
"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

author:Anxi Travels

Jia Yi's "Treatise on Passing the Qin" has a saying: "To the First Emperor, Yu Lie of the Sixth Emperor of Fen, Zhen Chang Ce and Yu Yu Nei, Swallow the Princes of the Second Week and Die, Perform the Supreme And Make The Six Combinations, Knock and Whip the World, and Shake the World." This briefly summarizes the history of Qin from filial piety to the first emperor, after the arduous management of the sixth generation, and finally unified the six kingdoms. Starting from this issue, Xiaobian will review with you the process of the struggle of the Sixth Qin Dynasty and the unification of the Six Kingdoms.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Jia Yi's "On Passing the Qin"

In the seventh year of King Xian of Zhou (362 BC), Duke Xian of Qin died, and his son Duke Xiao took the throne. At that time, Xiaogong was only twenty-one years old. At this time, there were six powerful countries east of the Yellow River and Kunshan, namely Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei, and more than a dozen small states coexisting between the Huai River and the Surabaya River. The State of Chu and the State of Wei bordered the State of Qin. The State of Wei built the Great Wall, which ran from Zheng County along Luoshui to Shangjun. The State of Chu stretched from Hanzhong County in the north to Ba County and Qianzhong County in the south. They all excluded the State of Qin as an uncivilized Yidi and did not invite the State of Qin to join the alliance of the Central Plains States. To this end, Qin Xiaogong was determined to be angry and strong, to spread kindness, to cultivate politics, and to make the Qin state rich and strong.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Qin Xiaogong's film and television image

In the eighth year of King Xianwang of Zhou (361 BC), Duke Xiao of Qin issued an edict to the whole country saying: "Once upon a time, the ancestor of our Qin state, Qin Mugong, based on the land of Qi and Yong, cultivated the Ming Dynasty, strengthened the armament, and the rebellion of the Jin State in Dongping made the Qin and Jin kingdoms take the Yellow River as the boundary, dominate Rong Di to the west, expand the land for thousands of miles, and was crowned by Zhou Tianzi as Fang Bo, and all the princely states came to pay tribute, opening up a foundation for future generations, extremely glorious and glorious." Later, when Qin Ligong, Duke Man, Duke Jian, and His Son reigned, the society was chaotic and unstable, the country was in turmoil, the political situation was unstable, and there was no time to take care of foreign affairs. The three kingdoms of Wei, Zhao, and Han attacked the land west of Hexi that the previous emperor had set up, bringing great shame to the Qin state. After Gong Xian ascended the throne, he pacified the border, moved the capital to Liyang, and prepared to march eastward to recover the homeland of Mu Gong of Qin and restore the government decrees of Mu Gong. Whenever I think of the unfinished ambitions of the first king, I am heartbroken. Whether a guest or a subject, if there is anyone who can offer advice and suggestions to make the Qin state strong, I will make him a high-ranking official and give him land. After Gongsun Martin of the Wei Dynasty heard this edict, he traveled west to the Qin Kingdom.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Qin Xiaogong's "Order for Meritocracy"

Gongsun Martingale, a descendant of the Duke of Weiguo, liked the study of the legal family's criminal name, and was originally a courtier of the Wei state minister Uncle Huan, who knew that he was capable and talented. Before he could recommend it, because he was seriously ill, King Hui of Wei came to visit him and asked worriedly, "If your illness is not cured, what should you do with major state affairs?" Uncle Gongxuan replied, "My middle son, Gongsun Martingale, although young, has a great talent, and hopes that the monarch will entrust the country to him to govern." King Wei Hui listened in silence. Uncle Gong also said, "If you can't reuse Gongsun Martingale, you must kill him and don't let him leave the Wei Kingdom." King Hui of Wei agreed and left. Gongsun Huan immediately apologized to Gongsun Martingale and said, "I have always acted in accordance with the principle of putting the king before the subject, so I first plotted for the monarch, and then told you, you should flee quickly!" Gongsun Martingale said, "Since the monarch did not listen to your words and appointed me, how can he listen to your words and kill me?" "So there has been no escape. After King Hui left Gongsun Acne, he said to the attendants on the left and right, "Gongsun Acne is really bad, it makes people heartache!" Wouldn't it be absurd for him to ask me to hand over the country to Gongsun Martingale to govern, and then he persuaded me to kill him? So Gongsun Martingale left the State of Wei and came to the State of Qin, and met Qin Xiaogong on the recommendation of Jing Jian, a favored minister of the State of Qin, who stated to Him his strategy of enriching the country and strengthening the army, and Qin Xiaogong was very happy to hear this, so he discussed state affairs with him.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Qin Xiaogong saw Gongsun Martingale

