
TV special film commentary "Talking about the West Mouth"

author:Xinzhou Net
TV special film commentary "Talking about the West Mouth"

The Yellow River, running endlessly, is a flowing song in this land.

The majestic Great Wall, majestic and magnificent, is a colorful painting on this land.

CuiDao lonely smoke, the long river sunset, here is the Purple Sai overlook, surrounded by mountains and water, the Yellow River hugging the mountain city - Xikou Hometown River.

Episode 1 Touch History

The Yellow River, since its entry from Lao Niu Bay, has turned from north to south, turning east and west, and slowly flows to a local river bend of an oasis.

Hequ, named after the Song of the Yellow River, is located in the northwest of Shanxi Province. It is across the river from Zungar Banner in central and southern Inner Mongolia and Fugu County in the northeast of Shaanxi Province, and is known as the "Three Provinces of Jiming". It is the old home of Bai Pu, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, and also the hometown of Xikou, an old revolutionary area.

Hequ ancient name is SuiZhou, the Warring States belong to Zhao, a Lin Hu, also known as Dan Lin. The Han belonged to Yunzhong County, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties belonged to the Northern Wei. Tang li Taiyuan, the fifth generation of Liu Chong's arrogance called Han - Zhixiong Yong Town, Song Taiping Xingguo seven years to build a volcanic army, Zhiping four years to set up volcanic county, Jin Zhenyuan yuan yuan year set Hequ county.

It has a history of 5,000 years of civilization and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Mr. Su Bingqi, a famous archaeologist, said: "We once called Hequ, Daihai (present), Jinbei (present- and Jibei) another "Golden Triangle", the source of a great change in the Central Plains around 5,000 years ago, and the cradle of Ordos bronze culture"!

According to archaeological data; Although Hequ is far away from the frontier, it has always been part of the historical stage of the Chinese nation due to its similar economic forms and common cultural origins. It is a branch of China's dominant agrarian settlement culture.

From the Paleolithic period to the Shang Dynasty and to the Han and Tang Dynasties, the sequence is continuous and clear. The core part of its cultural origin is a cultural connection belt from the Central Plains to the north and then back to the Central Plains. It is the birthplace of Xikou Road culture.

Paleolithic sites: volcanic stone ladders, patrol division river society; Neolithic relics, there are temple stone ruins belonging to the temple bottom type ditch culture, pingtou site is the late Longshan culture of ancient human half-crypt old traces.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Hequ has become a springboard for Northern Di, Xiongnu, Turkic, Khitan, Tatar, Wallachian and other western tribes to continuously launch attacks for the Central Plains. Since entering the Ming Dynasty, in order to defend against the invasion of the Northern Mongolian Horse Brigade, the Ming Dynasty has built the Great Wall for 254 miles along the stone ladder pass on the east bank of the Yellow River, built earth, stone and brick bags, and built the Great Wall for 254 miles, until it was at the guanyajiao Fort, forming the famous western river curve starting point of the Inner Great Wall. It was the last line of defense of the Gongwei Jing Division. The cross-sectional set of ten piers of the Shouhe River and the Huangfu River Qingshuiying Great Wall on the opposite bank are across the river from Lutai, echoing in the distance, directly Suiyuan Ningxia Great Wall, thousands of miles.

As early as a thousand years ago, it was the market of Song and Liao trade.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Hequ Taokou Water Dry Wharf was revived again, and it became the business community in northwestern Jin and even Shanxi, and initially transported rice grain to the border pass in exchange for salt and profited from it - Xikou. Its scale is listed as the three major wharves alongside Hengcheng and Baotou In Ningxia. It forms another grain, oil, salt, fur and other commodity distribution and trade center for the import and export of the Hetao River Basin. Hequ merchants have taken the lead in the establishment, and there are hundreds of business names. The main body of the business is grain, salt and oil, followed by foreign and guangzhou miscellaneous goods. Its semicolons and ticket numbers are all over Ningxia, Suiyuan, Baotou, Taiyuan and other places, and a large number of merchants have been achieved.

The rise of water and drought docks has made a large number of merchants. There is a folk proverb that "there are children who open shops, as strong as the county of knowing". In the modern history of Hequ, there have been ten richest people who have "learned and excelled in business": Li Qi, Wang Meng, Yu Wuben, Zhang Duan, Qiao Yu, Wang Xizhen, Chang Jiaqi, Chang Jiajun (Bagong), Zhang Huansheng, and Zhang Yaosheng. And among the ranks of Jinshang.

At that time, the main streets and alleys in Hequ City and Nanguanqiao'er Street, Erdao Street, as well as thousands of miles of wharf commercial ports, were owned by the top ten richest people. 】

From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty until the Republic of China, a large number of merchants, farmers and workers flocked to Hequ Wharf in the northwest of Jin, central Jin. Then cross the river with camels or mules and horses to make a living in Baotou, Linhe, Wuyuan and to Ningxia, collectively referred to as taking the West Exit. Qing Xianfeng five years. After the disaster in Shanxi, the west entrance is naturally not the mainstream.

