
After the chip and the seed, the breeding pig also fell into the worry of the card neck, why the domestic breed is not popular

author:Gentle landscaping

Speaking of "card neck", most people think of China's chips, because the domestic chip production technology started late, the current chip production technology is basically monopolized by foreign countries, the chips used by China's science and technology enterprises are completely imported, even if there are their own research and development chips, they eventually need to borrow foreign companies for processing. In fact, not only chips, but also two major problems in the agricultural field, one is the seed of the planting industry, and the other is the breeding pig of the breeding industry.

After the chip and the seed, the breeding pig also fell into the worry of the card neck, why the domestic breed is not popular

Recently, the People's Daily published an article saying that China's breeding pigs encounter the risk of "stuck neck", to know that China is not only the world's largest pork consumption country, but also the world's largest amount of breeding, such a large volume of pigs we raise more than 90% of the foreign breeds, while domestic breeds are facing the risk of extinction. According to the "13th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Utilization of National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources" issued by the former Ministry of Agriculture, 37 pig breeds in China are endangered, endangered or extinct, of which 8 breeds of pigs such as Hongqiao pig and Hengjing pig have become extinct, and 5 breeds such as Bihu pig and fork road black pig are endangered.

After the chip and the seed, the breeding pig also fell into the worry of the card neck, why the domestic breed is not popular

More frightening is that our country has entered the vicious circle of breeding pigs, every year China will introduce a large number of breeding pigs from abroad, can be introduced into the domestic breeding, the breed advantage will be degraded, and then have to introduce seeds again, according to statistics in 2020, China imported 32,000 breeding pigs from abroad, of which Yunnan Province imported 8225 heads, becoming the province with the most imported breeding pigs in the country.

At present, most of the sows raised in China's pig farms are imported hybrid breeds, and the foreign breeds of domestic manufacturers include 6 varieties of long white pig, large white pig, Duroc, Pitland, Hampshire, etc., of which the breeding volume of 3 breeds of long white pig, large white pig and Duroc pig accounts for more than 90% of the total breeding volume. Most farms raise binary sows that are crossed between long white pigs and large white pigs, and then use binary sows to cross with Duroc to hand over ternary pigs and use ternary pigs to fatten them.

After the chip and the seed, the breeding pig also fell into the worry of the card neck, why the domestic breed is not popular

So what is the reason why domestic varieties are not popular? First of all, the consumer demand has changed, in the last century all kinds of resources are scarce, in order to meet the needs of daily life of the oil, most of the local varieties in our country are working in the direction of fat varieties, and with the development of our country, the material is enriched, plant oils and fats can fully meet the needs of daily life, the current people are more accustomed to consuming lean meat with low fat content, at this time the imported varieties with higher lean meat rate have gained favor. Secondly, before the domestic did not pay attention to the protection of breeds, because breeding pig breeding requires a lot of manpower and financial resources, most enterprises choose to introduce breeds to meet the needs of breeds, even if some enterprises have established local breeding pig core farms, but because of the breeding input is low output, or even zero output, enterprises will continue to introduce seeds from abroad in order to make a profit.

After the chip and the seed, the breeding pig also fell into the worry of the card neck, why the domestic breed is not popular

The occurrence of non-plague has aggravated the concerns of pig breeds, according to experts, the national breeding pig core group has dropped by about 30% compared with before the occurrence of African swine fever, because most of the local breeds are concentrated in the hands of free-range households and small and medium-sized pig farms, and small and medium-sized large-scale pig farms and free-range farmers are not conducive to non-plague prevention and control, and they have withdrawn from the pig industry after the onset of the disease, even if the breeding pig farms are also facing the threat of non-plague, some breeding pigs are still facing death and culling after the onset of the disease.

Fortunately, the problem of breed has attracted the attention of some enterprises, before the chairman of the New Hope Group Liu Yonghao has publicly stated that many of China's original breeding pigs are imported, this pattern must be changed, we must have our own breeding pigs, to solve the problem of localization of breeding pigs.

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