In the tenth year of King Xian of Zhou (359 BC), Gongsun Martingale prepared to change the law, and the nobles of the Qin State expressed their opposition. Gongsun Martingale said to Qin Xiaogong: "For ordinary people, you can't discuss the cause you started with them, you can only share the happiness of career success with them." Truly virtuous people will not go along with the world, and those who have achieved great things will not conspire with the masses. Therefore, if the sages want to make the country rich and strong, they cannot stick to the rules. Doctor Gan Long retorted: "No, according to the old rules and regulations to deal with political affairs, officials are familiar with doing it, the people are naturally stable and not chaotic." Gongsun Martingale said: "Ordinary people are generally content with the old customs, and scholars are limited to their own knowledge, and these two kinds of people can make them officials and make them obey the law, but they cannot discuss with them things that have been created outside the old chapters." Wise men make laws and policies, stupid people accept laws and regulations; virtuous people change the old etiquette system; and mediocre people stick to the law. Qin Xiaogong said, "Well said. Therefore, Gongsun Martingale was appointed as the chief of the left shu and formulated an order to change the law. The new law stipulates that five families will be organized as "Wu" and ten as "Shi", and each other will be supervised, and one will violate the law and be planted together with the Shiwu Family. Reporting and exposing criminals and killing the enemy for meritorious service are the same rewards, and concealing criminals is punished in the same way as treason and surrendering to the enemy. Those who establish military merit are knighted and rewarded according to the standard of military merit; private fights are punished according to the seriousness of the circumstances. Those who work hard in their own business and work hard to weave and weave a good harvest of grain and cloth are exempted from taxation and servitude; because they are lazy and poor, their families are punished as slaves of the state. Even members of the Imperial Clan could not be included in the Clan Roster without military merit. The rank of the Psychic rank is determined, and the number of farmhouses, slaves, and clothes is determined by rank. Those who have merit show glory, and those who have no merit cannot be glorified even if they are rich.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Gongsun Martin debated with the old nobles of the Qin state

After the decree was enacted, it was not immediately promulgated, and Gongsun Martin, fearing that the people would not believe it, erected a wooden pole three feet high at the south gate of the capital Oak Yang, and rewarded him with ten gold among the recruiters who could move it to the north gate. People find it strange that no one dares to move. So Gongsun Martingale said, "I can move away with fifty gold." "A man moved the pole to the north gate and immediately received fifty gold. At this time, Gongsun Martingale ordered the promulgation of the law change.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

The South Gate migrates wood

After a year of implementing the law change, thousands of people from the Qin state came to the capital to discuss the inconvenience of the new law. At this time, the prince broke the law again. Gongsun Martingale said: "The new law cannot be implemented smoothly because people at the top take the lead in breaking the law. However, the crown prince was the heir of the monarch, and it was impossible to punish him, so he punished the crown prince's right-hand man, Gongzi Qian, and punished the prince's teacher, Gongsun Jia, with the punishment of abdication (the ink on his face). When the Qin people heard that the prince's division and Fu had been punished, they all began to obey the law. Ten years after the implementation of the decree, the Qin kingdom saw that there were no roads left behind, no thieves in the mountains, the people fought bravely for the country, did not dare to fight privately, and the countryside and towns were governed. At this time, those who originally thought that the new law was inconvenient all changed their mouths to praise the new law, but Wei Martin said: "These people are all people who disturb the law!" "Drive them all to the border." Since then, the people have not dared to discuss the rights and wrongs of the law.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

The son of a pious man who was tortured

The first stage of the change achieved good results, and the strength of the Qin state was improved, and it began to attack han and Wei to the east.

In the eleventh year of King Xianwang of Zhou (358 BC), the State of Qin defeated the Korean army at Xishan.

In the fourteenth year of King Xian of Zhou (355 BC), Duke Xiao of Qin and King Hui of Wei held an alliance at Duping.

In the fifteenth year of King Xian of Zhou (354 BC), the State of Qin defeated the Wei army in Yuanli, beheaded 7,000 people, and occupied Shaoliang.

In the seventeenth year of King Xian of Zhou (352 BC), Gongsun Martin of the State of Qin led an army to attack the State of Wei.

