
God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

author:Sengoku mud fun shi mikatsu
God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Come on! Another big celebrity appears!

Speaking of which, the Japanese always have a special passion for the nickname of the special middle school two, such as -

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

So today's article is to introduce the Echigo Dragon, the Tiger, the Lion!!!

* Note: Don't doubt that these are indeed his nicknames...

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Will you read the word "锖"!?

Qiang: The color of the oxide film on the surface of the mineral, such as brass. So it's wearing a helmet, not a fight with a headscarf, remember.

Pipe collar Uesugi home

The Uesugi family was considered a famous warring state, and one of them was the Kwantung governor appointed by the imperial court. But what is the title of Kanto Governor? Let's take a look.

The periods in Which Japan's history were divided by the shogunate include the Kamakura shogunate period, the Muromachi shogunate period, and later the Edo (shogunate) period.

At the beginning of the Muromachi shogunate, the first "Shogun Seiyi", the founder of the Muromachi shogunate, overthrew the Kamakura shogunate and established a new regime centered on Kyoto. Previously, the base of the Kamakura shogunate was in the Kanto region.

Fearing that the Kamakura forces would rebel, they arranged for highly respected people to be appeased and managed as "Kamakura Gongfang", which belonged to the directly controlled areas directly controlled by their own people (relatives) trusted by the central government, and the position of Kanto Governor was the "assistant" of the Kamakura Gongfang, who was in charge of all government affairs in the Kanto region.

The position of Kanto governor was hereditary from the Uesugi family, which was the mother of the first shogun of the Shogunate.

How much authority does the Kanto Governor have?

The scope of the rights that can be exercised in the post of Kanto governor is clear

According to the great unrest of 672 (the Rebellion of Nongshen), the great damage caused to the people.

Emperor Tenmu built three major passes in the following year (673) to guard the regime (Asuka Kiyohara Palace):

● Do not break the level

●Suzuka Seki

●Love hair off

In the middle of the Heian period, additional additions were added

●Fengsaka Pass

In contrast, the emperor's regime was in the central region,, so its left and right were the western and eastern kingdoms, and Kanto was the meaning of the whole of eastern Japan at that time. According to revisions made at the end of the 14th century, the Kanto region consisted of: Sagami, Musashi, Anfang, Kamisō, Shimocho, Tokiwa, Ueno, Shimono, Izu, Kai, Mutsu, and Izuwa (12 kingdoms in total).

If the above areas are under the jurisdiction of the "Kamakura Gongfang", the Kanto Deacon has been renamed the Kanto Governor and also exercises the power of government orders over the area.

The drawings are as follows:

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

*Note: The dark blue area in the figure is the kanto domain's power range.

Do you think that knowing the details of the Uesugi family is equivalent to knowing the origin? Have I ever had such a LOW operation?

, original name, born into the Nagao family. The Nagao family, on the other hand, is the younger brother of the relatives of the Uesugi family (Echigo guards the Uesugi family).

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

In the Ancestor Effect series, the Echigo Dragon mech and pilot

Seeing this, you should understand the reason why the pilot of the Echigo Dragon mech in the "Ancestor Effect" manga is called Nagao Rinyang, right?

The Long Tail family's poor kinship

There are three branches of the Nagao family, the Mijō Nagao family in Kambara-gun, the Koshi Nagao family in Koshi-gun, and the Ueda Nagao family in Uonuma-gun.

Due to the "temporary worker" position of Echigo Guardian Acting Official, everyone had to compete, and in the end, the Three Nagao clan monopolized the "temporary worker" post, and also married each other with the Koshi Nagao family, and together they advanced and retreated, completely isolating the Ueda Nagao family.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

And our protagonist, at that time, was born in... Winners in Life - Three Long Tails!!

Isn't it the usual start oh, surprise or not? Surprised? Unhappy? Thorns are not irritating?

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

The ups and downs of life fall and fall

Sanjo Nagao Family: Acting official of the Echigo Guardian Uesugi Family (Echigo Guardian Dai).

The meaning of the acting official is that when the old man does not care about things, the "temporary worker" who manages the government affairs for the old man, anyway, if something happens, it is a "temporary worker", and the old man is always correct.

Not only did the Sanjo Nagao family gain the status of Echigo Guardian, but even the boss, Echigo's wife, was the protagonist's aunt! Relationship iron is one thing, to fight still have to see the father, right?

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Echigo Guardian Generation Nagao Eikei (Uesugi Kenshin's father)

The protagonist's father, an absolutely iron-blooded man, diao's flying...

