
My understanding of the classic sentences of Chinese medicine

author:Medical essays

Article 1: The spleen is the source of sputum, and the lungs are the organs for storing sputum

Usually we understand this sentence as follows: the production of sputum is mainly related to the lungs and spleen. The lungs breathe mainly, regulating the entry and exit of qi and the rise and fall of qi. When evil qi invades the lungs, it is easy to cause the jin fluid in the lungs to condense into sputum. The spleen is mainly transported, that is, the digestion and delivery of nutrients to the organs. If the wet evil invades the human body, or overthinks, fatigue and poor diet, it can hurt the spleen and make it lose its transportation function, causing the water to stop condensing into phlegm.

Then we should think that the spleen loses its transport function, causing the water to stop inside the wet, the water wet stop should be water to drink, water drink and phlegm wet is not the same, water drinking can only become phlegm after fire refining.

Let's review the functions of the spleen:

(1) Spleen main transport

Spleen main transport, transport, refers to transport; meta refers to absorption and digestion. Spleen main transport, refers to the spleen has the physiological function of converting dietary substances into nutrients needed by the human body, and absorbing and transporting these nutrients useful to the human body to the required parts.

(1) Yunhua Water Valley: The transport of food and beverages by the spleen can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage is: after the diet enters the stomach, it depends on the "rotting" and peristalsis of the stomach, turning the food into porridge, passing through the pylorus and duodenum and entering the small intestine, and this process must rely on the help of temper (function) to complete. The second stage is: after the chyros reaches the small intestine, through the "chemical" function of the small intestine, the chyme is "cleared", thereby decomposing into useful nutrients and useless dross for the human body, in order to thoroughly digest the diet. And this digestive process must also rely on the spleen's healthy function to complete. The third stage is to help the intestines absorb nutrients from the diet. The gastrointestinal tract through the help of temper, after the completion of the digestion of the diet and "urinary turbidity", the diet through digestion of the nutrients separated, but also need to be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, and then can be infused to the whole body, for the needs of the human body. This process must also rely on the transport function of temper to complete. Because the spleen has the function of digesting the diet, absorbing and transporting the subtle substances of the diet, and the nutrients are necessary for human life activities, and are also an important source of materials for the generation of qi, blood and sperm, the spleen is considered in the "Inner Classics" to be the "foundation of the day after tomorrow" and the source of qi and blood generation. This is in common with the fact that "soil" in nature can nourish all things.

(2) Transporting water and liquid: The spleen also has the function of transporting water and liquid while transporting subtle water valleys. The spleen mainly transports water, which means that the spleen has the effect of absorbing and infusing water to prevent the water from stagnating too much in the body, so as to maintain the relative balance of water and liquid in the human body. Therefore, the spleen maintains the function of relative balance of water and fluid, also known as transporting water wetness. Drinking the water of the human body, through the absorption of the spleen and the role of clothing, reaches all parts of the body, and plays a role in nourishing and moisturizing. At the same time, the spleen will be the body's metabolism of excess water, timely transfer to the human lungs and kidneys, and through the lung publicity and suppression function and kidney vaporization, through sweat, urine, breathing, stool and excretion.

(2) The spleen is purified.

The spleen lord shengqing is also called "temper master ascension". To rise is to rise. Qing refers to the subtle substances in the diet. Because the spleen is transported, after the diet enters the stomach, after the digestion, absorption and clothing of the spleen, the nutrients and liquids in the diet are transported to the heart, lungs, head, face, and eye, and through the promotion and publicity of the heart and lungs, the necessary substances for human nutrition are changed to nourish the whole body.

From the review, we can summarize the following points:

1. The spleen has the ability to assist the stomach to digest the diet, assist the small intestine to clear the turbidity, and transport the diet to the whole body;

2. The spleen has the function of absorbing and infusing water, maintaining the relative balance of water, transferring excess water after the metabolism of the human body to the lungs and kidneys of the human body in time, and excreting through sweat, urine, breathing and stool through the promotion and suppression function of the lungs and the vaporization of the kidneys.

3. Transport the nutrients and liquids in the diet to the heart, lungs, head, face and eyes, and change the necessary substances to generate human nutrition through the promotion and publicity of the heart and lungs to nourish the whole body.

