
At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

At 3:30 p.m. local time on the 13th, US President Trump held a press conference on the South Lawn of the White House and declared a "national emergency" to deal with the new crown virus.

Trump and many U.S. health care practitioners and officials present almost repeatedly touched the microphone and the podium during their speeches.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

At the press conference, Trump also shook hands with officials and business executives in attendance.

Only Bruce Greenstein, executive vice president of the home care company LHC Group, rejected Trump's outstretched right hand and instead "elbowed" it.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand
At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

"I like it, it's good." After "elbow bumping" with Bruce Greenstein, Trump said awkwardly but politely.

Hand, grip or no grip?

Because of the recommendation of the US health department, Trump's handshake at the press conference attracted a lot of criticism.

Previously, in order to minimize the possibility of contracting the virus, U.S. health officials have advised everyone not to shake hands, in order to protect themselves to maintain a certain "social distance" from others, tom Frieden, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also encouraged people to touch the elbow as a "pleasure."

Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, also said that when the epidemic spreads, Americans should greet each other with bows.

On March 5, as the head of the united states to prevent and control the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Vice President Pence went to Washington state to learn about the spread of the new crown virus, and greeted Washington Governor Jay Insley and other officials who came to greet him.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

On March 10, Pence gave a daily briefing at the White House on the epidemic, giving people some advice on how to prevent the epidemic, including avoiding shaking hands with others. But earlier in the day, Trump shook hands with retired U.S. Gen. Jack Keane at a White House recognition ceremony.

When asked by reporters if he and Trump would also stop shaking hands, Pence replied, "In our work, when someone wants to shake hands with us, we will reach out and shake hands with them." ”

However, according to the British "Daily Mail" reported on March 12, when Trump met with visiting Irish Prime Minister Leo Valadekar at the White House on the same day, the two greeted each other with their hands together in front of the media.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

Multiple close contacts of Trump have been confirmed

Trump's own health has been widely concerned, and he has been in close contact with a number of people who tested positive for the new crown virus.

On Feb. 29, Trump attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where one participant was later diagnosed with the coronavirus.

The report mentioned that the participant did not have contact with Trump or Pence, nor did he participate in the event held in the main hall that day. But two officials who attended the meeting with Trump, Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia and Rep. Matt Gates of Florida, have been in contact with those infected. Both have since had close encounters with Trump.

On March 5, Doug Collins and Trump visited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Georgia. CNN reported that photos of the day showed Collins shaking hands with Trump on the tarmac in Georgia.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

On March 7, Matt Gates and Trump had dinner at Mar-a-Lago, and on the 9th, he also shared a presidential car and an "Air Force One" presidential plane with Trump, and cnn reported that the distance between the two was "less than a few feet".

On March 9, Doug Collins and Matt Gates announced "self-isolation."

According to the Washington Post and other US media reports, at least three invited visitors to the Trump Mar-a-Lago dinner last weekend have tested positive for the new crown virus.

One is Fabio Vaengartten, spokesman for the Brazilian Presidency.

Last week, Wangarten accompanied Brazilian President Bolsonaro on a visit to the United States, and on March 7 at Mar-a-Lago, he attended Bolsonaro's meeting and dinner with Trump and took a photo with Trump. Earlier on social media, Vanngarten posted a photo of him with Trump, which showed him standing next to him.

After the Brazilian delegation returned to Brazil in the early morning of the 11th local time, Wangarten developed symptoms and was tested for the new crown virus. Currently, Vanngarten is under quarantine observation.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

△ Wengarteng (first from the right)

The other was Nestor Foster, Brazil's ambassador to the United States.

Foster was also part of the Brazilian delegation that accompanied Brazilian President Bolsonaro to meet Trump in the United States. The Brazilian Embassy in the United States tweeted that according to the doctor's advice, Foster, who was already in a state of "self-isolation", would extend his quarantine period by another two weeks.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

There is also Karina Kufa, a lawyer for the President of Brazil.

She has also visited the United States with Brazilian President Bolsonaro. On the evening of the 13th, she said on social media that she tested positive for the new crown pneumonia virus. Karina Kufa said she self-isolated when she learned of Wangarten's health and is currently in good condition.

At a press conference at the White House on the 13th, Trump said that although he had contact with Brazilian government officials who were subsequently diagnosed with new crown pneumonia last week, he himself does not have any symptoms and is not ready to take preventive measures.

Trump also said he would be tested for covid-19 .19. Asked when he would be tested, he replied "very quickly".

"The U.S. pandemic could get worse"

Fast forward to mid-March, and the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading in the United States.

According to real-time statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 10:30 a.m. Beijing time on March 14, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the United States has reached 2176, with 47 deaths and 12 cured.

Among them, the outbreaks in Washington, New York and California are more severe.

As of the evening of the 13th, Washington State has confirmed a total of 568 cases and 37 deaths. Washington Governor Jay Insley announced on the 13th that all schools will be closed until April 27.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on the 13th that the number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in New York State reached 421, of which 50 were treated in hospitals. Cuomo said New York State will begin testing for the new coronavirus on its own, with 28 laboratories already approved to test and expecting to test about 6,000 samples a day next week.

At present, the health departments of many states in the United States are stepping up preparations for the outbreak response and building temporary testing areas.

Trump admitted at the White House press conference on the 13th that the epidemic in the United States may get worse, and the next 8 weeks are very critical. He said that he was happy to see that China's new crown pneumonia related data showed very good signs, the number of confirmed cases has decreased significantly, and China has shared a lot of data with the United States, which is very helpful for the United States to control the epidemic.

At the White House press conference, only he refused to shake Trump's hand

At the press conference, Trump declared the U.S. into a "national emergency," which would free up $50 billion in funding to help state and local governments respond to COVID-19.

He also said that with the participation of public testing agencies, the united states will complete 1.4 million new coronavirus tests next week, and 5 million new crown virus tests are expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Wen | Reporter Dong Xin of Beiqing Daily

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

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