
How does a fan grow into a big name?

author:Zhan Fang
How does a fan grow into a big name?

A dense turn of snow, two pieces of falling on the ground one by three, Xizi Hangzhou blinked his eyes and made up. 

The White Causeway is broken, and only sporadic inkers are dragging traces to watch the snow. 

Zhu Qiu looked out from the lake across the Beishan Mound, and the White Causeway became a rippling jade belt in the gray and misty West Lake. 

The charcoal fire in the clay stove is red, and in the thick pottery urn, the freshly cooked Shinichi wine is spewing a permeable aroma

"'Plum blossoms should be ashamed to land on the ground, but they should be flying in the sky'. Su Zi Yongxue, why less wine? ”

Zhu Qiu said with a sigh. Like a sigh, like a relief...

How does a fan grow into a big name?

A vigorous tree will not pay attention to the admiring grass under its feet. 

Dongpo may have never noticed that under the Huzhou pastor of Zhizhou, where he was once in Zhizhou, there was such an unswerving iron powder. 

Only the world, the name of the world. At the age of 21, He entered the army and the first Su Dongpo, shi Wenqi was absolutely a national talent. 

Bai Juyi was 29 years old when he entered the priesthood and the first, and wrote proudly "The inscription under the Tower of Mercy, the youngest of the seventeen people".

"Except for Su Zizhan, the world is probably the first", the fame of the asano magpie made him a little crazy. 

The society should be born with talent, and it will be the instrument of great success. In the circle of friends, the one who brushes the screen the most is Su Shi's poems and texts. 

At this time, in the heart of a young student in Huzhou City, an idol is becoming clearer and clearer every day. 

The idol is Su Dongpo, and the teenager is Zhu Qiu. 

Star-chasing teenagers have a strange fanaticism, Wen must learn Dongpo, and poetry must follow Zi Zhan. The belt gradually widened, and it was gaunt for Yi. 

Who would have thought that this chase would take a lifetime. 

Huzhou was called Wuxing in ancient times, and the Zhu family was a famous and prestigious family, and also a generation of scholars. 

Zhu Qiu's father, Zhu Lin (朱臨), was a jinshi in the first year of Emperor You's reign (1049). Song Fang Spoon's "Compilation of The Po House" records: "Zhu Zhengfu Lin, who was not yet forty years old, lived in the west of Wuxing City at The Dali Temple. "Brother Zhu Qiu's famous clothes, in the line of characters, the official to the Zhongshu Sheren, listed in the "History of Song". 

Zhu Qiu entered the priesthood in the third year of Yuan You (1088). The Zhu family is "one door and three soldiers", and some people compare them to Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui father and son "three Su". 

How does a fan grow into a big name?

With such a glory, the Zhu family brothers became more and more admiring of Suzi. Brother Zhu Fu had close contacts with Su Dongpo. In the Complete Works of Su Dongpo, there are a large number of poems written to Zhu Xingzhong. 

In July of the second year of YuanFeng (1079), the roosting crows on the ancient cypress of the Bieliang Yushitai cried more miserably than usual in the chagrin of the clear moon. 

At this time, Su Dongpo, who was in prison, was suffering from the prison disaster of using poetry to argue about the imperial court, which was the famous "Wutai Poetry Case". 

In Su Shi's circle of friends, there are already a number of people implicated. Most of those who hype and retweeted posts were degraded. And Zhu Fu is among them. 

The heavens have eyes, and Su Shi has been achieved. Let him escape death and be exiled to Huangzhou (Huanggang County, Hubei). 

In Huangzhou, Su Shi wrote "In dreams to send Zhu Xingzhong", with a poem called: "Mourning Chu Fanatic, Holding Pu Empty Mountain". 

With eight buckets of talent, it is difficult to ship the imperial family. This experience is a tragic tearing of the soul. 

What was torn apart was the heart of Suzi iron fans, this year, the capital was extremely dry, and Zhu Qiu was only 29 years old. 

How does a fan grow into a big name?

The human world is really one of the oldest people, and he is engaged in the name of Qingzhou. 

Yiyi Su Shi's "True One Wine Poem"

Brewed for Shinichiwa and Zhuang, three cups are like serving the king. 

Yiyi Su Shi "True One Song"

People are born of wisdom because of their wealth and thinness, and heaven and talent are more troublesome. 

God balances the world. Su Shi, who enjoys the pursuit of many fans, once again stepped into a big turn in life. 

I am like a drop in the ocean, and the responsibility of the world is not in my heart. Zhenyi wine became the greatest consolation for Su Dongpo to degrade Huizhou. 

The scribes of the state only need a cup of wine, and whatever it is will become poetry! 

Zhenyi wine is the poem of Su Dongpo Kuangda. 

In a letter to a friend ("Zhenyi Liquor Law - Sending Jian'an Xu Dezhi"), he talked about the method of brewing this wine one by one

"Lingnan is really good, private wine is casual, near the gods taught me a brewing method, only use white noodles, glutinous rice, clear water three things, called the true one wine method." 

