
"Blood Sisters 2019": In the love between sisters, sisters are more reliable

author:Uncle Dragon Vlog

Hello everyone! I am Uncle Long, today I want to explain is the super heart girlfriend love to attract expectations "Blood Sisters" interprets the self-transformation of women in the city of Sex and the noisy city, shining street scenes, accompanied by beautiful legs and fragrant shoulders, five women in white shirts come confidently, this is the scene of the trailer filming of the "Blood Sisters", the makeup is exquisite, and the external temperament of the film's fashion city is highlighted. And through the narration played by He Peiyu as Wei Lin in the trailer: "Urban girls have princess disease, I never deny it, and I am more willing to admit it." Boldly said the declaration of a new generation of women: self-confidence, self- and ease, combined with the different personalities shown by the five girls in the film, it fully interpreted a "Metropolitan Women's Picture Book" with thousands of postures.

"Blood Sisters 2019": In the love between sisters, sisters are more reliable

In the play, she played a professional psychologist and also played the role of a think tank in the girlfriend group, and in an interview, she said: "When I play the role of Annie, I am very easy to invest, because she can resonate with me a lot, in fact, what this film wants to express is women's true emotional outlook and attitude towards life." Through the joint voice of the characters and actors outside the play, we can find that "Sisters of Blood" wants to show the audience not only a glamorous and luxurious urban life, but also a brave transformation process of women in today's new workplace and their new attitude of independence, not afraid of the eyes of others, and concentrating on love. In addition to the personal growth line, the film's upgraded version of the male and female love entanglement line and the girlfriend group emotional line is also a major attraction, the film boldly throws thorny problems such as marital infidelity, girlfriend splitting legs, unmarried pregnancy and other thorny problems to the girlfriend group, which not only makes the film gimmick full of explosive points, but also makes the climax of the story continue to be topical. Of course, in the end, the "Goddess Heavenly Group" will use positive energy to solve problems and guide the story to the right track, but the process is tortuous and good, to ensure that the audience can guess the ending and guess the process, let's look forward to what kind of visual feast and emotional shock wave "Blood Sisters" will bring us!

"Blood Sisters 2019": In the love between sisters, sisters are more reliable

It is true that, as Huang Zhenzhen said, "Blood Sisters" is a fashionable and sexy female professional film, but its fashion and sexiness do not only come from the appearance and body of the actors, but also from the wonderful depiction of female emotions, so that the audience pays more attention to the inner world of female characters. For example, Wei Lin's dilemma in the face of intimate relationships, Yang Yang's huge pressure in the face of workplace crisis, Annie and Ah O's wandering entanglement between friendship and emotion, all their struggles and choices are the refraction of real emotions and interpersonal relationships. In terms of performance methods, "Blood Sisters" subverts the boring and tedious slow rhythm of previous emotional dramas, uses more spicy artistic expression techniques, dissects the most real and cruel gender truths and emotional problems, and presents them to the audience in the most intuitive way, I believe that these contents will have great resonance and topic discussion among the audience in the future, bringing more impact and deep thinking to the audience.

"Blood Sisters 2019": In the love between sisters, sisters are more reliable

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