From this, we can see that the spleen should inject water and nutrients into the lungs, and metabolize them through the promotion and suppression of the lungs. Then, when the evil qi invades the lungs, causing the jin fluid in the lungs to condense into phlegm, the lung's propaganda and suppression function is abnormal, and the subtle substances and water injected by the spleen are no longer the essence, but become the burden of the lungs, just like the sputum in the lungs has not been cleaned up, and the spleen is constantly infused with water, resulting in the source of new sputum. This is the original intention of the spleen as the source of phlegm.

Clinical encounter with more phlegm patients, some doctors think that phlegm is caused by spleen deficiency, the use of four gentlemen healthy spleen, plus the drug to clear the lungs and dissolve phlegm, think that it is foolproof, in fact, the four gentlemen healthy spleen, strengthen the spleen to the lungs to transport water to the function, increase the burden of the lungs, sputum more and more. Always not clean.

The treatment of phlegm, the spleen is the key, that is, convergence of the temper, so that its function of infusion is weakened, to the surrounding, downward transmission is strengthened, the spleen is combined with the spleen at the same time, the spleen is wet, the spleen is dry and wet, so as to reduce the burden of the lungs from the source, and then slightly add the drug of clearing the phlegm of the lungs, and the treatment of phlegm is effective very quickly.

The commonly used medicines for the spleen are Qi Shi, White Lotus Seed, Cang Shu...

Article 2: All pains and itchy sores belong to the heart

Quote from "Su Qing , The Great Theory of Truth". It is one of the nineteen articles of the sick machine. Generations of physicians, each expressing his own opinion. Opinions differ, and the main differences are = : First, the mistake of believing that "" is "fire", Jin Liu Wansu changed this verse to "all pain and itch sores belong to fire" ("Su Qing Xuan Ji Original Disease Formula"). There are many families in the future. Gao Shizong changed it to "all pain and sores belong to fire"; second, the relationship between pain, itch and sores is understood differently, with pain and itch as symptoms of sores, and pain, itch and sores as three independent diseases. Each has its own reasoning, but it is inevitable to lose its bias and not fulfill its intentions, Professor Zhang Zhenyu through a typical illness, so that the meaning of this article is clearly revealed, and the case examples are as follows:

man. He was 63 years old and was first diagnosed on 28 April 2000. Due to chest tightness and toothache for 5 days, rash and itching around the body 3 days. The beneficiary has a history of coronary heart disease, palpitations, chest tightness, and gum swelling and pain, headache before 5 days. Then the rash around the body, red color, itching, linked into a piece. And the itch is very much at night, and the morning rise gradually decreases. Poor sleep in many dreams, short urine, yellow color, normal stool, red tongue, thin white moss, weak pulse number. EcG shows insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries, normal urinary routine, pulse evidence combined with ginseng, and the diagnosis is insufficient heart qi and hypercardia. Cure to nourish the heart with invigorating blood and purify the heart.

After taking 3 doses of the drug, the rash subsided and the headache was relieved. Palpitations, chest tightness and toothache are greatly reduced, sleep can be, two stools are adjusted. Followed by 2 doses. Toothache relieved, palpitations, chest tightness significantly reduced, but after exertion occasionally feel chest tightness, hold your breath above to fry gardenia, followed by 6 doses, follow-up for half a year did not recur.

Press:: The evidence in this case is that the heart is insufficient and the heart is hyper-tempered. Heart main blood vein, insufficient heart qi, weak blood transport, slow blood flow, stasis in the pulse is palpitations, chest tightness; blood vein stasis, not through the pain and headache; stasis blood obstruction, hot and hot, heart fire is swollen gum pain; heart pulse stasis, qi and blood loss, camp guard disorder, coupled with hot and poisonous fire on the skin is rash, itching. Although the disease is more complicated. But the cause of the pathogenesis is the lack of qi in the heart. Marked as hyperthermia, the treatment is mainly to nourish the heart and blood, and also to purify the heart and fire. Angelica and danshen are both in the Heart Sutra. To replenish the heart pulse and pass through the blood line, it is the medicine for the heart; Sichuan root is the qi medicine in the blood, and the yujin is the blood in the qi

Medicine, two medicines to activate the blood, through the network to relieve pain; Sichuan Qiantong up and down and with the Qianyang Anshen sheng keel, the two rise and fall, so that there is a rise in the fall, a rise in the rise, a degree of lifting; Poria Jian Spleen Li Qi. Entering the lungs and spleens, and the lungs and spleen are most closely related to the heart, the use of poria can supplement the lungs and spleens to help the heart qi; fried gardenia to purify the heart and fire; night vine to nourish the heart and calm the mind; sand kernels, licorice to wake up the spleen, and fund the source of qi and blood biochemistry. Reconcile the medicines.

