
Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

author:Everybody talks about history

In the second year of the Han Jing Emperor, the fifth prince Liu Fei was given the title of Prince of Runan. After the Outbreak of the Seven Kingdoms rebellion of Wu and Chu in the Great Han Dynasty, Liu Fei, the 15-year-old king of Runan, had armed forces and was good at plotting, and took the initiative to ask Miao to attack the Wu army.

Liu Fei was very pleased with liu fei's great achievements in the great battle to quell the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, and renamed Liu Fei the king of Jiangdu, and rewarded Liu Fei with the state of Wu that Liu Fei had conquered. The State of Wu was a relatively powerful and wealthy vassal state during the Han Dynasty, which shows the importance that Emperor Jingdi of Han placed on Liu Fei.

Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

In the feudal country, Liu Fei recruited the world's Haojie, and Dong Zhongshu was among them. Liu Fei saw that Dong Zhongshu had the talent to rule the world, and not only did not embarrass Dong Zhongshu, but was willing to accept Dong Zhongshu's suggestions and was willing to listen to Dong Zhongshu's lessons. In the princely state of Wu, Dong Zhongshu's idea of "Confucianism with Exclusive Dignity" was widely used in politics, the state government was clear, and the development of the State of Wu was getting better and better.

After reigning for 27 years, Liu Fei died of illness at the age of 41, passing the throne to his eldest son Liu Jian.

Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

In archaeological history, several ancient tombs of the Western Han Dynasty have been found on the temple hill of Yizheng, and archaeologists have always believed that this is the tomb of Liu Fei. In the Han Tomb of Dayun Mountain, experts guessed the identity of the owner of the tomb from the words "Dongyang" on some of the remaining tiles, and roughly locked in five directions: Liu Jia the King of Jing, Liu Zhong the Marquis of Heyang, Liu Tao the Prince of Wu, Chen Bao, the Marquis of Tangyi, and Liu Fei, the King of Jiangdu.

Many chariots and horse artifacts were excavated in the funerary items, including many luxurious chariots. Liu Hao, the king of Wu, was belligerent, and experts once suspected that it was Liu Hao's tomb. So why did you exclude Liu Liu in the end and lock Liu Fei?

Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

First, the tomb specifications of this Dayunshan Han tomb show that the owner of the tomb must be a prince of the Western Han Dynasty.

Second, the place of Dayun Mountain was once the land of the three princely states of Liu Jia Jingguo, Liu Hao Wu Guo, and Liu Fei Liu Jianjiang Capital. The excavated cultural relics are engraved with the words "Eunuch of Jiangdu".

Third, many of the tombs are engraved with a chronology like "Twenty-two Years of Southern Gongguan", Liu Fei reigned for 27 years, and Liu Jian only reigned for 6 years, so it should be Liu Fei, the King of Jiangdu.

Overall, Liu Fei's mausoleum is very luxurious and spectacular, but where did he get so much financial support? He is only a prince of one side. What's more, after the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, the emperor consciously controlled the power of the princes, and many of the powers of the princes were deprived, and the specifications of the tombs after their deaths were naturally not as luxurious as before.

Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

But in Liu Fei's tomb, archaeologists excavated a complete set of "golden jade clothes", not to mention, there is a complete set of exquisite chimes, as well as a large ding with snacks.

The chimes unearthed in Liu Fei's tomb are the third set of chimes unearthed in China, and the super invincible Dading with snacks is also the first time to see it. This ding is very strange, its shape is indeed the shape of the ding, but after opening the lid, the ding is distributed with small grids. This is called "Fen Ge Ding", which is very similar to hot pot.

Western Han people eat hot pot with ding-pack snacks? The tomb of Liu Fei, king of Jiangdu Yi, has unearthed a rare Da Ding

The mystery was finally solved, and the Han Tomb of Dayun Mountain was the tomb of Liu Fei, the King of Jiangdu Yi. Among the more than a dozen sons of emperor Jing of Han, Liu Fei was also considered to have a better ending, and the other princes either died early, or were executed for crimes, or committed suicide after rebellion.

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