● Killed the former Echigo Guardian

● He raised (his adopted son) to the stage as a puppet

● The combined forces unified the Echigo State

●Killed the Kanto pipe collar (!?) )

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Therefore, the nominal "temporary worker" is actually the "shoulder handle" of the Echigo country, understand?

The god of war has arrived

On January 21, 1530, the protagonist was born in KasugaYama castle in the Echigo Kingdom. Because he was born in the year of Gengyin, he was named "Tiger Chiyo".

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

"Don't be afraid, my name is Tang Yin... I have something to say about the relationship between the year of birth and the name"

Kasugayama Castle

It is located in Kamikoshi City, Niigata Prefecture, one of japan's 100 most famous cities. The official residence (Fuchukan) guarded by Echigo was built around it. 【Japan Top 100 Famous Cities Series】Kasuga Yamashiro Castle

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

According to the records of the restoration of the Kasuga Yamashiro model

● In 1507, the guardian dai (temporary worker) supported the entry of the Fuchukan and forced the original guardian away. After reinforcing the important defensive facilities, he became the first lord of KasugaYama Castle

● In 1536, the eldest son became the new owner of KasugaYama Castle

● In 1548, ( ) became the adopted son of his brother, inherited the family governor, and became the lord of Kasugayama

● In 1579, Kenshin's adopted son won the Victory of the Imperial Pavilion Rebellion and succeeded him as the governor of the house

● In 1598, the Uesugi family moved to Aizu and took over the Echigo region

● In 1606, he died of illness and his son succeeded him as the governor of the family

● In 1607, due to the steep terrain of Kasugayama, it was inconvenient to handle government affairs, and the completion of the newly built Fukushima Castle, the Hori clan moved into the new city as a whole, and Kasugayama Castle was abandoned.

However, before he was one year old, the lord of The Jojo Castle gathered the forces of the old Uesugi family and confronted him. The military operation was responded to by Echigo Yoshinbei and the isolated Ueda Nagao family.

But the end result was still victory. However, the struggle of the Ueda Nagao family is far from stopping... And it's all big things, which we'll mention gradually in the future.

Echigo ascends to the north

In addition to the local local tycoon groups, the families that settled in the northern Echigo from the Kamakura shogunate period had a deep bond in the lands they controlled. A group of Chinese people with relatively unified action has been formed.

Later, in the process of daimyōization, he participated as a family vassal regiment, and about 30% of the Uesugi family's military strength in its heyday was composed of Yangbei people.

The First Battle of the Gods of War

In 1536, his father retired, and his older brother became the new governor.

The monastic practice at Hayashisen-ji Temple near Kasugayama Castle is taught by the abbot himself. It is said that because he was estranged from his father, he went to the temple to avoid his father.

The young children liked to show strength and courage, which surprised everyone around them. I especially like to play simulation games on castle models.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

In 1542, the god father fell ill and died, and the original hostile forces gradually approached KasugaYama Castle, and the 12-year-old was wearing armor and holding a sword to protect the coffin of his deceased father.

Due to the current Nagao family governor, the elder brother did not have the ability to control Echigo, and the original puppet guardian was successfully restored, and the original hostile, Yangbei people, and relatives of the Ueda Nagao family finally gained power.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Warmly celebrate the great turnaround

In 1543, at the age of 13, YuanFu (an adult) officially changed his name to Long-tailed Jinghu. In that year, he was sent by his brother to Sanjo Castle, and then to Toyo Castle, with the purpose of attacking the resistance forces of Nakagun and consolidating the rule of the Nagao family, and then going to Shimogun to suppress the Yangbei people.

This long-tail family unrest is due to —"

The decision of the regained Echigo guardians to make the Son of the Date family an adopted son and heir sparked civil unrest, and the Echigo people were divided into pros and opponents. Because my brother was sick and weak, he had no time to resolve this contradiction.

In the spring of 1544, the situation turned into a military operation, and some of the Hao clan gathered their troops, believing that the young people who were only 14 years old could be bullied, and raised an army to attack Tochio Castle.

The only defenders were divided into two teams, one of which sneaked up on the enemy in a sharp line, causing chaos. Then he personally led the rest of the defenders to take advantage of the chaos and attacked, and won a great victory. The Battle of Tochio Castle, as the first battle, also opened a new page in the life of the god of war.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "One"

Except for my old enemy, the little tiger, you are all far behind!

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