
Blind Chess Racing Rounds Xiamen chess enthusiasts compete on the same stage with chess master Zheng Yihong

author:New Fujian
Blind Chess Racing Rounds Xiamen chess enthusiasts compete on the same stage with chess master Zheng Yihong

- "One-on-ten" wheel exhibition race.

Blind Chess Racing Rounds Xiamen chess enthusiasts compete on the same stage with chess master Zheng Yihong

- Zheng Yihong's "one-on-two" blind chess exhibition game.

Xiamen Netnews (Xiamen Evening News reporter Wu Di photo/Liu Donghua) "(Red Fang) Cannon Two Ping Three, (Black Fang) Ma 8 into 7. "In front of the big screen, the staff was singing chess. In the center of the stage, Chinese chess grandmaster Zheng Yihong has his back to the screen and plays blind chess with the two players on the stage. Half an hour later, Zheng Yihong ended the game with one win and one draw. Sun Yuhui, a 70-year-old contestant, said that the chess grandmaster was indeed worthy of the name, and the trick was "out of the blue", so that he lost the game unconsciously. However, being able to share the stage with the Grand Master, Sun Yuhui felt that although he was defeated, he was still honored.

The match held at 7 o'clock last night in the May Day Cultural Square was the highlight of the series of activities of the Chinese chess series of activities of the "Xiangyu Cup" of the "Xiangyu Cup" of Xiamen Respect for the Elderly. Competing with Chinese chess grandmaster Zheng Yihong is a middle-aged and elderly chess enthusiast in our city, in addition to the "one-on-two" blind chess exhibition game, there is also a "one-on-ten" wheel exhibition game.

The series of activities was sponsored by the Xiamen Federation of Trade Unions, the Xiamen Municipal Health Commission, the Xiamen Municipal Association of Sports for the Elderly, the general title of Xiamen Xiangyu Group, the Xiamen Elderly Activity Center, and the Xiamen Workers' Cultural Palace.

At the scene of last night's event, honorary certificates were awarded to the winners of the "Xiangyu Cup" middle-aged and elderly (employee) Chinese chess competition. It is reported that the series of activities began on September 5, 8 competitions were held, more than 200 people participated, and the total number of participants in the activities was more than 1,000. The finals were held at the Municipal Seniors Activity Center, and 2 gold awards, 4 silver awards and 6 bronze awards were finally decided. Last night, Zheng Yihong shared the stage for a blind chess match, and it was gold medal winners Hong Shui and Sun Yuhui. Zheng Yihong's "one-on-ten wheel race" with 10 other winners ended with seven wins and three draws.

The Chinese Chess Lecture, taught by Zheng Yihong, will be held at 9:00 a.m. on October 24 at the Concert Hall of the Municipal Elderly Activity Center, and chess lovers should not miss this opportunity to exchange and learn with the masters.

It is reported that as the title unit of this series of activities, Xiangyu Group actively supports the development of chess and integrates it into the construction of "Love Xiamen", not only sponsoring this competition to help "the old have fun", but also providing opportunities for the children of Tong'an Guoxi Village who are linked to help them, obtain the guidance of high-level players and participate in high-level competitions. As another highlight of the city's "Love and Respect for the Elderly" action, the Xiangyu Love elderly care center, which is donated and operated by Xiangyu Group, will officially open its doors to welcome guests in the near future. The project is one of the practical projects of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for the private sector in 2019.

【Further reading】

Playing blind chess with multiple players at the same time is known as chess magic

Blind chess refers to the eyes do not look at the chessboard, the hand does not touch the chess pieces, in the form of singing chess against people. Blind chess requires a high level of memory and abstract thinking skills on chess players. At the same time, blind chess with many people is even more incredible, known as the magic of chess. At last night's game scene, Zheng Yihong's performance made many chess lovers at the scene praise. When there was still one player left in the blind game, although the chess position was slightly dominant, in order to show respect for the elders, Zheng Yihong proposed to end the game with chess.

Zheng Yihong, 45, is the only Chinese chess grandmaster in Fujian Province. He is a native of Xiang'an Maxiang, who began playing chess at the age of 6, participated in the national chess competition at the age of 16, and won the Fujian Provincial Chess Championship at the age of 17, a title that no one has surpassed until now. Zheng Yihong's highest record of playing blind chess is to play with 12 people at the same time.

Zheng Yihong said that after playing chess for so many years, he has looked down on honor and winning or losing games. Chess developed his ability to resist setbacks and made him mentally balanced. "Life is like chess, chess is like life." Chess keeps me on my mind and keeps my peace of mind. Zheng Yihong said that chess, as a carrier of traditional Chinese culture, should be more widely disseminated.

In 2019, as a foreign coach of the Chinese Chess Association, he went to Germany to train foreigners. Zheng Yihong said that when he saw that German children were fascinated by chess pieces engraved with Chinese characters, and when more and more foreigners liked Chinese chess, he deeply felt the cultural self-confidence from the bottom of his heart.

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Li Yijia, Lai Xuhua


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