
Cao Xinbo went to Shangcai County to investigate the work of grass-roots party building in industrial development

author:Phoenix Sky

On November 8, Cao Xinbo, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhumadian Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission and director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, went deep into Shangcai County to investigate industrial development and grass-roots party building, emphasizing the need to grasp the leading industries, do a good job in grass-roots governance, improve development capabilities and service levels, and provide solid support for the comprehensive construction of modern Zhumadian.

Liu Junmin, secretary of the Shangcai County CPC Committee, Sun Daojing, member of the Standing Committee of the county CPC Committee, secretary of the County Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the County Supervision Commission, and Lei Ming, deputy governor of the county government, accompanied him.

Cao Xinbo went to Shangcai County to investigate the work of grass-roots party building in industrial development

In the Shangcai County Zhuangyuanhong National Rural Industrial Integration Development Demonstration Park, Cao Xinbo walked into the planting greenhouse and the agricultural product quality testing center to learn more about industrial development, business model, quality testing, etc., emphasizing the need to focus on agricultural modernization, cultivate characteristic agricultural industry clusters, accelerate the extension of the industrial chain, run through the supply chain, upgrade the value chain, promote the integrated development of rural first, second, and third industries, enhance the ability to bring wealth, increase farmers' income, and effectively lay a solid industrial foundation for rural revitalization.

Cao Xinbo went to Shangcai County to investigate the work of grass-roots party building in industrial development

In Makihara Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Longqi Shoes and other places, Cao Xinbo learned in detail about the production and operation of enterprises, epidemic prevention and control, safety and environmental protection, etc., encouraged enterprises to strengthen their confidence and determination in development, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, grasp the leading industries, give play to the brand effect, create competitive advantages, promote enterprises to further become bigger and stronger, and make positive contributions to the economic and social development of Shangcai.

In Xiaowangying Village, Huangbu Town, Cao Xinbo went to the village 'two committees' compound, production workshop, happiness garden, and mushroom planting base to conscientiously inspect the development of grass-roots party building, industrial development, and the development of the old-age care industry, stressing the need to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations, vigorously develop rural industries, realize the consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and strive to create a better life.

Cao Xinbo stressed that discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in Shangcai should conscientiously perform their duties, focus on the masses' "urgent difficulties and anxieties", strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of various policies to benefit the people and enrich the people, persist in focusing on improving organizational strength, pay close attention to the construction of grass-roots party organizations, promote the comprehensive progress of grass-roots party building, and provide a strong guarantee for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and the realization of high-quality development.

Liu Junmin said that Shangcai County will strictly follow the requirements of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, always promote high-quality development without wavering, unswervingly grasp the steady growth of projects, grasp the strong internal strength of the industry, prevent risks and guard the bottom line, grasp party building and promote development, comprehensively promote rural revitalization in a sprinting state and an enterprising attitude, and strive to accelerate the high-quality development of Shangcai. (Source: Shangcai Release)


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