
The most learned members of the Kuomintang admired Chairman Mao the most, and before being coerced into Taiwan, they hoped for Chairman Mao's protection

author:Liu Jixing

Yu Youren was born in 1879, a native of Sanyuan, Shaanxi, whose ancestral home was Jingyang, and was born in the Qing Dynasty. When he studied in Japan in his early years, he joined the Chinese League. After the Xinhai Revolution, he became the Minister of Communications. After 1927, he served as a member of the Executive Standing Committee of the Kuomintang Central Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the Military Commission, the head of the Audit Committee of the Kuomintang government, and the chief of supervision.

His old-style poetry is desolate and generous, and his calligraphy is well-known at home and abroad, and he is also the most learned among the Kuomintang people.

The most learned members of the Kuomintang admired Chairman Mao the most, and before being coerced into Taiwan, they hoped for Chairman Mao's protection

Yu Right Ren

In January 1924, the Kuomintang held the first national congress in Guangzhou, attended by communists, attended by both Yu Youren and Chairman Mao, which was the first time they met.

At the meeting, Yu Youren was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee and served as the Minister of Workers and Peasants of the Executive Department. Chairman Mao was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee, served as acting head of the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee, edited the Political Weekly, and hosted the Sixth Peasant Movement Training Institute. At the Second National Congress of the Kuomintang held in 1926, Chairman Mao was re-elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee, and it was natural to work with the Kuomintang's important minister Yu Right.

On August 28, 1945, Chairman Mao led a delegation of the Communist Party of China from Yan'an to Chongqing, and the mountain city of Chongqing boiled over! Yu Youren went to the airport to greet Chairman Mao, and the two poets who had admired each other for a long time were very happy to see each other.

On September 6, Yu Youren invited Zhang Zhizhong, Zhang Qun, Shao Lizi, Ding Weifen, Ye Chuling, and others to attend and set up a luncheon to entertain Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai, Wang Ruofei, and other representatives who came to Chongqing for negotiations. The menu was personally formulated by Yu Youren, including Chairman Mao's favorite braised pork, dried and sautéed bitter melon, tiger skin peppers, and sweet and sour crispy fish.

No one could have foreseen that Chairman Mao's visit to Chongqing would provoke an uproar in the poetry world. On September 6, Chairman Mao visited Liu Yazi, an old friend he had met during the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. Liu Yazi was overjoyed, gave him a poem, and asked Chairman Mao for a poem.

On October 7, Chairman Mao's handwritten old works in Hongyan Village were presented to him, which was the famous "Qinyuan Spring and Snow".

After Liu Yazi received Chairman Mao's inscription, he was overwhelmed with admiration and deeply felt that Mao's "first hand in China's words, although Su and Xin Yu failed to resist, yu Zihu? Therefore, I can't help but "itch with the gong", and the second rhyme is harmonious. At the same time, he also specially invited relatives and friends to enjoy it together, so that this word was copied by people and quickly sensationalized the mountain city of Chongqing.

Later, Wu Zuguang, who was a supplement editor of Chongqing's New Evening News, read the poem and immediately published it on November 14.

As soon as the word came out, it was ravely acclaimed. Yu Youren strongly praised it, sighing: Mr. Mao is really a great man of the generation of ancient wizards, especially the concluding sentence "Count the popular characters, but also look at the present dynasty", inspiring the future, it is really a stroke of God, and after reading it, people are thrilled!

The most learned members of the Kuomintang admired Chairman Mao the most, and before being coerced into Taiwan, they hoped for Chairman Mao's protection

Chiang Kai-shek learned that "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" was praised by everyone, and he was greatly encouraged. He asked Chen Brei for his opinion, and Chen Shi sincerely admired it and told the truth: "The momentum is magnificent, the air swallows mountains and rivers, and it can be called the fine product of the world." ”

This exacerbated Chiang Kai-shek's anxiety. Furious, he ordered Yi Junzuo and a group of Kuomintang imperial literati to besiege this group of words, making a big fuss, insulting Mao Zedong for his ambitions, comparing the words to the emperor, "counting the popular figures, and looking at the present dynasty" in order to become the emperor and hegemony. This practice of Chiang Kai-shek was naturally exposed and refuted by the progressive cultural circles.

