
Zhumadian City 33 Small School held an anti-epidemic advanced award ceremony

author:Zhumadian network

Zhumadian Network News (Correspondent Liu Ying) On the morning of November 8, Zhumadian No. 33 Primary School held an award ceremony for the "2021 Summer Vacation Anti-epidemic Advanced" in the playground.

Zhumadian City 33 Small School held an anti-epidemic advanced award ceremony

Principal Yao Lan read out the list of advanced collectives and advanced individuals who were commended. 10 "Little Champions of the Fight against the Epidemic", 19 "Advanced Teachers in The Fight Against the Epidemic" and 9 "Advanced Classes against the Epidemic" were commended (pictured).

Yao Lan said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the school has conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on epidemic prevention and control, successfully completed various anti-epidemic tasks in the early stage, and the strong positive energy of all teachers and students to overcome the difficulties of the times has been condensed, and won the stage victory of the school's anti-epidemic struggle. However, the epidemic situation is not over, and the teachers and students of the whole school should continue to strictly implement various disinfection and isolation policies, do not slacken off, be cautious and always be cautious, and build a solid campus epidemic prevention and control wall.

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