In the eighteenth year of King Xian of Zhou (351 BC), Gongsun Martin of the State of Qin led an army to besiege Guyang in the State of Wei, forcing Guyang to surrender.

In the nineteenth year of King Xian of Zhou (350 BC), Gongsun Martin began to implement the second phase of the change, first building a palace wing in Xianyang and moving the capital to Xianyang. Subsequently, it was ordered that the residents should be prohibited from living in the same room as fathers and sons and brothers. Many small townships and villages were merged into one county, and county officials such as county orders and county clerks were set up, and a total of thirty-one counties were established at that time. Abolish the old well field system and break down land boundaries. Unified bucket, barrel, weight, balance, zhang, ruler and other units of measurement. In the twenty-first year of King Xianwang of Zhou (348 BC), Gongsun Martin further reformed the tax system and promulgated it.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

Merchant martingale fang liter

In the twenty-sixth year of King Xian of Zhou (343 BC), Zhou Tianzi made the monarch of the State of Qin the head of the princes, and all the princes came to congratulate him. Duke Xiao of Qin ordered The Young Prince to lead an army in Fengze to make an alliance with the princes of various countries and worship King Xian of Zhou together.

In the twenty-ninth year of King Xianwang of Zhou (340 BC), Gongsun Martingale said to Xiao Gong: "The State of Qin and the State of Wei, just like people have a great problem, either the State of Wei annexed the State of Qin, or the State of Qin annexed the State of Wei. Because the State of Wei lived in the west of the dangerous mountain range, the capital was built in Anyi City, and the State of Qin was bounded by the Yellow River, and occupied the geographical advantage east of the KunShan Mountains alone. When the country is strong, it will invade the Qin state to the west, and when the national strength is weak, it will collect land to the east to protect itself. Now that the State of Qin is under the rule of your sages, the state is strong, and the State of Wei has been defeated by the State of Qi a few years ago, and all the princely states have betrayed him, and we can take the opportunity to attack the State of Wei. The State of Wei could not resist our attack, so it would migrate eastward, and then the State of Qin could occupy the dangerous lands of the Yellow River and the Kunshan Mountains and subdue the princely states to the east, which was the grand cause of the emperor. Duke Xiao of Qin listened to Gongsun Martin's advice and sent him to lead an army to attack the State of Wei. The State of Wei sent Gongzi Jiao to lead an army to resist. When the two armies faced each other, Gongsun Martin sent a letter to Gongzi Jie and said, "You and I were good friends back then, and now that we are generals of the two countries, I can't bear to attack and kill each other." We can meet and conclude a covenant, and after a happy drink, strike the soldiers and return to China, so that the people of Qin and Wei can rest assured. Gongzi Believed it to be true, so he came to meet him, and when the two sides had completed their oath and were drinking, the samurai ambushed by Gongsun Martingale sneaked in and captured Gongzi Jiao. The Qin army took advantage of the situation to attack the Wei army, and the Wei army suffered a crushing defeat. When King Hui of Wei heard the news of the defeat, he panicked and sent emissaries to ask the State of Qin for peace on the condition of sacrificing the land of Hexi. After the State of Qin agreed to negotiate peace, the capital of the State of Wei, An'yi, was exposed to the threat of the status of the Qin army, and King Hui of Wei was forced to leave Anyi and move the capital to Daliang. At this time, King Hui of Wei sighed and said, "I really regret that I didn't listen to Gongsun Acne in the first place!"

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

"The Qin state was successful in changing the law, and Duke Xiao of Qin was given fifteen counties in the land of Gongsun Martingale Shangyu, and Gongsun Martingale was therefore known as Shang Jun.

In the thirty-first year of King Xian of Zhou (338 BC), Duke Xiao of Qin died, and his son King Huiwen of Qin took the throne. Because Gongzi Qian's men falsely accused Gongsun Martin of plotting rebellion, King Huiwen of Qin sent officials to hunt down Gongsun Martingale. Gongsun Martin fled to the State of Wei, which refused to accept him and sent him back to the State of Qin. Gongsun Martin and his disciples arrived at Shangyu and sent an army north to attack the State of Zheng. The State of Qin sent an army to attack Gongsun Martin, killed him, split the body into a car and showed it to the public, and killed his entire family.

"Zizhi Tongjian" Story 2: Qin Xiaogong's efforts to govern and the Shang Martingale Transformation Method

The martingale was cracked by the car

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