The second diagnosis of itching rash subsided, headache, sleep aberration relief. Toothache is greatly reduced. It shows that the fire of floating is gradually dissipating, so the keel and the night vine are born. Add Burning Yuanzhi, Astragalus, Dang Ginseng, and Fried White Technique to strengthen the work of nourishing the heart and strengthening the qi.

Three diagnoses: the heart fire has dissipated. Then go to fry the mast. Concentrate on regulating qi and blood, nourishing the heart, and supplementing the whole party in the middle of the pass, nourishing the diarrhea, first clearing and then nourishing, attacking and supplementing.

The patient has a rash and itching that is pronounced. However, there is no product in the formula to dispel wind and relieve itching, and the medicine is eliminated. As the saying goes: "All the pains and itches belong to the heart"

The third sentence: "Spring and summer yang and autumn and winter yang"

Spring main birth, summer main long, growth belongs to the yang, the so-called spring and summer yang, that is, health care and longevity. Spring and summer, the weather from cold to warm, from warm to hot, is the time when the human body's yang grows, so it should be mainly to regulate the yang; yang is the root of yin, and the yang of spring and summer is to raise the yin of autumn and winter (yin and yang mutual roots). And the spring and summer sun is flourishing on the outside and the void on the inside, so it should also be nourished by the yang of the inner void.

Spring yang, the body is raising "birth": spring is the first of the four hours, the beginning of the renewal of Vientiane, "Su Qing? The Great Theory of the Four Qis: "Spring and March, this is called the development of Chen, the heavens and the earth are born, and all things are proud", so the spring health in the spirit, diet, living, sports, etc., should conform to the characteristics of spring Yang Qi, all things are born, pay attention to the protection of Yang Qi, pay attention to a "life" word.

Summer yang, the emphasis on raising "long": summer scorching sun, geothermal transpiration, abundant rain, is the natural world of all things prosperous, into the season of reality, summer health abdomen conforms to the characteristics of summer yang flourishing outside, pay attention to the yang, pay attention to a "long" word.

"Autumn and winter yin" health care method: autumn main harvest, winter main collection, collection of yin, the so-called autumn and winter yin, that is, the adoption of the collection. In autumn and winter, the climate gradually becomes cooler, which is the time when the human body's yang qi converges and the yin essence lurks inside, so it should be mainly to maintain the yin essence. Yin is the basis of yang, and the yin of autumn and winter is to raise the yang of spring and summer, and the yin of autumn and winter is on the outside and worried about the inside, so it should be nourished with the yin of the inner void. Autumn yin, the emphasis is on raising "harvest": autumn heat gradually disappears, the climate is cool and dry, is the yang gradually harvested, yin gradually long, all things mature and harvest season, so autumn health, are to raise "harvest" as the key.

Winter yin, emphasis on raising "Hiding": winter temperature drops, cold and frozen, all things are hidden, at this time the yang qi is hidden, the yin liquid is easy to lose inside, the stinging insects still use hibernation to nourish the vitality of the coming spring to prepare for the vitality of the coming spring, human beings should conform to the laws of nature, so the winter health should be "hidden" as the principle, keep warm and cold as the key method, so that the yin essence is hidden inside, and the yang qi will not leak out.

The fourth sentence: "Cure the wind before cure the blood, and the blood will destroy itself."

"Cure the wind before curing the blood, and the blood style will destroy itself" Quote Ming Li Zhongzi "Medical Sect Must Read Volume 10 Paralysis", he said when expounding the treatment of paralysis: "Those who cure paralysis, scatter the wind mainly, the cold and dampness are still indispensable, and it is more or less likely to participate in the blood tonic agent, cover the wind to cure the blood first, and the blood wind is self-extinguishing." "Because its words are easy to recite, profound and long-term, and the guidance of clinical practice, it is widely valued, used, enriched and developed by doctors."

