
What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

author:Boss Chen and Li Damei
What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Chery Holdings Jietu and general manager of the marketing center

Text: Understand the original Wei Wei of Chedi

[Understand the original industry of Chedi] "At the product level, through the planning of 4+3+N, the investment of 30 billion yuan of funds, the planning of new energy models, etc., the annual sales of 700,000 vehicles in the domestic market will be achieved in the next 5 years." Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Chery Holdings Jietu and general manager of the marketing center, gave a more specific path when talking about how to achieve the brand sales target.

The "4+3+N" product planning is the development support of the independent Jietu brand in the next 5 years.

What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

The "4" refers to the SUV family, which includes the existing Jetto X70 and Jetto X90, as well as the new future Jetto X-1 and Jetto X-2 cars. Among them, Jietu X has made its first appearance at the Jietu Automobile Brand Night, according to Jietu's planning, Jietu X will make a real car appearance at the 2022 Beijing Auto Show and be listed next year. The car will also be named for the outside world. Although the specific listing date has not yet been determined, Li Xueyong already has a goal for the sales of this car, "The listing goal of this car is to achieve a monthly sales level of more than 10,000 units, and it has indeed truly entered the Red Sea market and is also the most mainstream market." Li Xueyong said.

What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

Jetway X

Indeed, unlike the strategy of the jetto X70/90, two traditional series of intensive cutting mid-size SUVs segments, the Jetto X-1 and Gittar X-2 will enter the more crowded compact SUV market. After the Jetto X-1, the fourth SUV of the Jetto brand is scheduled to be available in late 2022 or early 2023.

"3" refers to the three crossover model directions in the jietu plan, including hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup and MPV models.

Li Xueyong said in an interview: "If Chinese brands can make a product with a price of 150,000 yuan to 160,000 yuan, with a differential lock, and a certain light off-road capability, users are willing to play." Based on this judgment, Li Xueyong believes that Jietu "can make a hardcore off-road SUV, and the same is true for making pickup trucks." "In the planning of Jietu, both hardcore SUVs and hardcore pickups are aimed at the outdoor off-road market, and will share a chassis with off-road performance, which is different from the existing urban SUV chassis.

For MPV products, Jietu does not seem to have a clearer plan. Li Xueyong believes that although Geely Automobile and GAC Trumpchi have launched MPV models before, he believes that "the MPV market has not yet reached a flashpoint", so although Jietu has an MPV model launch plan, it will still wait for the market to mature and choose the opportunity to launch.

But this "opportunity" is still within the next 5 years of time, "hardcore off-road, pickup, MPV and other product layout layout, is expected to be formed around 2024, and the latest is 2025." Li Xueyong revealed.

After the completion of the above-mentioned "4+3" product layout in 2025, the lineup of the Jetway brand will also be expanded from the current two to seven. Li Xueyong stressed that "there is no interference between the seven car series."

The "N" stands for hybrid models and living space series. Li Xueyong revealed that in the future, in addition to the smallest SUV, other products will be synchronously planned hybrid models, which relies on the Chery Kunpeng DHT system, in this hybrid system 100 km fuel consumption can be as low as 1-2 liters per 100 km. With this system, "Jetway Auto will be able to meet the requirements of new energy and double integration in the next few years." Li Xueyong said.

What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

How to support the above product planning, Li Xueyong also revealed that at present, through the support of local governments and Chery Group, 30 billion yuan of funds will be invested in product research and development in the next few years.

On July 8th, Jetway held a grand brand night event in Beijing. From the official "birth" in Beijing three years ago to the announcement of the upgrade from "product sequence" to "brand" at the brand night, Jietu has proved its independence with sales of 380,000 vehicles in 34 months. Such a performance has also been highly recognized by Chery Group, Chery Holding Group Chairman Yin Tongyue at the Jietu Automobile Brand Night, using "34-month-old children" to describe his own Jietu, he said: "Jietu Automobile has created the first growth rate of China's cutting-edge SUV brand in 3 years, becoming the 'new force' of traditional automobile brands", and the praise is overflowing.

What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

Yin Tongyue, chairman of Chery Holding Group

For the outside world, the official announcement of independence of Jietu Automobile came a bit suddenly, but for Chery Group, this decision was logical. In communicating with the media, Li Xueyong also made a further explanation of brand independence. He said: "(Brand) upgrade is not according to their own plan can be upgraded casually, (because) we have achieved the phased goal, and everyone has such a demand, so this point in time is OK, 'Jietu Car' came into being." ”

The most important message released at the brand night is that Jietu Automobile will achieve the goal of selling one million units per year by 2026.

