
Singer Slan received the Un Women and Lady Universe Goodwill Ambassador Special Contribution Award

author:Factual interviews

On the evening of December 6th, the UN Women and The Global Goodwill Ambassador Charity Dinner was successfully concluded at the St. Regis Beijing! Speaking at the dinner, Ms. Yang Ruikan, UN Women's China Project Coordinator, said, "The funds raised at the dinner will support UN Women's work in China, and our gathering here demonstrates the unanimous commitment of all of us to gender equality. "

Singer Slan received the Un Women and Lady Universe Goodwill Ambassador Special Contribution Award

The special contribution awards were received by Li Yunxuan, Zhou Yanxia, Zuo Yueyun, Wei Jia, Si Lan, Li Jiatong, Fu You, Zhang Lu, Han Weiwei, and Zhonglu Nong Group.

Mrs. Universe's Goodwill Ambassadors, three co-chairmen Li Yunxuan, Zhou Yanxia and Jiang Yanhong, attended the charity dinner. Li Yunxuan, Chairman of Beijing Lujiu Cultural Development Corporation and Global Executive Chairman of the Lady of the World Contest, said: "I am very pleased to be able to organize a charity dinner again to support UN Women's fruitful work in China." Zhou Yanxia, president of the Chinese Education Association of the United States, who is also in special consultative status with United Nations non-governmental organizations, said That Mrs. Universe's Goodwill Ambassadors will fully support the United Nations and play a constructive and key role in the cause of protecting women's rights, including promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) around the world.

Singer Slan received the Un Women and Lady Universe Goodwill Ambassador Special Contribution Award

Ms. Silan, as the elegant champion of the 2018 Mrs. Universe China Finals and the annual champion of the Mrs. Universe Global Finals, was invited to attend the dinner party and sang the masterpieces of famous Chinese songwriters Meng Qingyun and Li Yaocheng - "Grateful motherland". In an interview with the media, Slan said: "Mrs. Universe is an international high-end platform that delivers health and beauty. Landing in China not only shows the style of Chinese women in the new era to the world, but also spreads the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. Now women play an important role in the family and society, and the family is prosperous and prosperous. I will do my best to use the Lady universe platform to do some meaningful work for the country and society, and make my own contribution to world peace and beauty! I hope that more women around me will become excellent, continue to refine their own value, and create social value. More beautiful, wise, loving and happy in the new era! It can become the backbone of realizing the Chinese dream! ”

Singer Slan received the Un Women and Lady Universe Goodwill Ambassador Special Contribution Award
Singer Slan received the Un Women and Lady Universe Goodwill Ambassador Special Contribution Award

Ms. Silan has written a beautiful chapter in the new era for Chinese women!

In the evening, Zhao Shaohua, former Vice Minister of Culture, Vice Chairman of the National Arts Fund, Mr. Yang Haolong, Chairman of China Green Farmers Group, Ms. Li Tongyan, daughter of founding general Li Da, Ms. Yang Ruikan, Coordinator of the China Project of UN Women, Ms. Zhou Yanxia, President of the American Federation of Chinese Students, Mr. Xu Changdong, President of the Entrepreneurs Association of The European and American Returned Scholars, Ms. Na Yuan, Vice President of the Commonwealth Association and Wife of the Cypriot Ambassador, Mr. Ma Yong'an, famous calligrapher, Mr. Huang Yue, Honorary President of the Global Chinese Federation of Famous Painters, Mr. Ma Yong'an, Famous Calligrapher, Mr. Huang Yue Art Charity Fund, Vice Chairman of the World Art Fund huang Tian, famous entertainment lawyer Mr. Cao Yu, Global Executive Vice Chairman of the Mrs. Universe Contest Zuo Yueyun, Wei Jia, Mrs. Universe China CEO Meng Zhibang, Vice Chairman of China Diana, Li Peitong, Cheng Hao Cairang, Yang Xiumin, Media Director Meng Di, Chief Art Tutor Yuan Yi, and sub-district chairman representatives: Xing Yuhong, Dong Shuxiang, Wen Dongqin, Jin Yuanyuan, Zhou Xiangju, Xiaofeng, Chen Lingying, Li Guanyi and other guests came to the scene to help the charity dinner.

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