
Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

author:Crossing the river pawn and the non-gate

Why do we say: War and chaos on the peninsula will never be allowed? For example, during the Han and Tang Dynasties, Korea was invaded by Japan, and the Central Plains Dynasty sent troops to support it. Let's just talk about how the three wars in Korea affected China when the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and New China were first founded.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >, "Battle of Mingliang, Battle of Luliang", dispelled Japanese ambitions for hundreds of years</h1>

For Japan, the Korean Peninsula is a springboard for its attack on the mainland. Japan wants to grab something from the mainland, always hit the peninsula first, even if it does not grab the mainland, it can also cool off on the peninsula. Therefore, the peninsula has been living under the obscenity of Japan.

Of course, the eastern powers on the mainland will not sit idly by and watch the Japanese run rampant on the peninsula, because they know that if Japan gets its wish on the peninsula, the next attack will be immediately inland. Therefore, every time Japan hit the peninsula, the eastern powers on the mainland would send troops to press the Japanese to the ground and rub them.

Because of this, the dynasties on the peninsula have a very moist life, because there are big countries on the side, and they are not afraid of Japan; coupled with the fact that the big countries have a good face, they pay tribute to the big countries every year, and the big parliament also gives them a lot of heavy gifts. So they want to pay tribute eight times a year; sometimes they hook up with the Japanese to scare the big countries: the Japanese are calling. The big powers would support them, and he would split it with the Japanese.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

In 1592, during the Ming Dynasty, japan fought the peninsula again, and their ambitions were very great, according to the idea of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the most cattle man in Japan at that time, he wanted to hit Beijing, and he also moved the capital to Beijing. Therefore, before the war, he made his son Toyotomi Hideji the governor of Beijing.

Japan first proposed to the DPRK: We want to fight Daming, so we must borrow a road from the Korean Peninsula. The Lee dynasty in North Korea was weak and weak, but they knew that it was impossible to do it. Therefore, while sternly rejecting Japan's unreasonable demands, they sent people to Daming to report the news.

At the beginning, the Ming Dynasty did not take it seriously, and the ministers analyzed and analyzed it, thinking that the power on the peninsula was not weak, and they could not be frightened by the Japanese to pick a fight, was it that they had discussed it together to blackmail Daming. Unexpectedly, this time it was true, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi's 140,000-strong army came down to the capital of the peninsula and expelled King Li Fu. No way, the Ming Dynasty sent Song Yingchang and Li Rusong to bring 40,000 people into the DPRK, and defeated the Japanese army in Pyongyang, which stabilized the situation.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

After beating away the Japanese, the Ming Dynasty was furious: this Li Dynasty was also too dishy, how not to resist. When the Japanese returned, they were also very angry: this land power was also too domineering, and even the countries on the side would not allow me to fight. Therefore, both the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese were very angry, and of course the negotiations and peace could not go together. These guys on the peninsula are good, they have been beaten up, they are not angry at all, how to live or how to live.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was also a lifeless man, and in 1597 he again sent an army to fight the Korean Peninsula, and the "Battle of Naruyang" and the "Battle of Luliang" broke out. According to the Japanese idea, they first laid down Jeolla Province in the southwest of the Korean Peninsula, gained a foothold, and then developed to the surrounding areas.

At this time, there was a general in the Korean water army named Lee Sun-chen, who was very prestigious; unfortunately, the Lee dynasty in Korea was afraid that he was too prestigious and overpowered the royal family, so it repeatedly suppressed him and did not use him. Therefore, in February 1507, when the Japanese attacked, the momentum was so strong that they were victorious in successive battles, and they were almost about to conquer Jeolla Province.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

In late September, the Korean royal family reactivated Lee Sun-jin, again serving as the commander of the Three Water Forces, a position equivalent to the current commander of the fleet. Li Shunchen's use did boost the morale of the Korean water army, and they fought a series of good battles, especially on October 26, when Li Shunchen led the water army to defeat the Japanese water army at Mingliang Gorge between Jindo island and the Huayuan Peninsula, killing the Japanese water army Daemei Tsutsuki.

Originally a good victory, the Joseon Dynasty secretly feared that Li Shunchen would become bigger, so they rewarded some generals, but they did not pay attention to the commander-in-chief, as if there was no such person; Li Shunchen also wanted to keep the water division, not to fight with Japan, and to withdraw the army. As a result, Japan lost the battle but occupied the base of the Korean navy. This made the victory at the Battle of Mingliang extremely embarrassing: although Korea won, the result was like defeat; although Japan was defeated, it achieved its goal.

