
11 seconds elevator indecent video went viral, the protagonist is 2 cases of new crown confirmed in Shanghai? Here comes the truth

author:Beijing News Network

On the afternoon of January 21, a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Shanghai reported 3 local confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia. After the press conference, the relationship between the 2 confirmed cases became the object of ridicule by netizens. Subsequently, an indecent video of an 11-second elevator began to go viral on the Internet. Since "Case 1" was previously reported as "Shanghai Cancer Hospital Outsourcing Logistics Support Personnel", the video was also described as a surveillance video of Shanghai Cancer Hospital, and the protagonist of the video was the above 2 confirmed cases, and said that the virus was transmitted in this way.

11 seconds elevator indecent video went viral, the protagonist is 2 cases of new crown confirmed in Shanghai? Here comes the truth
11 seconds elevator indecent video went viral, the protagonist is 2 cases of new crown confirmed in Shanghai? Here comes the truth

This online video actually has many suspicious points. First of all, the hats and clothes worn by the two protagonists in the video are not the common blue hats and uniforms of hospital nurses, but look more like factory uniforms; secondly, the geographical information of the monitoring equipment in the lower right corner of the video is "Building 102-Bofa-4", and there is no building named "Bofa" inside Shanghai Cancer Hospital. All indications seem that the video seems to be a fabrication of facts.

The reporter of the Shanghai rumor dispelling platform verified with the Shanghai Cancer Hospital for the first time. On January 22, the hospital replied: "After verification, the video of 'employees kissing in the elevator of Shanghai Cancer Hospital' on the Internet is false news. ”

Respecting the privacy of others is the basic quality of modern citizens, and protecting personal privacy is an important bottom line of a society ruled by law. Once native China, everywhere was a society of acquaintances, and the sense of boundaries between people was not so important, and there was no concept of privacy. However, as society switches to the modern model, the awareness of rights is gradually awakened, the protection of personal privacy has become a consensus, and the relevant laws have become more and more complete. In this sense, pointing out the trajectory of others can only expose their own ignorance, and they need to make up not only the civilization class, but also the rule of law class.

The private lives of confirmed patients are not a public topic, but the prevention and control of the epidemic is. Taking the misfortune of confirmed patients to speculate, ridicule, ridicule in exchange for traffic and win eyeballs is an abnormal network phenomenon and an indiscriminate use of network violence against confirmed cases. Deliberately creating rumors to stir up public opinion is even more difficult to test the law by example and to escape responsibility. The Shanghai rumor-busting platform reminds netizens to Chinese the Internet and express rational expressions in the discussion of similar events, and not to believe rumors.

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