
The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

author:Baby-faced Uncle Shaw
The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

June 1941 was a "frightening triad" for Stalin.

On June 14, 16, 17, and 18, Moscow received several high-level intelligence reports exposing the German Barbarossa plan, even the type and number of tanks, the age and health of the commander.

Moscow was dumbfounded - this is not intelligence, this is equivalent to copying and pasting the Barbarossa plan directly!

What is the Barbarossa Project?

This is the code name for Nazi Germany's war of aggression against the Soviet Union!

A war of aggression prepared for a surprise attack was known in advance by the invading country, just like Japan's plan to sneak attack Pearl Harbor and leaked secrets to the United States in advance.

Of course, Hitler did not know that top-secret information had been leaked, otherwise the leaker would have been directly "racially optimized" by the SS.

So, who is this leaker?

It wasn't until more than 20 years later that people learned his name from information disclosed by the KGB:

The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

Born in Bavaria in 1897, Lesler was a junior officer in the forestry department.

During world war I, he was conscripted into the army, and his father had high hopes for him, thinking of his son's meritorious service and shining on the lintel.

I didn't think that Germany was beaten to pieces, and Lesler broke down and returned home, saying to his father: "Dad, I have good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" ”

What's the bad news? I failed to rise from the war.

What about the good news? I came back alive...

After that, Lesler entered a newspaper as a reporter, and then went to Berlin, relying on his ability to speak the Tao, and entered the German literary circle.

At that time, the German literary and art circles were anti-Nazi standard-bearers, basically what Hitler said, what they opposed, these people gave lessons to the Fuehrer every day, they did not think that the Fuehrer would one day give them a lesson.

Soon, Hitler was in power and directly ordered the SS to "teach lessons" to small groups.

Lesler looked at it, this is not the re-creation of the mind, this is the re-creation of the flesh! Quickly slipped away and ran to neighboring Switzerland.

The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

By 1937, Lesler, who had been hiding in Switzerland for three years, had long been expelled from his citizenship by the Nazis, but during this time, Lesler frequently appeared on German soil.

How did he get through customs? Why do you travel between Switzerland and Germany so much?

No one knows this, but everyone can see it: Lesler has the ability to hide the sky and cross the sea, which is naturally a spy material.

According to the information that has been disclosed, in 1937, Lesler frequently visited Germany, made extensive friends with anti-Nazis, and even infiltrated his contacts into the Nazi power center.

This is paving the way for one's own espionage career.

In 1939, Britain and Switzerland received a warning from a man that Germany would soon invade Poland, within 24 hours!

At that time, no one cared about this, you think, and there is no intelligence source, no institutional endorsement, even this person is not known, and most importantly, this news is outrageous enough - what intelligence can be accurate to 24 hours?

Reality soon punched british and Swiss intelligence in the face, and Germany did launch a blitzkrieg against Poland!

The head of the Swiss intelligence service hurried to dial the informant's phone, but it was busy- british intelligence and Soviet intelligence were secretly contacting him.

This informant is Lesler.

The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

Lesler then gave even more astonishing intelligence: Germany would invade France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and even Switzerland.

Although Lesler had proved his ability, the information was so explosive that neither MI6 nor the KGB dared to believe it, and only the Swiss intelligence services believed his evil.

After that, everyone knows the history, Germany quickly invaded France, Belgium, the Netherlands, only in Switzerland suffered, Switzerland was able to stand alone during World War II as a neutral country.

After that, the KGB allocated a lot of money to buy intelligence from Lesler, and bought the shocking information at the beginning: the Barbarossa Plan.

The KGB commander ran to the Kremlin and reported the explosive news to Stalin, which proved to be too explosive and always untrue.

Stalin was not impressed by this information: how could Germany choose to attack the Soviet Union when the fronts were anxious, and look down on us so much?

The "sunrise masses" of Germany during World War II "reported" Hitler to the Soviet Union! Lesler

I don't blame Stalin, the news was so explosive that it was fake, and the intelligence agencies of various countries, including MI6 and the FBI, did not believe it.

This time, history taught the Soviet Union a lesson, Germany suddenly invaded, the Soviet Union was passively beaten, stalin was also shocked: Barbarossa, it is true!

Since then, no one has ignored Lesler's intelligence, and the Soviet Union has bought all the information from Lesler at a price of $1600 a month, you know, in 1941, $1600 could buy a dozen quadrangle courtyards in Beijing!

But Lesler proved with his actions that he was worth the money. In April 1943, Lesler provided information on the number, strength, and equipment of the new tank unit established by Germany, and in September, he provided information on Hitler's convening of the German military and economic potential, and even more bizarrely, Lesler even knew the extent to which the German intelligence agencies had a grasp of the Soviet situation.

On the invisible battlefield, Lesler became the soviet nuclear weapon and truly turned the tide of World War II.

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