The "Golden Essentials" for the lack of qi in the camp guard caused by the pulse of yin and yang are weak, the body numbness and unconsciousness, such as "wind paralysis", choose guizhi soup to remove licorice, double ginger, add astragalus as the main medicine, in order to invigorate yang qi, promote blood running, so that "qi line is blood line". Just as Li Shicai said, "those who rule outside the country are in urgent need of evil, and those who rule Tibet are the first to cultivate righteousness" and "there is no stubbornness in qi and self-sufficiency." For another example, the stroke is caused by the yin deficiency of the liver and kidneys, the yang hyperactivity of the wind, and the obstruction of the meridians, and the treatment also adheres to the purpose of "curing the wind and treating the blood first", such as the three-A compound pulse soup plus minus the internal movement of the wind of the liver and kidney yin deficiency, and the wind of the great Qin Tang to cure the emptiness of the veins is evil, and it is not to treat the blood mainly, or to cultivate the yin liquid, the heavy liver and kidney, or the blood nourishment, and the wind is mainly used to cure the network. Henoch-schönlein purpura is similar to the "purpura" and "hair spots" described in the TCM literature, and is mostly caused by the invasion of the skin by rheumatic poisons. It is advisable to treat the wind and heat poison evil with the method of dispelling wind and detoxification, and the clinical method of activating blood and dissolving stasis is often used, and the peach red four-substance soup is selected to add and subtract.

The "wind" referred to in the recipe should include "external wind" and "internal wind", and the blood treated refers to the yin fluid, including yin blood, jin liquid, the method of curing the wind, dispelling the wind and scattering the wind as direct therapy, and indirect therapy includes: removing the external wind to nourish the blood and nourish the blood, to activate the blood, to activate the blood, to activate the blood, so that the blood can be extinguished; the treatment of the internal wind can be used to nourish, nourish, cultivate, collect yin blood, jin liquid and other methods alone or apply at the same time, in order to collect the liquid to increase the wind and level the work. It is not difficult to see that with the development of history, the clinical practice of various generations of doctors has been continuously enriched and enriched with the connotation of "curing the wind before curing the blood, and the blood style is self-extinguishing", and it also has a stronger generalization power and greater guiding significance.


Ding Mou, female, 47 years old, teacher, perennial repeated episodes of urticaria, the patient's face is pale and white, the lips and tongue are pale, the pulse is weak, the itch marks can be seen throughout the body, and the red rash spots are seen on the limbs. Through the cross-reference of pulse evidence, the patient was weak and bloody, and the diagnosis was rubella. Use the "Medical Sect Jinjian" angelica drink to add and subtract, and after taking the medicine for 3 weeks, the illness will be cured. Press: This party is composed of Gui, Qian, Peony, And Di Si Wu Tang plus astragalus, Jing mustard, windproof, Tribulus, Shou Wu and so on. It is in line with the purpose of "curing the wind before curing the blood, and the blood wind is self-extinguishing".

Cai Mou, female, 20 years old, student, after the student took the college entrance examination, the face of the papules such as thorns, severe pustules, baking pain, has taken the Chinese patent medicine Huang Lian Shangqing pills, danshen ketone tablets, gentian diarrhea liver oral liquid and other treatment did not improve. At the time of diagnosis, the face is flushed, acne, nodules, cysts, and ulcers are left with orange peel scars and hematin concentration, and the tongue is red and thin, and the veins are fine. The rheumatic poison invades the human body, soaks the blood veins, and is depressed on the head and face. Use the wind to dissipate the wood tong, Cang Shu, add the Green Dragon Cloth, Dan Pi, comfrey, take 15 doses and heal. Fangzhong mustard, windproof, burdock seed, cicada molt, green dragon clothes loose wind through the table, bitter ginseng, raw plaster, zhimu, cang ear seed, raw licorice clear heat, fire, detoxification, angelica, raw land, flax seed, danpi, comfrey nourishing blood, cool blood, live blood, nourishing yin and dryness.