In fact, according to the Jietu brand plan, of the million vehicles sold, the domestic market target is 700,000 vehicles, and the international market target is 300,000 vehicles.

Chery Group continues to rank first among Chinese brands in the overseas business, with its mature overseas distribution network, the Jietu brand has achieved annual sales of 300,000 vehicles in 5 years, and the suspense is not big. Of course, what everyone is more concerned about is how the target of 700,000 vehicles in the domestic market will be achieved.

"At the product level, through the planning of 4+3+N, the investment of 30 billion yuan of funds, the planning of new energy models, etc., the annual sales of 700,000 vehicles in the domestic market will be achieved in the next 5 years." When Li Xueyong was asked how to achieve the sales target, he gave a more specific path.

"According to the current product planning of the group, when sprinting to 700,000 domestic vehicles in 2026, one or two new models will be added, and the existing X70 series and X90 series will also be completely replaced in 2023 and 2024, the goal is higher, and the product planning is more complete, which is very critical." Li Xueyong added.

"Based on the investment of seven car series plus the next two car series, if the product wants to become a hit, it must have six or seven hundred thousand sales to support, otherwise there will be many models that are not popular." We hope that every car can do the same as the X70 series and the X90 series. Li Xueyong looked forward.

Rome was not built in one day, and in terms of the specific sales rhythm of the domestic market, Li Xueyong also gave a clearer step:

In 2021, the sales volume of 150,000 vehicles will compete for 180,000 vehicles, and the target for 2022 will be 200,000-250,000 vehicles, and 300,000-350,000 vehicles in 2023; considering that the "4+3+N" product launch year is in 2024 and 2025, the goal of Jietu in 2024 must reach more than 500,000 units, and achieve annual sales of 700,000 units by 2026.

What is the realization of "Jetway's annual sales of millions of vehicles"? Li Xueyong: Seven major car series + 30 billion yuan

Another major support for sales is the channel system. According to official data, the current Jietu storefront will reach about 450 by the end of this year, and in the process of achieving the annual sales target of 700,000 vehicles in the domestic market, Jietu will maintain the channel network between 450 and 600.

It has to be mentioned that in terms of macro, the domestic SUV market has declined for three consecutive years.

In this regard, Li Xueyong has a clear understanding, "(In the past few years) the capacity of China's SUV market, which peaked at 5.5 million in 2017, began to decline from 2018 to more than 4 million vehicles by 2020." Therefore, from the perspective of market capacity, if Jietu wants to achieve domestic sales of 700,000 vehicles by 2026, it will inevitably seize many markets and greatly increase its market share. So things are man-made, we do our own thing, with the current benign development of China's economy, the capacity of China's SUV market is expected to reach almost 6 million vehicles in the next five years, which is more reasonable, if it is done well, it can reach 6.5 million vehicles. I think that the market recovery to more than 6 million vehicles is an opportunity for Jietu, and if it can't recover, it is a risk, but the probability will recover. Li Xue said with analysis.

Although the product planning and realization path have been given, the banner of sales targets has also been set. But whether the goal can ultimately be achieved is not planned. In fact, since entering 2021, while sales have soared, the product quality problems of Jietu have also been complained by car owners. According to the planning of Jietu Automobile, the time point of expansion into seven major car series on the basis of the existing two major car series is 2024 and 2025 at the latest, so in the next three or four years, Jietu Automobile needs to invest huge energy in addition to new cars and brands, but also the internal strength improvement of the car-making process system led by quality. Only in this way can Jietu Automobile go further, can it make its owner scale from 400,000 to 1 million, and can it achieve more sales targets.

In addition, Jietu Automobile's future new energy planning is mainly hybrid, so in the product layout composed of traditional fuel vehicles + hybrids, Changan, Geely and Great Wall have given a stronger planning and strategy, how will Jietu compete for the market from the head brand? At the level of "user co-creation" emphasized by Jietu Automobile, it is also necessary to face the continuous challenges of new car-making forces. Therefore, for Jietu Automobile, which has already established FLAG, the next 5 years are under great pressure and a long way to go.