Historical proof; This cultural connection belt inherits the previous enlightenment, spreads civilization, develops the economy, implements military strategy, and migrates north with farming, and gradually forms the Xikou Road culture with the culture of commercial tourism as the mainstay.

The History of the Six Emperors Passing Through the Ancestral Land of Hequ Eight Times. (Liu Zhi, Emperor Heng of Hanheng, Emperor Zhaocheng of Daiguo, Emperor Mingyuan of Taizong, Emperor Taiwu of Wei Shizu, Emperor Zhengde of Mingwu, Emperor Kangxi of Qingsheng)

Episode 2: Traces of Vicissitudes

This mountain city, which is steeped in mountains, is the ancient city of the volcanic army in the Song Dynasty. The old city is high in the north and low in the south, facing the sun and leeward, condescending, convenient for military defense and command, and easy to defend and difficult to attack, with great strategic significance. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, it was once the base camp of Yang Xin, the king of the green forest and grass. He resisted the Khitan in the north and Shi Jingtang in the south, becoming the birthplace of the national hero Yang Jiajian.

The city of the volcanic army, originally a tucheng, during the Ming Dynasty, Miao Chaoyang, the official residence Jing Zhaoyin; After achieving fame, he retired, went into hiding for thirty years, and did not come out with seven recommendations. But it is credited to the township and advocates bricks to wrap the earthen city. The Inspector of Shanxi, Hou Zhao, mobilized more than 10,000 Pinglu soldiers. It was completed in the autumn of the forty-first year of the Wanli Calendar. Miao Chaoyang inscribed "Golden Soup Path" and engraved the head of the city. To show the descendants. It has become a great change since the Song Dynasty, six hundred years after the old river song.

In the first year of Chongzhen, the Shaanxi rebels, Fugu Huangfuchuan Wang Jiayin raised a banner to rebel and captured Hequ, an ancient city of more than 600 years. He once fought to the death with officers and soldiers, and his blood stained the city in danger, leaving behind many tragic poems of Jinge Iron Horse. It has added a lot of color to the modern history of Hequ.

The city is desolate and worldly, and the ruins are broken. The East City, the West Gate, and the South Gate are gone. It is a desolate ancient village.

This clear and variable T-shaped street in the middle of the city can be connected to the North City, the East City, the South City and the West City. The obvious feature is that the soil is like gold, and the width is not enough. Most of the buildings are made of wood in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and some of the brick vaults still retain the northwest style of the Ming Dynasty.

Jukui Gate Tower is the only landmark building on T-shaped Street, created in the first year of tomorrow, after the killing of officers and soldiers, the slaughter of the rebels and the washing of the Western red-clad cannons, it still stands in the city, becoming a historical witness to the peasant uprising that attacked the city and plundered the land four hundred years ago.

The Huangfu Louyuan is the only surviving residence in the city during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Its owner was Huang Zhaozhong, the prefect of Dading Province, who had revised the "Chronicle of Dading Province", and Lin Zexu wrote a preface for it, and during his stay as an official, he saw many trees and was praised by the people.

This extremely small, specially structured gate building on the south city is a sign of Wang Jiayin's failure due to the lack of water in the city after his rebellion and fall of the city. Its purpose is to provide the officers and soldiers in the city with the convenience of going out of the city during the day to go down the mountain to get water, blocking the city gate at night, and setting up two flap doors at the exit of the city to prevent accidents. So far, the word "Water Gate" can be faintly recognized on the stone plaque above the cave gate, and this ancient city with a history of thousands of years has gradually faded out of the stage of history.

Kaishio Zen Temple is the ashram of Avalokiteshvara. It is an ancient Zen temple that transmits words from heart to heart. The temple is built on the mountain and the water, and the courtyard and hall are winding and quiet, and the pavilions are connected. When it was a fine piece of local style and wood structure architecture since the Qing Dynasty. Its Buddhist connotations are also first-rate. The statues and hanging figures in the hall are vivid, the technique is superb, the mouth is affectionate, and the eyes are expressed, which is a rare artistic authenticity. The eighteen arhats in the Guanyin Hall worship Guanyin and the twelve wishes of Guanyin Bodhisattva are all piles of gold. The characters are different in shape, and the lines are smooth and vivid, which is breathtaking! Gai is the treasure of the Blessed Land Zen Forest in the Jin-Shaanxi-Mongolian Border Region for nearly four hundred years.

