
The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

author:Yang Wanxi

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When you want to travel, do you think about the meaning of traveling in the past? What does a trip give us? The world is so big, what is the reason why we always want to go to the natural country?

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

Movie "Wild and Unruly"

"Wild and Uninhibited" is a natural journey that washes the soul and feels the beauty that nature brings us, a wild flower, which is the creation of nature and the creation of human beings.

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

People travel the world and appreciate the natural beauty of wild environments, but modern gardens pay little attention to the purity and beauty of wild nature, and we must maintain and maintain the original appearance of nature, lest they disappear forever. This is horticulturist Mary Renault's understanding of wild nature.

The world is so big, I want to see, what to see? What about it? The power of nature is the purest force that cleanses the mind, and we travel again and again, wash the mind again and again, purify ourselves again and again. Through nature, we return to our most comfortable state, knowing ourselves and the power of nature.

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

Human beings have the ability to recognize the beauty of nature and know how to purify themselves through the beauty of nature. A small wildflower growing on the wall, a phalaenopsis orchid in a pot, a variety of flowers planted in a botanical garden, and the planting of green vegetation along the road all confirm our importance to the natural environment.

Maybe at the beginning we didn't know why we traveled, but the moment you see nature, I think you will understand that experiencing the power of nature is the meaning of our travel.

When we realize the importance of wild nature to us, we will love it from the bottom of our hearts and protect it. Nature has created the home on which we depend, and we can also create our home through our power.

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

We are an independent individual, we have lived in nature, we have been born to understand the world, the beauty of existence in our eyes, from the feedback of nature.

When we were children, we liked to pick flowers, like to run on the grass, like to smell nature, when we grew up, do you remember these? Maybe I don't remember, but what is engraved in my bones, being close to nature is an act that we can't refuse.

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

In the film Wild, Mary Renault said that where she grew up, people always believed that human beings are nature, nature is human beings, and the two are one. Such words remind me of a poem in which you stand on a bridge and look at the scenery, and the people who watch the scenery look at you upstairs. This is a very philosophical little poem by Bian Zhilin, and such a scene is like the idea of Mary Renault, nature and man, the two become one.

We may not care about this, but inadvertently, those beautiful things have been integrated into our memories, into the depths of our hearts, and have become our pursuit of ourselves and the pursuit of beautiful things.

The healing series of movie recommendations, a wild wildflower, a natural spiritual baptism trip, is our journey back to nature. Discover the beauty of wild nature, protect it, and maintain it. Nature comes from the beauty of the depths of the soul.

Movie "Wild and Unruly"

Human beings have never stopped knowing themselves and nature, we pursue beautiful things, but also maintain beautiful things, since we know the impact of nature on us, more and more people have joined the team of protecting wild nature. The animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction and rescued are proof of our efforts. There are also some coastal areas that have an annual fishing moratorium, as well as natural scenery, documentaries about animals, which allow us to understand nature while protecting nature, we pursue the beauty of nature, but we also protect the beauty of nature.

The heart of beauty is universal, the earth is natural, but also our human beings, love and protect them, each of us has the responsibility. Nature gives us the baptism of the natural mind, and at the same time we can give back to the wild beauty of nature. Nature and humanity become one.

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