
The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

author:Cold knowledge
The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!
The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

The curator loves fantasy novels.

Because of this type of novel, the narrative background is often grand, the plot is tense and exciting, often contains elements such as dragons and alchemy, and the imagination is exaggerated to burst!

Reading fantasy stories brings us not only wonderful adventure stories, but also an exceptionally rich and incredibly real world!


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Author: Newt Scamander / Douban score: 8.1

The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a Harry Potter textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, written by J.K. Rowling (pseudonym Newt Skaman), author of the Harry Potter series.

In this country, almost every wizarding family has a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

As soon as This outstanding work by Newt Scarman came out, it was designated as a textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Now, Muggles also have a chance to figure out some of these questions:

Where do pentapods live? What does Velvet eat? Why is it better not to leave the milk outside the house for the prickly children to eat?

You're holding a special edition of the book— a copy of Harry Potter's own Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them— with interesting notes he and his friends wrote in the margins.


The Elven Diamond

Author: J.R.R. Tolkien / Douban score: 9.4

The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

The Elven Diamond traces the more profound, past legends of the Lord of the Rings, from the "Great Movement of Ainu," the beginning of creation, to the end of the Third Age.

From this, we can see the mythical world constructed by Tolkien, and the pattern is magnificent and profound.

The one god Ilyuvita created from his mind the gods (in the mouths of the elves and humans) to play the great music of the universe.

But in the harmonious movement appears a selfish rebel, Morgoth.

At first, the elves were summoned to the West to live with the gods in the blessed continent of Amen, and the nodo elf prince Fienor made a strange elven treasure diamond and stored the light of the double sacred tree in it.

Morgoth mutilated the Double Sacred Tree, plunging Amen into darkness, and then took the treasure diamond and fled to Middle-earth to claim the throne.

So Fieno made a terrible oath and led the elves of the clan to betray the gods, leave the blessed land, and return to Middle-earth to challenge Morgoth.

The fate of elves and humans has thus changed, leading to a story of tragic legends...


Dragon Gun Chronicle

Author: Margaret Weiss / Douban score: 8.9

The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

The heroes in Dragon Gun Chronicles get tired, cry, and make mistakes.

Their world is also full of conflict, discrimination and unequal treatment.

Unlike the others, they decided to rebel, to rebel against class discrimination, against the hatred of the elves against humanity, against the rigid honor system of knighthood;

They sacrifice everything they could possibly have to fight for what they think is right.

In the world of the Dragon Gun, Klein is no longer "living happily ever after" .

Klein is not a fairytale world, and everyone in the story will bleed and may sacrifice to achieve their goals.

Heroes will no longer be invincible and powerful people who talk about their guns, most of them are tragic heroes who carry curses and fight against fate.


The Night Watchman

Author: Sergei Lukyanenko / Douban score: 8.1

The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

A woman receives a curse of dark evil thoughts and produces a huge black cyclone, which may destroy the entire city even more, and the great magician will be born.

An unprecedented showdown is about to unfold.

Anton Golodetsky, a young sorcerer of light and a member of the Night's Watch Patrol, did not know that his first mission was to be drawn into this century of war between light and darkness, and his life's fate was changing dramatically...

Magicians, witches, vampires and shapeshifters, they are a group of others in Moscow, mixed among ordinary people, traveling between the human world and the twilight world...

All the others are divided into two camps – light and darkness.

The good sometimes does good in the guise of evil, and the evil sometimes does evil in the guise of good. What is the boundary between good and evil, light and darkness?

- END -

The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

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The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

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The kindle book | these four fantastic fantasy classics that take you into the world of magic and mythology!

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