Fifth sentence: The heart hides God

"Heart Hidden God" refers to the mind of the Lord of the Heart, that is, the God of the Heart, which means that the mind has the function of dominating all the physiological activities of the human body's internal organs and physical organs and the mental consciousness and thinking activities of the human body. "The word deity has a broad and narrow meaning, and the god here refers to the god in the narrow sense, including human spirit, consciousness, thinking activities, etc., just as in Chinese characters, all words related to spirit, thinking, and emotion, such as: thought, anger, sorrow, alarm, fear, sorrow, worry, thought, forgetfulness, etc. belong to the heart. Zhang Jiebin of the Ming Dynasty said in the "Class Of Classics and Dirty Elephants": "The heart, the official of the monarch, the gods are out of the way." The heart is the Lord of one body, the spirit of the void and the creation, the rationality of the response to all opportunities, the viscera and the hundred skeletons, the only thing that is fate, wisdom and wisdom, can not help it, so that the gods of the day come out. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic refers to man's mental activity as "heart" or "god." "SuQin Linglan Secret Classic Treatise": "God is god, deaf and deaf, clear-eyed, open-minded and ambitious, wise and enlightened, able to speak with his mouth, with unique vision, suitable as dim, clear as the clouds", "God" in the old days. This shows that the mind is the main organ of the mental conscious thinking activity of man. Of course, people's spiritual consciousness thinking activities are jointly completed by the five viscera. The "Su Qing Xuan Ming Five Qi" says: "The heart hides the god, the lungs hide the spirit, the liver hides the soul, the spleen hides the meaning, and the kidney hides the zhi', which is the best proof. In the activities of the five viscera, however, the mind is the master. The "Spirit Hub Evil Guest" chapter says: "The heart, the great lord of the five internal organs, and the spiritual house." "In addition, the place where human emotions occur and the master is also the mind. Zhang Jiebin once said: "The heart is the lord of the internal organs, and the president's soul is strong? Therefore, if you are worried about the heart, the lungs should be, if you think about the heart, the spleen should be, if you are angry in the heart, the liver should be, and if you are afraid of the heart, the kidneys should be, so the five ambitions are also caused by the ideal heart. He also once said: "Although the wounds of emotions belong to each of the five internal organs, if they seek their causes, they all come from the heart." ”

The cardiovascular diseases involved in modern medicine are organic or functional, and no matter which one, the damage to the heart exists. As the official of the monarch of the human body, the master of the emotions, the balance of yin and yang of the heart is disrupted, and there will be pathological changes in the loss of the god and the inability or inability to "hide the god" very well. The main blood vein of the heart is the physiological basis for the realization of the function of the god of the heart and the god of tibet, and the vascular function of patients with cardiovascular diseases has different degrees of damage, the heart is difficult to maintain itself, and the blood vein is lost, so the function of the heart and the god of tibet will inevitably be damaged. The Suqin Eightfold Theory of Theophy yun: "Those who are flesh and blood, the gods of man, must not be unruly." The Lingshu Sutra Commentary: "Blood is on the bottom, qi is on the top, chaos and forgetfulness." "On Typhoid Fever" Yun: "Ben has been tired and bloody for a long time, so he is happy to forget." The "Medicine Forest Rope Ink" said: "The flesh and qi of the lady's body, the spiritual dependent, parallel and not contradictory, cyclical and unprovoked, in order to become the endless use of life?? Therefore, the blood is chaotic and the gods are insane. At the same time, because most of the patients with cardiovascular disease are slow onset, and most of them are weak elderly or frail, the basis of the patient's disease mechanism is virtual, and on this basis, the "real", blood stasis is the most common pathological product. Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty said in the "Preparation for Urgent Dry Gold Fang • Heart Pulse Theory": "If the heart is weak, it is sad, but in fact, it is laughed endlessly?? Sadness and sorrow are sad, and heartache is like surprise and forgetfulness. "Therefore, the depressive disorders we see of cardiovascular diseases are mostly disorders caused by "weakness" such as depression, chest stuffiness, emotional restlessness, abdominal distention pain, or foreign body obstruction in the pharynx. Based on this, it is not difficult to see that the combined depressive disorder of patients with cardiovascular disease is a pathological change that occurs after the function of "Heart Hidden God" is impaired.

Sixth sentence: "General rules do not hurt" "General rules are painful"