The situation of the gods and immortals in Korea made the Ming Dynasty very worried, because Japan already occupied most of the peninsula, originally thought that it was a "small trouble", and it was about to become a "major disaster", so the Ming Dynasty increased its support to Korea; in order to strengthen the strength of the Korean sailors, the Ming Dynasty also sent Chen Lu and Deng Zilong to lead the Ming Dynasty sailors to the peninsula.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

In August 1598, Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, and the Japanese plan to take Beijing was impossible to complete, so they withdrew their troops from the Korean Peninsula. On November 19, when the Japanese army was retreating, Chen Xuan sent Deng Zilong to lead three huge ships to ambush the north side of the Luliang Sea; he himself led the main force of the Ming Dynasty Marine Division to block the Japanese fleet head-on; and ordered Li Shunchen to lead the Korean Naval Division to stand by at sea and prepare to attack the Japanese army with the Ming army.

This is the "Battle of Luliang", which sank and burned more than 200 Japanese ships, killed and injured countless people, and directly led to the Japanese Shimazu family having no soldiers to use in the Japanese warlord melee, because the Japanese army destroyed in this naval battle was all satsuma elite of the Shimazu family. However, the Sino-Korean coalition also suffered a lot of losses, especially the Ming Dynasty's deputy general Deng Zilong died heroically in the fierce battle; the Korean general Li Shunchen was also unfortunately shot and killed.

In any case, this war, which occurred more than four hundred years ago, completely dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Wokou to attack the mainland; the Toyotomi Hideyoshi family was also seriously injured by the defeat of the war and was replaced by Tokugawa Ieyasu; because of lack of military strength, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's son Toyotomi Hideyoshi was killed by Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Ming Dynasty, because of this war, made the already not very good national strength weaker, resulting in the country's transformation from prosperity to decline.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="315" > Second, the Korean royal family, which had more than enough success and failure, finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit</h1>

In the second half of the nineteenth century, all countries in the world began to industrialize vigorously, and even the corrupt Daqing launched a "foreign affairs movement"; of course, the Qing dynasty was neither late nor complete, unlike japan's "Meiji Restoration", which was successful and the national strength soared. The Lee Dynasty on the Korean Peninsula was not moved, they had to get by, and at home, Princess Min's foreign clique and the Great Courtyard Jun fought to the death internally.

Since the Ming Dynasty was beaten to the point of blue nose and swollen face, Japan has never invaded Korea on a large scale. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Japan became stronger, and they saw the weakness of the Qing Dynasty, and even the Ryukyu Empire could not be saved, and the "Theory of Conquest of Korea" in Japan became hot again. The main meaning is to send troops to fight on the Korean Peninsula, and after controlling it, it will enter Manchuria and Mongolia and then enter China.

Therefore, after provoking a dispute by force, in 1876, Japan forced Korea to sign a "Ganghwa Treaty" with him, which negated the relationship between Korea and the Qing Dynasty, allowed Korea to take a big step toward becoming a Japanese colony, and gave Japan the basis for future military intervention in Korea.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

In 1882, the Lee dynasty, which was constantly fighting, finally made a big thunder, and the Noonday Mutiny broke out in the country. The rebel soldiers and citizens had long hated the Japanese who flaunted their might in Korea, and they burned the Japanese legations and killed some Of the Japanese. As a result, it caused the Qing Dynasty and Japan to intervene at the same time.

Japan's troop dispatch was well planned, but the Qing Dynasty's dispatch was passive. In fact, at this time, the Qing Dynasty was no longer valued by the Japanese, and they had already seen the nature of the weakness of the Qing Dynasty; and the Qing Dynasty saw that its sphere of influence was getting smaller and smaller, and even korea on the side would be completely occupied by Japan. But it was also from this time that the Japanese and Qing armies confronted each other in Korea.

In December 1884, there was another coup d'état in Korea, called the "Koshin Coup" because it was the "Koshin Year"; on December 6, the Qing Dynasty troops stationed in Korea, under the leadership of Yuan Shikai, suppressed the coup forces in three strokes and five divisions. This time, although it had little to do with Japan, it gave Japan an excuse, and they provoked the Koreans to frantically attack the Qing army, saying that the Qing Dynasty was "supervising the government" in Korea. The contradictions between Japan and the Qing Dynasty tended to be white-hot.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

After another ten years, in 1894, that is, the lunar calendar "Jia Wu Year", the "DongXue Party Uprising" broke out in Korea, also known as the Jia Wu Peasants' War. There are many reasons for the uprising, but the main reasons are that the Korean royal family does not want to forge ahead, the nobles are drunk and dreaming, and the common people are hungry and cold; plus Japan relies on the "Ganghwa Treaty" to desperately squeeze Korea.

The Dongxue Party is actually a somewhat religious group, it blends Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and forms its own faction, Dongxue Dao, which emphasizes the basic idea that "man is heaven"; in the face of North Korea's backwardness and poverty, they also proposed to "punish corrupt officials and corrupt officials" and "rebuke the foreigners." Therefore, they are very influential among the ordinary people of North Korea, and in the eyes of the Korean royal family, this is a heinous side-door left-end road, a "cult."

