 3rd Bao Brigade had to raise their hands and surrender under the pincers of the 18th Army. Anhui Chairman Zhang Yichun took advantage of the chaos to abscond with his remnants.

Zhang Guohua then ordered: "The 54th Division is responsible for the search and suppression, and must capture Zhang Yichun!" ”

At this time, on the high mountain north of Juling Village in Hongqiao, Zhang Yichun, chairman of the enemy's Anhui and commander of security, gathered more than 300 remnants and prepared to break out of the encirclement and take the sea route to Taiwan Island.

Looking at the frightened and scattered appearance of the remnants, Zhang Yichun said fiercely: "Commander-in-Chief Tang issued ten battle orders: First, those who disobeyed the order and retreated from the battle were killed; second, those who were not strong-willed and collaborated with the enemy and traitors were killed; third, those who left their posts without permission were killed; fourth, those who gave up their positions and could not be recovered were killed... These ten kills, kill well! If someone has two hearts for the party and the state, I zhang someone will do as Commander Tang said, let everyone's head fall to the ground, kill his entire family, and exterminate the Nine Tribes..."

Zhang Yichun's roar temporarily quieted the noisy remnants, and they each dug up their bunkers to hide, waiting for a breakthrough when it was dark.

The 160th Regiment of the 54th Division, which was responsible for searching and suppressing the remnants, discovered Zhang Yichun's whereabouts based on clues provided by local people. Fan Baiqing, chief of staff of the 160th Regiment, led 1 battalion of elite troops and surrounded the mountain.

Fan Boqing shouted, "Zhang Yichun, you are surrounded, you can't escape, quickly surrender!" ”

The soldiers shouted toward the mountain: "Brothers on the mountain, don't fight for Jiang Jun's life, surrender quickly, our commander invites you to eat bacon rice, dog meat and pork..."

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

The shouts spread to the mountain, and the remnants of the soldiers who had been fleeing for their lives for several days had long been hungry and shaken, and dozens of soldiers ran down the mountain with their hands held high, shouting as they ran: "We surrender..."

The chief of security staff next to Zhang Yichun saw the situation, became angry, and pulled out a pistol to shoot at the surrendered soldiers.

Seeing this, Fan Boqing raised a light machine gun and fired at the chief of security staff, and the remnants of the army on the mountain took the opportunity to run down the mountain. Zhang Yichun was dumbfounded, and stood stunned.

In the afternoon of the same day, Ruan Yunxi, deputy commander of the enemy's Anhui security and commander of the Southern Anhui Division, led more than 700 troops to surrender. At this point, the Battle of Majinling ended, annihilating 4,000 enemy troops and all 7,000 students.

When Zhang Yichun was escorted down the mountain, his face showed a helpless look. Also captured along with Zhang Yichun were Song Jiazuo, deputy brigade commander of the 5th Security Brigade; Mo Zhengtao, commander of the 14th Security Regiment; Zhu Yuanqi, deputy regimental commander; Song Peiyu, commander of the 16th Regiment; Chen Ziyin, deputy commander of the 4th Regiment; and Jiang Jun's Anhui department chief. At this time, the 18th Army headquarters had been stationed in the small town of Chinatown south of Kaihua. After the captives were sent to Chinatown, they were concentrated in a school.

Zhang Guohua inspected the prisoners' clean-up work at the school, and it was time for dinner, when he saw Zhang Yichun devouring a bowl of bacon and rice, so he stepped forward and said to him: "I'm sorry, my soldiers promised you so many delicious food, I can't take it!" Let's eat it! ”

Zhang Yichun ate three bowls in a row and was not enough. Zhang Guohua dissuaded: "Don't eat, if you eat it again, your stomach will break!" ”

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

【Zhang Yichun】

Sensing his gaffe, Zhang Yichun wiped his mouth with his hand and said with emotion: "Old Chiang Kai-shek appointed me to be the commander of the corps, and asked me to arrest Anhui students to expand the troops, and also said that if I could fight, I would take the sea route to Taiwan Island. I heard that your army used to fight guerrillas in the mountains, and I really don't know how to survive it, admire, admire. Your army does not torture the prisoners to extract confessions, but gives them humane treatment, and I will definitely become a man again. ”

"I can also reveal to you a piece of information that we in Erye have occupied Guixi, Shangrao, Quxian, Jinhua, and other places along the Zhejiang-Gansu Railway, and annihilated one unit each of Chiang Kai-shek's 68th, 88th, 106th, and 73rd Armies in the pursuit operation."

Looking at zhang Guohua's departing back, Zhang Yichun muttered to himself: "Incredible! ”

"The military commander, Chen Zizhi, the principal of the camp school, reported that the head of the second field arranged for the camp school to do the work of taking over Nanjing." Guo Yingqiu rushed from the military headquarters to the school to report the good news to Zhang Guohua.

"Oh, the camp school has been entrusted with a heavy responsibility." Zhang Guohua said happily.

"When Commander Liu inspected the school with the camp, Lin Liang, the political commissar of the school, reported the number of cadres and students in our cadres, and Commander Liu praised the large number of cadres we had in reserve, so he let the 18th Army accompany the school take over the work."

"Well, let them conscientiously implement the instructions, abide by discipline, complete tasks with high quality, and highlight the quality of cadres of the 18th Army!"