"The white noodles are superior noodles, which are fermented as usual, made into steamed cakes, steamed, and worn in bamboo through the wind tunnel, and can be used after two months." 

"Each material is only five buckets, only three buckets are better." One bucket per meter, cooked, rushed through the water, controlled dry...

"This law cannot be passed on either. Remember! Remember! ”

This secret wine, Su Shi got from Huizhou Deng Daoshi. 

One month on a dark and windy night, the Taoist priest brought a god and wine. This wine is the true wine. 

How does a fan grow into a big name?

The three of them drank heavily in the dark night and sang songs. Life must be full of joy, even if the golden bottle is only for the night. 

Forget about worries and dispel sorrows! But what is True Oneness? 

Song's "Seven Signatures of Yunji" Jin Danbu Eight said: Fu Dao, the supreme dignity of nature, is born empty in the middle of nothingness. The Void One, Shinichiya. 

Emptiness is also True Oneness. This is Su Gong deliberately making a mistake to the people in the circle of friends who pay attention to him. 

The avenue has to die from the heart! Su Gong, who is looking forward to holding the end of the moon, how can he not know this? !

Appetite to hang, atmosphere to create. Brewing this kind of wine, according to Su Shi's own words: "It is to sacrifice the Big Dipper." 

He also said: "Brewed into a jade color, it is absolutely similar to the "jasper fragrance" of the Wang Tai Ma family. Amazing! Amazing! ”

Wang Tai Ma is su Dongpo's iron brother horse Wang Jie. He reported to Su because of the Yushitai poetry case and was demoted to a shuren. 

Oh, the days of Lingnan, fresh clothes and angry horses and paper drunken gold fans are not. In the face, there is only the lush Luofu Mountain. 

In the circle of friends, the magic of Shinichi sake is fermenting, and the curiosity aroused by the daimyo is also fermenting...

How does a fan grow into a big name?

This is the jianghu summoning order.

Martyr liver sausage celebrity wine, beauty color ancient book. The Benbon scribes love famous wine beauties the most, and the Wind Bone Sacred Text is only ranked second.

Su fans can't sit idle, and search for everything...

The west lake reflects the empty north mountain, and the big hidden place opens the city wine. Zhu Qiu regarded this workshop as a treasure box containing his youthful dreams. 

In the first year of Chongning (1102), the second year of Su Dongpo's death, the 52-year-old Zhu Qiu called himself the Great Hidden Man and traveled to the rivers and lakes to find wine and write books. 

Su Gong once wrote the "Wine Classic", only more than three hundred words, which should be an unfinished work. Zhu Qiu studied while practicing and began to write the Beishan Wine Classic. 

Ten years after Dongpo's death, the practice of "True One Song" was made public by Zhu Qiu in his Beishan Wine Classic. 

Like lime into the water, su powder boiling. 

Zhen Yiqu original classic: "A bucket of fine white noodles, take ginger five two, study the juice, sprinkle and knead." According to the usual method, fermented, steamed cake, festival pieces, hung in the air in January, light dry can be used. ”

The Beishan Wine Classic not only includes the recipes and production methods of more than a dozen kinds of wine koji (popular in the Northern Song Dynasty at that time), but also adds health wine with different effects. 

As for the winemaking process, from lying pulp, panning rice, squeezing wine, and collecting wine, how much of it is meticulous, are all his practical achievements. 

People call themselves talented, such as the Yellow River, like water from heaven, and do not know its source. In fact, Su Fan Zhu Qiu is a standard talent. 

How does a fan grow into a big name?

Having entered the army, he prefers to go home and make wine. 

He has become a brewer of the country, but he is "not a good doctor, but a good doctor." 

In the fourth year of Zhenghe (1114), Zhu Qiu was conscripted into the rank of doctor of medicine and was responsible for the examination of the imperial court's medical decrees. 

He wrote the "Book of the Living Man of Nanyang", "Hundred Questions of Typhoid Fever", and also compiled "Two Scenes of Inside and Outside", which were enshrined as a guideline for future generations. 

Already full of benevolence, he was convicted of "sitting on a book of Su Shi poems", violated the party ban, and was demoted to Dazhou (dazhou, in present-day Daxian County, Sichuan). 

At the age of 65, Qingsi has become gorgeous. It seems that his heart is as calm as water, calmly shedding powder, but his dream of chasing stars when he was a teenager is still the same. 

Just like the aging of wine over the years, the older it is, the more pure it is, and it is expected to be sublimated in the end. 

Su Gong said: "Although You do not drink much, but you want to take pleasure in the day, you can't go a day without this king" ("Drinking Sayings"). 

Zhu Qiu said, "The power of wine is close to that of Daoye? With the drunkard, the fear of life and death is handed over to the front and does not know, which regards the poor Thai as disobedient to the special drama. ”

What is Tynog to be poor? What a rip-off! The Word is in the wine!

Idols and fans, at this moment, have completed the same destination! Cross the world with a glass of turbid wine, ferry people! 

Small hidden in the city, big hidden in wine. 

How does a fan grow into a big name?