
Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

author:Yijun shushu

Almost everyone who has received compulsory education has felt the fear of being dominated by Lu Xun's works.

When I was a child, I always loved to complain, what did the old man write so many articles for, what others wrote was called articles, lu xun wrote that was called examination points, and every sentence had to ponder his meaning.

I bet there is no writer who thinks of expressing a meaning for every sentence he writes. Didn't Lu Xun need to make up the word count? After all, his writing fee is so high, and there is such a large number of people to support. How normal is it to mix some water in the article! You have to touch a fish at work!

However, after growing up, when I went to read Lu Xun again, there was no pressure of examination, but I could indeed taste the subtlety in Lu Xun's works.

I had to spit a groove, and when a teenage child read Lu Xun, he really could only swallow the jujube and read about it. Even if you chew every sentence once, you can't spell out the deep meaning in Lu Xun's article.

In any case, Lu Xun's popularity is by no means lower than any traffic star. Although there may not be so many people who fan him, there are really not many who do not know Lu Xun.

So what kind of experience would it be to be Lu Xun's grandson and look exactly like his grandfather?

Recently, Lu Xun's grandson Zhou Lingfei was on the hot search, and he talked about his feelings of living under the aura of his grandfather for many years.

I have to say that Lu Xun's grandson and Lu Xun are really very similar. Put two photos and you can feel it:

This picture is very familiar to you, Lu Xun Buddha-figure.

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

This is lu xun's old look, no, this is lu xun's grandson's old look.

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

Vision look:

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

It cannot be said that it is very similar, but it can only be said that it is exactly the same. Genes are amazing!

Zhou Lingfei is Lu Xun's grandson, zhou Haiying's eldest son, grandmother Xu Guangping and mother Ma Xinyun, although they also have a share, but they are not reflected in their appearance at all.

No matter how Zhou Lingfei looked, it looked like it was directly cloned from Lu Xun's Buddha-figure.

As Lu Xun's grandson, from childhood to adulthood, he was not less tired of his grandfather's fame.

No matter which school he attended, the first thing the teacher did was to introduce himself to his classmates, who was Lu Xun's grandson.

Then the classmates ignored his real name and called him "Lu Xun's grandson!" Zhou Lingfei himself felt that this title sounded a bit like a curse, but he couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

Every teacher would say to him in a serious tone: Lu Xun is a great person, you must also do a good job, you must behave well. And the Chinese teacher has special requirements: your grandfather's article is very good, and your composition must be particularly well written.

Every time I learned Lu Xun's text, everyone pointed out to Zhou Lingfei behind my back: I have to memorize your grandfather's article again!

Just thinking about it makes people "die socially".

Imagine a scenario like this:

Scenario 1:

Teacher: Zhou Lingfei, memorizing texts.

JC: Teacher, I won't.

Teacher: Your grandfather's article you can't memorize? Go back and copy it 10 times.

Scenario 2:

Student: Grandson Lu Xun, what does your grandfather mean by writing this sentence?

JC: I don't even know, I haven't even seen my grandfather's face.

Classmate: Your grandson... Too unqualified.

Scenario 3:

Teacher: Zhou Lingfei, you can't write essays, Lu Xun's grandson, how can you write articles?


All this made Zhou Lingfei overwhelmed, and as soon as he graduated from middle school, he wanted to join the army.

On the one hand, he wanted to go to a place where no one knew that he was Lu Xun's grandson; on the other hand, when he was a soldier, don't endorse it and learn Lu Xun's texts!

I couldn't imagine that people didn't want him at first. The reason is that Lu Xun's descendants will certainly not be able to suffer.


It is not very hurtful and extremely insulting.

Lu Xun was not known for his pampering. At best, he is a literati, and he has no power to bind the chicken, but he is not unable to suffer!

Zhou Lingfei had no choice but to go to the military deputies to perform bittersweet reminiscences, nibble on the nest head, sweep the floor...

In the end, the military representative finally approved and agreed to Zhou Lingfei's enlistment.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of the recruit's enlistment, when the company commander rolled out his name, he was actually called like this: Zhou Lingfei, Lu Xun's grandson.

It is estimated that at that moment, he wanted to die.

Before it was over, he was assigned to a health clinic. Zhou Lingfei couldn't understand what this operation was, he just wanted to be a soldier in his duty, why did he go to the health center?

The above is to tell him: Lu Xun originally studied medicine, and only later abandoned medicine to follow The Text, you want to complete your grandfather's unfinished business.

Zhou Lingfei: ...

Ironically, not long after, the company commander told him again: You are Lu Xun's grandson, and it must be very good to write articles. Come and be our correspondent and write for us!

Zhou Lingfei's heart was broken: No! Again? So my grandfather abandoned the doctor and followed the text, and my fate had to abandon the doctor and follow the text?

But there was no way, and the military orders of the soldiers were like mountains. Since the leader has arranged it, let's write it!

But he didn't have grandpa's fountain of thought, stayed up late until two or three o'clock, still couldn't write, and couldn't sleep. The platoon leader looked at him like this and took out a cigarette to refresh him.

Zhou Lingfei was stunned and said: I will not.

The platoon leader said: How is that possible, Mr. Lu Xun smoked fiercely.

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

Zhou Lingfei could probably write a memoir called "A Life Shrouded in Grandpa's Aura."

I don't know why, Chinese like to connect father and son together. What a tiger father without a dog, Lao Tzu hero good man. This may be related to the fact that Chinese pay more attention to door wind and door valve. In history, there are indeed many typical examples of the whole family being "cow not a nor c".

For example, a three fathers and sons are very good at writing articles, "three Cao" - Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi,

"Three Sus" - Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui.

The family is very good at calligraphy: Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Wang Xun.

There are more people who are good at leading soldiers to fight, such as Yue Jiajun, Yang Jiajun, Xue Jiajun, Hu Jiajun, and so on.

But that's not so much genetic as it is about the inclination of education and resources.

Speaking of resource tilt, I can't help but remind people of the dean's father who recently took his scientific research results to the son of a junior high school student to participate in the Junior Science and Technology Innovation Competition.

Looking exactly like Grandpa, what it was like to be Lu Xun's grandson

This is not the first time this has happened, and clear-eyed people know what is going on. The dean's father's scientific research results are the same as those of his junior high school son, which is obviously to pave the way for his son with the results of grass-roots scientific researchers under his hands.

The same is the resource tilt, eating compared to the ancients is far worse.

At least Sansu and Sancao did not take the poems written by Lao Tzu as poems written by their sons. Read two more books to my son at most, and try to make my son's poetry more exposed in the literary world.

It is as if Lu Xun did not write an article and not publish it, leaving it to his son and grandson to publish!

The instructor below didn't even understand this principle. Also say what "big hand holding small hand". If the big hand can be pulled so easily, then what highly educated talents are recruited to engage in scientific research. Junior high school students can be competent, recruit a high school student, undergraduate students are not more than enough?

It's 2021, or don't do any door valves! Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu, a son is a son, and a grandson is a grandson.

Lu Xun's grandson didn't have to write articles or smoke.

The dean's son does not have to take his father's scientific research results to participate in the Junior Science and Technology Innovation Competition.

The point is, my girlfriend, she is not able to write articles, the composition of the composition of the writing bullshit does not make sense, what did I say...

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