
Riders slip and fall in many places With frequent snowfall, takeaway platforms: extreme weather will shut down distribution Cold protection supplies are already in place

author:Cover News
Riders slip and fall in many places With frequent snowfall, takeaway platforms: extreme weather will shut down distribution Cold protection supplies are already in place

Cover news reporter Zhang Yuexi

A few days ago, there was a cold wave in most parts of the country, bringing heavy wind and rain and snow and cooling of more than 10 ° C. Some netizens posted a scene of difficult delivery of takeaway brothers in bad weather, and the topic of whether to order takeaway in bad weather was discussed again by netizens.

On November 8, the reporter learned that the takeaway platform has proposed a solution to the problem of rider delivery in bad weather. Hungry Mo said that under bad weather conditions, the platform will increase the delivery time of knights, and cancel overtime, bad reviews and other assessments, so that knights can rest assured of delivery. If the weather is extremely bad, the delivery service in the area will be shut down to ensure the safety of the knights.

In addition to relaxing the assessment standards, Meituan Takeaway and have announced the rider subsidy plan for extreme weather in winter, which will help riders increase their income and survive the winter safely by increasing subsidies and cold protection materials.

On November 8, announced that it would invest tens of millions of yuan to distribute nearly one million pieces of cold protection materials to the active Blue Riders across the country, including windproof knee pads, handlebar gloves, bibs and so on. At the same time, it provides more winter running single subsidies for knights, and cooperates with caring merchants to open welfare meals such as rest stations and warm winter dumplings.

On November 7, Meituan Takeaway also announced that it would provide a winter subsidy of 1.6 billion yuan for riders across the country, and at the same time provide a total of 1 million pieces of cold protection materials such as windshields, handlebar covers, and leather knee pads for riders in 153 cold cities across the country. According to the relevant person in charge, as of the end of October, Harbin, Jilin, Urumqi, Yinchuan and other cold cities in the north have completed the distribution of cold protection materials, and it is expected that by November 15, 1 million pieces of cold protection materials will cover all cold cities in the country.

In addition to winter subsidies and cold protection materials, Meituan Takeaway said that it will also supplement winter medicines for the "Same Boat Guardian 1㎡" health service area of the national distribution site, including frostbite cream, cold medicine and so on.

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