
The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

author:Old Trumpet Battalion

People who have read history know that Confucius's Confucianism has always paid attention to the hierarchy of monarchs and subjects, and the Confucius cuisine derived from Confucius's Confucius family is also a good inheritance of this feature, not only that, Confucius cuisine also pays attention to complete shape, does not hurt the skin and bones, and is very difficult to master the heat seasoning, molding and other aspects.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

Confucius specialties include grilled flower basket cinnamon fish, roast duck, roast suckling pig, a pint of tofu, Shouzi duck soup and so on. Among them, the Kongfu Yipin pot is given by the emperor, the food is diverse, the materials are precious, it can be described as exhausting the delicacies of the world, the shape is beautiful, the colors are bright, the soup is delicious, and the cabbage is clear.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

In the period of feudal society, Kongfu was both the palace of the duke and the house of the saints, the "first in the world", more noble than the emperor's home. Successive rulers have named the descendants of Confucius "saints". Therefore, the cuisine of Confucius has always been known for its exquisite luxury.

Confucius cuisine has different specifications for different people to feast, and successive emperors of the Qing Dynasty often go to Confucius, and Confucius is served with a full table of Manchu and Han, of which a pot from Confucius is definitely to be served. It is very troublesome to make a pot, and the preparation of raw materials alone is very time-consuming, and sea cucumbers, shark fins, fish maw, magnolia slices, dragon whisker powder, hens, etc., are all good ingredients.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

Slice into a spatula blade. Slices are 5 cm long, 2 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick. Tablets are 5 cm long, 2 cm wide and 0.2 cm thick. The pea seedlings are blanched in boiling water, cooled with cold water, and the squid rolls are served in chicken soup. There are rules about what kind of ingredients are cut, how thick and how thin they are.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

Take a "one-pin pot", put the dragon whisker powder, cabbage mound, white boiled yam into the bottom of the pot, put the white boiled time, white boiled duck on top, and then put the sea cucumber, fish maw, magnolia slices, in each material interval into a certain pattern, add chicken soup, fine salt, steam for about 2 hours with high heat, take out, put on the pea seedlings on the table.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

All the emperors of the Qing Dynasty will praise this dish after tasting this dish in Kongfu, the quality control system of the Qing Dynasty is to follow the Ming Dynasty, the official division of nine products, one product is the highest, nine products are the lowest, the Qing Dynasty will be The Confucius House as the official of the current dynasty. Therefore, the emperor gave the soup dish cooked by KongFu with chicken, pig's trotters, duck, and other precious raw materials, named "Yipin Pot", which became the famous dishes of Confucius and all Yipinguanfu, which was passed down from generation to generation.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

In the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor gave Kong Fu the largest piece of silver tableware in the "Manchu Han Quanxi", called "Dang Dynasty Yipin Pot". In addition, there is a kind of round unpaid one-mouth pot, called "Zhong Ding One Mouth Pin Pot". Later, due to the different pots and pans, there were swallow vegetables a pot, shark fin pot, sea cucumber pot, and so on.

The emperor gave the name of the Famous Dish of Confucius, and made a pot to exhaust the delicacies of the world

Before 1949, some high-end restaurants in Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places were still in supply, but they were interrupted for a while. Now it has been restored with the excavation and sorting of the special dishes of each gang. Now there are many places in Shandong have this dish, but most of them are called warm pots, and this winter to a pot, it is definitely warm physically and mentally.

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