On February 15, 1894, under the active impetus of the leader of Donggak-do, Jeon Woo-joon, and others, a vigorous peasant uprising broke out in Jeolla Province; the rebel army developed rapidly and bravely, they repelled the officers and soldiers and marched straight to the important Jeonju in Korea, and by June, the rebel army had grown to 100,000 people and occupied most of the Korean Peninsula.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

Seeing that the situation was out of control, King Gojong of Korea played a duplicitous trick: asking for help from the Qing Dynasty on the one hand, and negotiating with the rebel army on the other. He asked the Qing Dynasty for help, receiving reinforcements from the Qing government; negotiating with the rebels, but using this as an excuse for foreign countries to interfere in Korea. As a result, the Dongxue party really stopped attacking under the influence of the royal family.

More than 2,000 soldiers led by Ye Zhichao and Nie Shicheng of the Qing government flashed in Korea at once. At this time, Japan was not what it was then, and their weapons and navy had all developed to a new stage. On the pretext of "protecting the overseas Chinese," they sent more than 10,000 troops to Korea at once, directly controlling the situation in Korea, and the Qing army was in danger.

Thus, the Qing Dynasty increased its troops to Korea, and there was the "Sino-Japanese Battle of Toshima" and the "Battle of Jiawu", which was a fiasco for the Qing Dynasty; Ye Zhichao, who remained in Dingzhou, Korea, saw that the situation was not good, ran wildly for more than 500 miles, and crossed the Yalu River to return; the Japanese army followed behind and entered the Liaodong Peninsula of China, and on November 22, the Japanese army broke through the fortress of Lushun and slaughtered the city. The dying Qing Dynasty was successfully dragged into the "big pit" by Korea, hastening its demise.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="316" >3, this is a war that you don't want to fight, but you have to fight</h1>

In June 1950, shortly after the end of World War II, the Korean War broke out. At this time, little Japan had been shackled by the United States and had become a small slave of the United States, and they had no way to do anything about Korea, nor did they have any thoughts. At this time, China had just come out of the quagmire of war for less than half a year, and the whole country was riveting to build the country.

At this time, only three countries and two countries were most concerned about the situation in North Korea: China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the North and South of North Korea. China does not want North Korea to go to war the most, because North Korea is on our side, and the consequences of war will inevitably affect China; as long as North Korea is in chaos, it will inevitably drag Down China, and history has long shown this.

Realistically speaking, the United States is not willing to fight, because just after the end of World War II, they still have to compete with the Soviet Union for world hegemony after World War II, and they have no more energy to deal with it, but they absolutely do not want the Korean Peninsula to completely fall into the camp opposite the United States. So, the United States has to come forward to help the south of North Korea.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

Both The North and the South of Korea wanted to fight, and they had to swallow each other; and the Soviet Union was most comfortable at this time, and they wanted a war here from the bottom of their hearts, because it was of particular benefit to the Soviet Union. The first is to hold the United States back; second, the north wins, expanding the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, and the north loses, and the Soviet Union can take the opportunity to continue to occupy the interests of northeast China.

The situation was like this, China was really very difficult to make decisions at that time, first of all: if China did not care, the north would definitely lose, and at that time, our northeast land had both the Korean government-in-exile and the Soviet army, which was almost like not being liberated; secondly: China sent troops to manage it, you know, the other side was the United States, the most powerful army in the world at that time, could it be fought? Again: Newly liberated China, poor and white, has nothing but people, there are still many bandits in the country; there are still many places that have not been liberated.

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

Therefore, when the United States fought the 38th Line, we were really anxious and told the United States through various channels: This is the civil war in North Korea, the RoK army has fought the 38th Line, China will not care, but the United States has fought the 38th Line, China will definitely manage. At that time, MacArthur, who was proud and ignorant and particularly arrogant, did not believe that China had the ability to manage and had the courage to send troops.

So, the United States fought the 38th parallel and entered the city of Pyongyang, and MacArthur also held a military parade in Pyongyang. "It is tolerable, but it is intolerable," and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began. This war is a shame of a hundred years and the foundation of the country; but because the conditions are so poor, we have many martyrs spilling blood on foreign countries.

Without this battle, I would not dare to think about what it would be now. Who will take your words seriously? How can the phrase "don't say it unpredictably" make the enemy's scalp tingle?

Every war that took place in Korea was related to the rise and fall of the great powers on the side, the "Battle of Mingliang, the Battle of Luliang", the Korean royal family, which had dispelled the ambitions of the Japanese Dynasty for hundreds of years and had more than enough successes and failures, and finally pulled the Qing Dynasty into the "Jia Wu" pit three, which was a war that was absolutely undesirable, but had to be fought

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