
People who love you deeply will help you at this time

author:It's like the wind is light as a cloud

Some people say that women are "auditory animals" who, if they are not careful, fall into the sweet words of men and become prisoners of sugar-coated shells.

Wait until the passion fades and you face the real life, you will find that true love, not how many beautiful words, but in the time when you need him the most, he has always been there.

A man who truly falls in love with a woman, the best confession, is to spend his whole life to protect her thoroughly.

People who love you deeply will help you at this time


Help you when you're stuck.

Xiuying, a cousin who has been divorced for ten years, had a boyfriend last year, a handsome man about her age. Like his cousin, he works as a teacher at the school, and although he is far away, he gets together every weekend.

At first, Xiuying's mother was extremely happy with Xiuying's finding a boyfriend, but soon after, she began to mutter. She kept complaining that Xiuying's boyfriend was so stingy that he came to the door empty-handed every time.

At first, Xiuying didn't care, but these nagging were too much, xiuying was also annoyed, and she didn't complain angrily that her mother only looked at the details and couldn't see the overall situation at all.

It turned out that Xiuying's boyfriend, from the beginning of the relationship, was thinking about Xiuying. Faced with Xiuying's lack, he took out a loan to help Xiuying pay a down payment for a house, and also helped pay off the mortgage together.

Every time she came to visit Xiuying, she carefully accompanied and educated Xiuying's son, so that her son relied more on her boyfriend than on her.

Xiuying, who has been immersed in the shadow of divorce, has finally opened her heart.

In Xiuying's view, her boyfriend is an angel sent by heaven to save her, dragging her out of the "mud" with love and persistence, and the true feeling of "sending charcoal in the snow" is enough to melt the ice in her heart.

People who love you deeply will help you at this time


Help you when you want to make a difference.

In real life, there is no shortage of such strange appearances: men want women to be self-reliant on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are particularly afraid that she is better than themselves.

In the movie "The Intern", the heroine played by Anne Hathaway is too busy taking care of the company she just started and has no time to take care of her family, but she is glad to have a husband who fully supports her. Her husband, who does housework, takes care of her baby, and even helps her prepare clothes for going out every day, once felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

But the thing that the heroine did not want to see the most appeared, and the husband cheated. The heartbroken heroine feels terrible, but fortunately, she has won her husband's heart with the help of an intern, a senior workplace manager.

It is often said that behind a successful man there is a woman who is silently dedicated. In fact, behind the successful woman, why not have a man who supports it?

When a woman has the ability, ideas, and opportunities to go for a career, the person who really loves her is not to "pour cold water" for granted, but to encourage spiritually, identify emotionally, and share responsibility, so that she has no worries.

People who love you deeply will help you at this time


Help you when you're slacking off and indulging.

Human inertia is everywhere, for example, buying a treadmill, but after trying to make a new picture, it is discarded; for example, wanting to develop hobbies into a side business, but because it consumes a lot of spare time, it cannot stick to it.

Many times, many women always let their minds follow the action. Too many thoughts, too few actions, no final result, depressed.

A man who truly falls in love with a woman will unconsciously act as the "coach" of the other party's life, and do his best to shape his beloved person into a better and more perfect person.

My middle school classmate Xiaomei, who is very talented in language, married her husband, a master's student majoring in English, began to learn English under the guidance of her husband. A few years later, Xiaomei's English level has far exceeded that of her husband who came from a class, and she is fully qualified for jobs related to business English.

To this end, Xiaomei's husband constantly encourages Xiaomei to try new challenges. In his view, his wife is clever and intelligent, generous in dealing with the world, and can fully go to a broader platform to show her skills and experience a completely different life.

Later, Xiaomei did resign and change careers, and engaged in foreign trade work with her husband; but she quickly surpassed her husband and began to start her own business, and with the prosperity of her career, Xiaomei also achieved a gorgeous turn in life.

As the saying goes, true love is that you are excellent, and I am not bad. Only when two people can always look in the same direction, love will last forever.

People who love you deeply will help you at this time



If you're always asking, "Does he love me or not?", the answer is clear. Firm love, no need for others to testify.

Your heart will feel it, because the other person is always more active than you. What you think of, he will think of; what you have not thought of, he will also think through.

When you just feel at ease to be a person who "doesn't have to think much", it is the person who loves you, silently bears everything, exhausts everything he has, helps you, supports you, and cares for you.

When you meet such a lover, cherish it, a lifetime is not long, missed, maybe it is a lifetime.

Author: Like the wind is light as a cloud.

Your happiness, my blessings.

Images are from the web.