The Kuomintang 's "criticism" was unsuccessful, and it also came up with a "comparison" move, and Shitu organized people to write better words than Mao Zedong to suppress the momentum of the Communists. Therefore, the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang informed the party departments at all localities and at all levels that they would each write a few poems of "Qinyuan Spring" and prepare to select from them that the artistic conception, momentum, and writing style could surpass Mao Zedong.

However, although there were many words and works collected, they were all mediocre works, although later they pulled several "masters" in Chongqing and Shanghai to make up the numbers, and finally they could not get their hands on them because of their mediocre results.

Later, a political commentator named Meng Jiezi in Taiwan said ruthlessly when talking about this matter: "Unfortunately, although there are many Kuomintang disciples, most of them are only secret agents and corrupt officials who can arrest, detain people, kill people, and make money, and they are only corrupt civilian officials and slave scholars of the rank of rotten acid and acid that can only write about the eight strands of the party." As a result, the 'Mao Zedong-level' "Qinyuan Spring" did not even write a single poem until it fled the mainland. The Kuomintang's inadequacy is just as Chen Yi said in the words "Rebuking the Kuomintang Imperial Literati": It is precisely "Yan is in danger, Hongfei is silhouette, and how can the square inch building be higher?" ”

On the eve of liberation, Chiang Kai-shek saw that the general trend had gone, and tried to rob money and talents and fled to Taiwan. Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai paid great attention to the whereabouts of cultural celebrities, including Mr. Right Ren.

At the beginning of 1949, when the Kuomintang and the Communists held peace talks again, Zhou Enlai said to Qu Wu, the son-in-law of the right post: "As soon as the peace talks broke down, the People's Liberation Army crossed the river to occupy Nanjing. At that time, a special plane will be sent to pick him up and go north to join the New CPPCC to discuss state affairs. ”

Qu Wu replied. However, when Qu Wugang wanted to convey Zhou Enlai's words to Yu Youren, Yu Youren had already been sent by He Yingqin to Shanghai.

After Yu Youren arrived in Shanghai, the Kuomintang had been defeated. Once, in the dead of night, his wife Shen Shi asked Yu Youren: "If Shanghai wants to be liberated, what should we do?" ”

Yu Youren comforted: "Don't be afraid, Shanghai has been liberated, and the Communist Party and Chairman Mao will protect us." ”

But soon after this was said, Chiang Kai-shek sent someone to take him to Hong Kong and then to Taiwan.

When Yu Youren was coerced into Taiwan, he went alone, and his original wife Gao Zhonglin, the eldest daughter Yu Zhixiu, and other relatives remained on the mainland, and from then on they went their separate ways. Yu Youren was lonely and lonely in his twilight years, deeply thinking about his relatives on the mainland, depressed and depressed, and unable to let go.

The most learned members of the Kuomintang admired Chairman Mao the most, and before being coerced into Taiwan, they hoped for Chairman Mao's protection

Yu Ren (center) and Chiang Kai-shek (left)

On January 12, 1962, Yu Youren wrote in his diary: "After a hundred years, I would like to bury Yushan or Alishan in a high place with many trees, and those who want to be high in the mountains and the trees that are big can look at the mainland at all times." My hometown is Chinese mainland".

12 days later, he wrote down the worldly song of the popular "National Martyrdom": "Bury me on the mountain and look at my continent; the mainland is invisible, only weeping." Bury me on the top of the mountain, look at my hometown, which is invisible and can never be forgotten. The sky is clear, the wilderness is vast, and above the mountains, the country is dead. ”

In 1964, Yu Youren died in Taiwan at the age of 86. Yu Youren's tomb is located on Yangming Mountain in Taipei City, and there is a sculpture of yushan on the main peak of Yushan Mountain. (Liu Jixing)