"General principles are not painful", "general pain" is widely used in the clinic of traditional Chinese medicine as an important pathological mechanism, it is one of the classic theories of chinese medicine, "Inner Classics • Lifting Pain Theory" proposed: Cold guest outside the pulse is cold pulse?? The hot air remains in the small intestine, the intestine is painful, and the miasma is hot and thirsty, and it cannot be dried out, so the pain cannot be closed. "It provides a basic perspective and direction for the understanding of pain by future generations of physicians." The basic consensus is that whether it is the six external sensations, the seven emotions of internal injury, or no internal and external causes, due to cold coagulation and heat depression, phlegm wet obstruction, blood stasis stagnation, food accumulation, bruises, and deficiency of qi and blood can each have a certain form and path of painful pathological changes. Causes pain symptoms of different nature and varying degrees. It is believed that qi and blood movement disorder is the basis of change in pain, pain is one of the external manifestations of qi and blood movement disorder, in treatment, it is treated by dialectical cause, so that its qi movement is smooth, in order to improve or stop pain. Therefore, "general rule is not painful" has universal significance in diagnosis and treatment. For example, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis belong to the categories of stress pain and abdominal pain in traditional Chinese medicine, and emotional discomfort and insect accumulation cause spleen deficiency and loss of luck and become wet, qi and blood depression and scorching, and for a long time, it will turn into fire, affecting the "middle clearance" and "through descending" functions of the gallbladder. Lead to bile and pain, and due to insufficient positive qi in the body, inability to discharge the bacteria, toxins, insect bodies, eggs and other evil qi in the bile ducts, bile is entangled in it, increasingly, forming gallstones, and more leading to the obstruction of the bile's pipes, pain is especially added, a vicious circle, and through dialectical treatment, the application of rational qi conduction, purification of damp heat and other methods of treatment, and even surgical treatment, so that the biliary tract damp heat is dissolved, the stasis is eliminated, the gallstones are removed, the qi stagnation is done, "the general is not painful." Another example is sciatica, which belongs to the category of low back and leg pain in traditional Chinese medicine. Generally due to lumbar disc herniation or lumbar vertebral osteophyte formation or piriform muscle injury, the meridians (nerves) of the relevant parts are compressed, resulting in pain caused by blood and qi, generally traction, reduction, massage, acupuncture. Or even surgery, so that the affected tissue adhesions are loosened, the muscles are relaxed, and the relevant meridians, qi and blood are restored and unobstructed, so that "the general rule is not painful".

Seventh sentence: "The qi has arrived, be careful not to lose, the depth is in the mind, the distance is one"

The meaning of this sentence is that after the arrival of the qi, we must carefully grasp the opportunity, as for the depth of the needle, the distance of the acupuncture point, all in the doctor's heart to understand, all rely on the doctor's inner feelings to experience, the so-called "the magic of use, lies in the one heart" (Wang Ang," "Medical Formula Collection. Prologue"), "Medicine for Words and Meanings" (Book of the Later Han Dynasty. Fang Ji Lie Biography"), thus requiring doctors to concentrate on the specific process of acupuncture treatment, "God has no camp in the multitude".

However, since ancient times, people have not understood this sentence satisfactorily. Wu Kun's note: "The thick flesh should be deep, the inner thin should be shallow, the autumn and winter should be deep, the spring and summer should be shallow, the disease should be deep in the muscles and bones, the skin in the meridians should be shallow, the acupuncture in the four branches should be far, the acupuncture in the abdomen and back should be near, and the breath should be taken." Guo Xiachun said: "No matter the depth of the needle prick, no matter how far or near the acupuncture point is taken, the qi is the same." The newly compiled planning textbook "Ancient Texts of Medicine" notes: "The acupuncture points of acupuncture are far and near, and the principle of leaving needles is the same." The above three are the same, and there are four things that are inappropriate: First, the "Zaizhi" in "Deep and Shallow Zhi" has not landed, and only "Ruoyi" has been noted, and "Zaizhi" has been ignored. Second, the meaning is incoherent. In the text, "be cautious and do not lose" means to be cautious in thinking and not to lose the opportunity, "the depth is in the mind, if the distance is one" is actually a further exposition of "be cautious and do not lose", explaining how to "be cautious and do not lose". However, the interpretation of "Ruoyi" to "gaining qi is the same" and "taking qi one also" deviates from this topic and makes the scripture incoherent. Third, it is inconsistent with grammar. "The depth is in the mind, the distance and proximity are one", the two sentences are neat and tidy, and if you take the notes of the above families, you will completely destroy the structure of this neat battle, and the principle of the great fallacy is against the battle. Fourth, it is probably difficult to establish in medical science. If it is true that "no matter the depth of the acupuncture, no matter how far or near the acupuncture is taken, the qi is the same", then there is no need to study the acupuncture technique, and it can be randomly pricked. Words like this are harmful to the text, because of the wrong notes, the loss of a word, and the whole sentence is obstructed. The key to this is that the meaning of "ruoyi" is not understood.

