
Drink vinegar, drink red wine, drink fish oil... What exactly "softens blood vessels"? There is only 1 truth

author:Shangguan News

As we age, our appearance changes, and in addition to superficial changes, blood vessels that serve as life channels also age. As a result, various small tricks of "softening blood vessels" spread everywhere, making many elderly people convinced. But are these little tricks reliable? Let's take a look at it ↓

Have you caught these rumors?

Drink vinegar, can you soften your blood vessels?

Hardened arterial plaques are mainly composed of calcium and fat, and if calcium is soaked in vinegar, it can indeed dissolve calcium. But the human body has a powerful mechanism to regulate the pH of the blood, and it will not make the blood acidic because of drinking vinegar. Moreover, if the blood does become acidic, it is harmful or even fatal to people.

Reminder: The main ingredient of vinegar is acetic acid, which has a certain corrosiveness, ingesting a large amount of vinegar on an empty stomach, acetic acid will corrode the digestive tract, burn the gastric mucosa and esophagus and cause ulcers, causing severe pain.

Drinking red wine, can you soften your blood vessels?

Red wine contains resveratrol, which has a certain effect on lowering blood lipids. But the premise is that a certain amount of resveratrol is required, and the content of resveratrol in red wine is very small, and a glass of red wine per day will not achieve the purpose.

Reminder: Multiple studies have confirmed that no matter how much alcohol is ingested, it is harmful to the human body, so drinking red wine in order to soften blood vessels is an act that is not worth the loss.

Eating deep-sea fish oil can soften blood vessels?

The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in deep-sea fish oil is indeed higher than that of freshwater fish, and polyunsaturated fatty acids do have a certain hypolipidemic effect, but it cannot directly act on blood vessels to keep them elastic.

Reminder: The quality of fish oil is uneven, and it is not recommended that you buy it at will.

Health care institution God service, soften blood vessels?

Now some health care institutions claim that smearing "medicine" in the direction of blood vessels can achieve the purpose of softening blood vessels.

In fact, the ingredients in these "drugs" are not clear, if there is no harm as a placebo, it is enough, the most afraid that these drugs will hurt the body, it will not be worth the loss.

Reminder: Be sure to go to a regular medical institution for consultation, and do not easily listen to false propaganda.

Drink vinegar, drink red wine, drink fish oil... What exactly "softens blood vessels"? There is only 1 truth

Truth: Arteriosclerosis can only be delayed, not reversed

Drink vinegar, drink red wine, drink fish oil... What exactly "softens blood vessels"? There is only 1 truth

These 4 things can really delay the atherosclerosis of blood vessels

Scientific exercise, especially walking is recommended

If you want to reverse early arteriosclerosis, the most effective thing is to walk! Studies have shown that walking has a good preventive effect on arteriosclerosis.

Insisting on walking can achieve the purpose of lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and weight loss, and walking can also accelerate blood circulation, which is very beneficial for improving arteriosclerosis. As long as you insist on walking for more than 1 year, you can effectively delay the progression of early arteriosclerosis.

Keeping your mouth shut is critical

Low-fat, low-salt, low-cholesterol diet, eat less sugar, eat some coarse grains appropriately, and eat more foods rich in vitamins and fiber, fruits and vegetables.

Note: Do not eat too much at each meal, too full can easily lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart, excessive brain load, and then lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Recommendation: You can eat more foods rich in potassium, iodine and chromium.

Potassium has the effect of anti-arteriosclerosis, lowering blood pressure, and protecting the heart, and potassium-rich foods include mushrooms, beans, spinach, seaweed, lotus seeds, bananas, oranges and so on.

Iodine helps promote sugar and fat metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol, and iodine-rich foods include marine fish, sea cucumbers, shrimp, kelp, sea vegetables and so on.

Chromium also has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol levels, and foods with higher chromium content include beans, chicken, shellfish and so on.

Reminder: Eat these foods, but also consider the specific situation of the individual, such as thyroid disease, whether you can eat iodine-containing food to consult a doctor. When taking oral diuretics and potassium supplements, eating foods high in potassium requires caution.

Drink vinegar, drink red wine, drink fish oil... What exactly "softens blood vessels"? There is only 1 truth

Abandon bad habits

Quit smoking and alcohol: Smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, the risk of coronary heart disease will increase by 2 to 3 times. Alcohol can cause soft plaques that have hardened the arteries to rupture, causing thrombosis.

Don't stay up late, ensure sleep: staying up late will disrupt the biological clock, so that the body secretes too much epinephrine and norepinephrine, so that blood vessels constrict, blood flow slows down, viscosity increases, and accelerates hardening and blockage of blood vessels.

Adjust bad mood and maintain a happy mood: People's blood pressure in a happy state is also relatively stable, and the impact of stable blood pressure on blood vessels is also relatively mild, which is very beneficial to cardiovascular patients.

Actively control chronic diseases

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids are all important triggers for arteriosclerosis, so keep it at the desired level as much as possible.

Drink vinegar, drink red wine, drink fish oil... What exactly "softens blood vessels"? There is only 1 truth

Scientific methods confirm the degree of arteriosclerosis

Confirmed arteriosclerosis generally involves the following tests:

1. Lipid test: because dyslipidemia is an important risk factor for atherosclerosis, especially low-density lipoprotein. Patients with arteriosclerosis often appear: elevated triglycerides (TG), cholesterol (TC), decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL);

2. X-ray examination: the aorta is elongated, dilated, twisted, and sometimes calcium concentration can be seen;

3. Arterial angiography: it can be seen that the arteries of the limbs, renal arteries, coronary arteries and other blood vessels due to atherosclerosis caused by stenosis, lesion site and range;

4. Doppler ultrasonography: it can determine whether the blood flow of the limb arteries and renal arteries is unblocked.

Once the detection of arteriosclerosis, do not need to be too nervous, the vast majority of the body is the normal physiological degeneration change process, whether drug treatment is needed, the key depends on the degree of narrowing and blockage.

Editor-in-Charge Xu Ling

Source Pudong Release

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