"Yes!" Guo Yingqiu turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Zhang Guohua stopped Guo Yingqiu and instructed, "We are about to march to Jiangxi, and these prisoners will be sent to the Shangrao concentration camp for labor reform, because these prisoners are of a higher rank, and they must arrange competent cadres to be responsible." The Shangrao concentration camp was a place where Chiang Kai-shek specially imprisoned prisoners of war of the New Fourth Army after the Anhui Incident, and unexpectedly, after several years, they entered the prison they had built. ”

"Rest assured, Commander."

At this time, Zhang Guohua's nickname of "landlord" spread in Erye, but he did not know it. The origin of this nickname has to start from the Yuwan Soviet Military Region.

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

When he was the commander of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, Zhang Guohua attached great importance to the training of cadres, appointing people on the basis of merit and giving full play to their talents. Knowing that Lin Liang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Political Department, was a student of Tsinghua University and had worked in the student union, Zhang Guohua arranged for him to be specifically in charge of training party and government cadres in the Yuwan And Anhui Soviet Union. When he conquered Kaifeng for the second time, Zhang Guohua asked Lin Liang to go to various colleges and universities in Kaifeng to mobilize students and young intellectuals to join the army, and more than a thousand young people from the Kaifeng Jianguo Academy alone mobilized more than a thousand young people to join the army, and almost the whole school was dispatched. After the formation of the 18th Army, under the personal mobilization of Zhang Guohua, more than 2,000 intellectuals in the Yuwan-Anhui Soviet Border Region joined the 18th Army's camp school in the name of the "Southbound Task Force." After Hua Nan, the political commissar of the 18th Army's camp school, was ordered to transfer to Sanye, Lin Liang served as the political commissar and Chen Zizhi was appointed as the principal, and they led the camp school to participate in the Battle of the River Crossing, and in early May they were stationed in Nanjing.

After the liberation of Nanjing, the Military Control Commission was set up, and there were all aspects of the takeover work to be done, but most of the troops still had combat tasks and could not draw out the takeover personnel. Liu Bocheng personally summoned the heads of the schools accompanying the camp and deployed to take over the work. Commander Liu asked about the personnel of the school one by one, and when asked how many people were in the 18th Army's school, Lin Liang replied: "More than 4500 people." The whole audience was in an uproar, and the 18th Army's school personnel were even more than the students of the party schools of other military schools combined! Liu Bocheng immediately handed over the task of taking over to the 18th Army. Since then, Zhang Guohua has had the nickname of "landlord" in the military, and this "landlord" refers specifically to wealthy cadres.

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

When marching toward Jiangxi, it was the rainy season, and the umbrellas of many comrades were in tatters, and the most difficult thing was the shoe problem. Entering the mountain slag path, the stone slag was as sharp as a knife, and the cloth bottom "pro-army shoes" soaked by the rain cement slurry stepped on it, and it was ground off layer by layer. A new pair of shoes put on the feet, and it took less than a day to wear them.

Seeing that the warriors were about to fight barefoot, Zhang Guohua was very anxious in his heart. Suddenly, he thought that the straw shoes he used to wear could deal with the stone slag road, so he called on everyone to make straw shoes. He personally taught the soldiers to weave straw shoes, so that the problem was solved in time when logistics were difficult to supply.

In late May, the 18th Army reached Leping County in northeastern Jiangxi. At this time, striking similarities appeared on the operational maps of the Second Field Army from its headquarters to the command posts at the corps, corps, and division levels. A group of red arrows extends firmly to the south and west in the shape of a pincer, and where each jaw bites, it means an encirclement, a total annihilation, the difference is only from the division headquarters to the headquarters, the first level is thicker and larger than the first level jaws. The news of the liberation of Shanghai on May 27 and the liberation of Chongming Island by the Third Field Army on June 2 reached Leping.

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

Zhang Guohua and Tan Guansan discussed and tried to solve the problem of lack of daily necessities during the recuperation period. The Logistics Department specially arranged for 4 comrades to rush to Shanghai to purchase daily necessities such as towels, soap, and toothbrushes to supply the troops. A few days later, the comrades of the Logistics Department unloaded 6 truckloads of supplies from the two wagons, distributed them to the troops in a timely manner, and also opened a military shop to solve the urgent needs of commanders and fighters.

On the day of rest, the 5th Branch of the Second Field Army Military and Political University was established, and Jiang Siyi and Kuang Bin were transferred to the branch as presidents and vice presidents. In addition to paying attention to the reorganization and training of the troops, Zhang Guohua also attached great importance to propaganda work. He, Tan Guansan and Wang Youping visited and comforted the staff of the Jianjun Bao and the printing plant. He also specially asked Guo Yingqiu to go to the cultural troupe to mobilize, and instructed the cultural troupe to re-rehearse plays such as "The Red Army Is Back," "Little Cattle Herding," and "Li Chuangwang" to perform condolence performances in the troops.

"The Red Army has returned", the scene of the mother opening her arms to welcome her son's return in the sunset afterglow, churned in Zhang Guohua's mind. Closer and closer to home, Zhang Guohuasi's mood is like aged wine, more and more intense...

(To be continued)

The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]
The 18th Army surrounded the Anhui Security Commander: Surrender quickly! Our military commander invites you to eat bacon [Founding Lieutenant General Zhang Guohua 45]

[Note: The author of the "Jinggang Mountain" that came out of Jinggang Mountain - Zhang Guohua's biography still has a small number of books.] If necessary, you can contact us by private message. Veterans of the 18th Army who participated in the counterattack against India, the author presented this book, until the end of the gift]

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