
Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

author:Cat Grandma retires

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

"In the heart, in the dream, in the dawn". This is the verse I saw in the ancient town of Lili.

Today I came to the ancient town of Lili.

I came by car. The parking lot here is big, parking is very convenient, the parking fee is 5 yuan per day for unlimited time. It's so cheap!

The parking lot is together with the Lili Tourist Service Center, and from the side of the parking lot, you can directly enter the ancient town scenic spot.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

The whole scenic spot is actually a classic Jiangnan water town block with an east-west direction of the city river with a length of about 1400 meters as the axis. I traveled from east to west along the north side of the city. Just a few steps into the scenic area is a stone bridge, climb the stone bridge to the west is this city river that can not be seen at a glance.

Since I didn't see tourists, I thought I was in the wrong place. I just happened to meet an aunt washing fish by the river, and I asked her if this is the ancient town? She laughed and replied a lot in local language! I didn't actually understand what she said, but her body language told me that I was not wrong, and I did not take a few steps forward to see the rows of lanterns hanging under the eaves of the corridor with the words "Lili Ancient Town" on them, this is the ancient town.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

This ancient town is different from the ancient towns I have been to, such as Xitang, Wuzhen, Tongli, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi, Zhujiajiao, etc., which are always bustling with tourists, because I have not seen tourists at all. As far as I could see, an old man was sitting on a chair in front of his house picking vegetables, and an aunt was washing fish by the small river, and I seemed to have come to an ordinary village that was not where the scenic spot was located.

But I was immediately fascinated by its tranquility - this is what the ancient town should be, the dream water town I imagined!

I strolled along the bluestone path under the canopy. It was so quiet that I felt like I was in the slow motion of a movie. I seem to be the only one in heaven and earth, strolling through this ancient street and listening to the narration of the history of the ancient town.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

I met a middle-aged woman in her fifties doing laundry by the river, so I sat on the steps behind her and talked to her. I asked her if she would wash her clothes again when she got home from this river? She told me I didn't have to wash it anymore. I asked her again, do you need to soap to wash your clothes in this river? She told me that she had come to the river to wash it after she had soaped at home. As it turns out, this should be regarded as a process of "rinsing" only using river water! So I put my hand into the river. The water is really clear, and swarms of small fish swim leisurely in the water.

The number of people on the benches along the corridor gradually increased, and it should be the aborigines on the side of the corridor, who drank tea leisurely and nagged at home.

The weather was cloudy and sunny today. In fact, I am not worried about the rain, because one of the characteristics of this ancient town is its gallery shed. It can be shaded and protected from rain. Pedestrians pass under the porch, "no umbrellas on sunny days, no wet shoes on rainy days".

From time to time, the sun emerges from the clouds, the coolness of late autumn disappears in an instant, and the gallery becomes somewhat warm and dry. Some small shops on the street have also opened their doors, including one small shop that seems to be selling a food similar to the northern fried cake. Later I learned that this is a local specialty snack - oil pier.

These are the original tastes of the ancient town.

Stop and go in the ancient town, and swim slowly for most of the day. But this time I came to Lili Ancient Town or left a small regret, that is, I could not visit Liu Yazi's former residence.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

Due to the strict control of the epidemic, the staff at the exhibition hall asked me to show the itinerary code. Before I came here, I never thought there would be a problem with my green itinerary code, because I have been traveling around Suzhou for the past month. But the staff looked at my itinerary code and refused me to enter the museum, saying that from my itinerary code, I had been to Shanghai in the last 14 days. He said they now have rules that only people who have not left Suzhou in 14 days can enter.

I took a closer look at my itinerary code, and the bottom line did read, "You arrived or passed through in the previous 14 days: Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Shanghai."

Why? I have been in Suzhou for the last month! Taking a step back, I have really been to Shanghai, and Shanghai is not an epidemic area, how can there be such a regulation? The people of Shanghai welcome the people of Suzhou, even during the Expo.

What a shame! Reluctantly, I left the door of the Yanako Memorial Hall.

Let's end the epidemic quickly! Hope I will be able to enter this door next time I come back. I thought to myself.

This was a small episode of my trip. It really affected my mood at the time. But then I thought about it, and the problem may be caused by the inaccurate identification of telecommunications signals across regions, because I live on the border between Shanghai and Jiangsu.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

On this trip to the ancient town, I also saw the secret contact point of Wujiang of the Songhu Prefectural Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China, Xu Dayuan's former residence, MaoJialong Mao's house, and some old alleys such as Dongshengtang, Wenshitang Lane, West Xujia Lane, and Zhongrujia Lane.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

Let's talk about local snacks.

The snacks here are cheap and tasty. Because I came out of the house too early, I didn't eat breakfast, so I ate the old lady's stinky tofu, and also ate a feng's meat stuffed oil pier, and by the way, I also bought some other special snacks to take home to eat.

Exclusive dream water town - Lili Ancient Town

When I was tired of walking, I returned to the car. Before I put the seat at the back of the car upside down and changed it into a bed, I planned to sleep in the car, take a rest, and look at the night view of the ancient town at night.

When I was resting, I received a call from my family, and there was something at home that asked me to go back to help with my errands, so I had to leave the ancient town without hesitation.

I loved it here and I will definitely come back again.