
Can you still eat red dates when they are bitter What kind of dates are better

author:Fun Monk

Many people especially like to eat red dates, generally red dates are sweet, but sometimes we eat red dates feel bitter, then red dates are bitter can still eat? What kind of dates are better? Next and Xiaobian to understand!

Red dates are delicious, nutritious, beautiful and nourishing, and are very tasty and nutritious foods. But sometimes when we eat red dates, we will find a little bitter taste, so can we still eat red dates when they are bitter? What kind of red dates are better than u> shrimp underneath to take a look at it.

Can you still eat red dates when they are bitter What kind of dates are better

Can you still eat red dates when they are bitter?

Look at the degree of suffering.

Generally, red dates are a little bitter, and if they are very bitter, it means that there is a problem with the dates.

What is the bitterness of red dates In general, some of the skin of red dates will have a slight bitterness, and if the red dates are moldy, they are also prone to bitterness.

Dates should be eaten with a sweet taste in the mouth. If it feels bitter, then you are on fire. It is not advisable to eat dates when on fire.

Can you still eat red dates when they are bitter What kind of dates are better

What kind of dates are better

1, look at the appearance

Normal red dates, after drying, the surface is wrinkled, and some may have some natural spots, it is impossible to be pure, round, so full.

2, look at the color

Sulfur-smoked dates are "red" and "fresh", and the color is very consistent; The color of the unsmoted dates varies from dark to light, inconsistent.

3, look at the inner layer

If you see that the color of the dates is particularly bright, the meat is particularly full, the skin is swollen, there are no spots on it, and then the meat is white after breaking it, then such dates should not be purchased.

4. Taste the taste

In fact, there is a particularly simple way, that is, to break this meat open and taste it, the normal jujube tastes fragrant and sweet; The sulfur-smoked "red dates" have a slightly sour and pungent smell. And if the meat is bitter, it can basically be judged that it has been fumigated with sulfur.

Can you still eat red dates when they are bitter What kind of dates are better

Can you still eat red dates when they turn black?

Nutritionist introduced that red dates turn black, it is best not to eat them again. One is caused by uneven dry humidity during the drying process, the color is slightly darker and more sticky, the taste has not changed, this can be eaten.

The other is a slightly bitter spoilage, the taste has begun to become bitter, it is best not to eat.

How to preserve red dates

1, put the dates into boiling boiling water to blanch again, and then quickly fish out the dates, drain the water and put them in the sun to dry, can kill the jujube surface bacteria, stored in a dry moisture-insulated container can avoid jujube insects and deterioration.

2, find a ceramic container with a lid that can be sealed, and then wash and dry the water and put it for later. The next step is very simple, lay a layer of dates in a ceramic container, then add a thin layer of fine salt, until all the dates are put in, and then sprinkle a layer of fine salt on the top layer of dates, seal them with a lid and store them. It is always known that table salt has the effect of sterilization and preservation, so doing so can prevent red dates from growing insects.

3. Exposure to the sun for 4-5 days before qingming. To prevent it from turning black, you can cover the dates with a layer of contempt, or spread them in a cool ventilation place for a few days, dry them in the tank, add a wooden lid, or mix grass and wood ash, and put it in a bucket to cover it.

4, with 6-8 money salt, stir-fry into a powder, layered sprinkled on a pound of red dates, and then sealed, the red dates will not be bad. If the amount of dates is large, the amount of salt should be increased proportionally.