If, there is the meaning of "obedience", "according to". Shang Chengzuo's "Yin Ruins Script Class Compilation": "Case: If the characters of Bu Ci Zhu are like people raising their hands and stomping their feet, they are like the state of Sunda when they are like Nuoshi, and Gouno and Ruo are one word, so if the characters are trained to be smooth." The ancient JinWenruo character is slightly the same as this. "Erya. Explanatory Words: "If, Shunye." "Such as "Left Transmission. Three Years of Xuan Gong": "When the old people enter the mountains and forests of Kawazawa, they will not encounter unpleasant things (they will not encounter unpleasant things)." "And "Zizhi Tongjian. Tang Ruizong Jingyun II: "Heaven and earth are blessed, if the wind and rain are smooth ( the wind and rain are smooth, the wind and rain are like timely)". If the meaning of "obedience" can be derived from the meaning of "obey" and "by". For example, "On Balance. "If this is said, Yan Hui should not die prematurely, and the thief should not live fully." "If this is the case" is "therefore.". Accordingly, "if" can be interpreted as "shun", "press", "by".

"One", in ancient Chinese philosophical thought, is an extremely abstract concept. It can refer to the source of all things, the "Tao", such as the Huainan Zi. Interpretation: "The one is also the source of all things, and the way of invincibility." It can also refer to the spiritual world of people, such as Ge Hong's "Baopuzi. Inside. Earth Truth: "Man can keep one, and one can also keep man." The Taoist doctrine usually refers to the principle of "keeping one", "holding one", "holding one", "virtual oneness and stillness", etc., all of which are about the principle of spiritual emptiness, and Zhuangzi more vividly describes this principle as "heart deficiency", "heart deficiency" is also "virtual one", "one" is "heart" that is, the spiritual world of man, that is, the so-called "one, heart, mind, and zhiye".

Therefore, "Ruoyi" is "from the heart", that is, according to the meaning of people's inner feelings, which is completely consistent with the meaning of the previous sentence "in the mind". Moreover, "deep and shallow in the zhi" and "far and near Ruoyi" constitute intertextuality, according to the principle of "seeking homogeneity according to mutual intertextuality" ("Broad Interpretation"), it can also be seen that "Ruoyi" and "Zaizhi" are synonymous, and both mean "in the heart". Therefore, "the depth is in the mind, if the distance is one" can be logically interpreted as "the depth of the needle and the distance of the acupuncture point, all in the doctor's heart", the right way out of the needle qi and acupuncture indescribable mystery and subtlety, but also explained that the acupuncture to take the breath depends on the doctor to deeply understand and understand, which is what the famous Han Dynasty physician Guo Yu said, "When god is in the hand, it can be understood but not spoken", requiring doctors to be single-minded when leaving needles and waiting, to see inwardly, "there is no camp in the crowd". The synonymous relationship between "Ruoyi" and "Zaizhi" is solved, and the meaning of the whole sentence is clearly revealed.

Eighth sentence: "When the wind is strong, it moves"

"Wind is prosperous and moving" is widely used in clinical practice, and this sentence was first seen in the "Su Qing Yin and Yang Should Be Like the Great Theory". In nature, we can observe that when the wind blows, the trees move with the wind, such as people, which means that the wind is superior, which can cause people to tremble or have hand and foot restraints. Clinically, you can see the obvious "movements" such as eyelid beating, mouth group peristalsis, facial muscle twitching, head flutter, and shaking hands, and it is easy to think of the problem of "fengsheng", but will the following cases think of the cause of fengsheng? Will the treatment be taken into account to treat it?

1. Chronic enteritis: the patient has hyperperistalsis and abdominal pain and diarrhea. Hyperperistry, think of wind in the intestines?

2. Hiccup evidence: Hiccup is caused by diaphragmatic spasm, that is, the diaphragmatic muscle is too shaky, has the treatment of wind removal been considered during treatment?

3. Headache: TCD examination reports cerebrovascular spasm. Western medicine is a blood invigorating and dilating cerebral blood vessels. When treating TCM, do you take it into account to dispel wind? Use the centipede...

4. Tachycardia: is it considered to be caused by internal wind, blood nourishment and dispelling wind, latent yang extinguishing wind, etc.?

My understanding of the classic sentences of Chinese medicine