The Taoist Temple in the north, the Dai Prison Hall, which, like the Dongyue Temple everywhere, enshrines the god of Mount Tai, and was founded in the twelfth year of the Jin Dynasty Tianhui, with a history of nearly 900 years. The temple consists of fourteen individual buildings that embrace Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. It truly records the religious orientation of the people in the northern Hequ homeland since the Jin Dynasty. Although it is believed that Emperor Dongyue was in charge of life and death in the human world, the Yellow Emperor was far away from the heavens and did not live as closely as Confucianism, so the Bao Gong Ancestral Hall appeared; I hope there is Bao Qingtian around. The map of the sixty-one continents of hell in the temple of the lay people more saw the admiration of social loyalty, filial piety, reason, righteousness, and festivals at that time, as well as the superstitious pursuit of treachery, greed, and the retribution of the treacherous villain sent by heaven. The murals in the Guandi Temple and Yue Fei Temple are colorful and exquisitely conceived, and the pen is transmitted to the gods, setting a precedent for comic strips. It has become a must-visit place for the art circles inside and outside the province to observe the style. Jizo Hall and Our Lady Hall are also quite describable, and their large wooden structures are made of five paved double-lower shapes, which will enable people to witness the wisdom of their ancestors and appreciate the solemn and thick and unique architectural style of the Yuan Dynasty.

NiangniangTan, which traces up the river, is the only inhabited river island in the Yellow River, so it enjoys the reputation of the "first beach" of the mother river. It is surrounded by water on all sides, and the green trees are thick. A school of painting, like a paradise. According to legend, Emperor Wen of Han Liu Heng and his mother Empress Bo were falsely relegated here by Empress Lü and pretended to be "Niangniangtan". In recent years, from time to time, "Long Live the Rich" wadang and human-faced centipede mouth plastic brick carvings have been unearthed on Niangniang Beach, which has become a sacred place for literati and inkers to visit ancient times.

TushiMi Buddha Cave; This is a cave house wonder on the cliffs on the east bank of longkou canyon. Hanging stone stacks, ingenious, born. Guan Tao listened to the wind and felt that the Buddha was half sitting and laughing. Enjoy the Zen meaning of "no lamp in front of the cave by the moon, and the mountain gate is not locked to be sealed by the clouds".

Ling Xiao Wen Pen Pagoda, also known as The Yuanbi Pen, was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The pagoda, originally a Buddhist sacred object, has undergone a fundamental change in its function since the Ming Dynasty, from the original burial of Buddha bones (relics) to the buildings that embellish the scenery, balance the luck and prosper the culture.

According to legend, during the Qianlong period, Hequ qi hoped to produce talents, and gao Jianyuan pen in the head of the dragon came to benefit Hequ with the momentum of Zhendong Mountain. Following the saints, thinking of the comers, making great aspirations, although the burden of the end of the world, do not change the original intention. From the Confucius Temple to the Heyin Academy, until the May Fourth New Culture Movement, Hequ's education was the first to open up, synchronized with the Beijing Normal University, taking the lead in opening boys' and girls' schools, and for a time Hequ's students studying at Peking University, Yanda University, Tsinghua University, Huangpu and Liuyang have thrown themselves into the national salvation movement, which can be described as a wealth of talents. Today, the Zhuangyuan Pen has become one of the landmark buildings of Hequ County, and is also the best place for Hequ and foreign guests to travel, relax, and entertain.

Episode 3: Listening to the West Exit

Hequ not only has its deep historical roots and cultural landscapes, but also has a unique food culture. The food culture represented by sour rice has continued for hundreds of years in the years of the Hequ people.

Hequ sour rice, is a local people must eat a special food every day, sour rice raw material rice is worth mentioning the crop, it does not choose the terrain, not harsh water and fertilizer characteristics in the Hequ grain grains so far occupy a unique superior position. Therefore, mimi rice has become an enduring traditional staple food of the Hequ people for generations. The sour rice processed with it has the effect of quenching thirst, eliminating food and stomach, skin care and beauty, cooling and diarrhea, etc., and its taste is wonderful.

The family sits together in reunion, eating "sour porridge" in the morning, eating "sour rice" at noon, and drinking "sour porridge" at night, which has become an indispensable part of the life of Hequ people. A "rice jar" used to syrup rice has also become an indispensable vessel on the stove of every household in Hequ. 》

"Only to listen to the mountain climbing song, but also to hear the letter of the sky tour, a song to play blues, a few "go to the west mouth". Hequ is the "hometown of northern folk songs" named by the state. Since ancient times, there has been a custom of "households have strings and songs to compose their own hearts, and children and women have sung and praised", and folk songs and duotai have always accompanied the folk customs of hequ and have become the mainstream of hequ mass culture.

In 2006, "River Song Folk Song" was selected into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. Six of them have been awarded the title of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage projects. They are: Xin Lisheng, Jia Deyi, Lü Guiying, Xu Yueying, Du Huanrong, and Han Yunde.

Xin Lisheng is a representative character in the folk songs of Hequ, he is mentally strong, his voice is loud, his singing voice is undulating, and he is fluent and free. In previous folk song competitions, he has won many national awards. On the stage he is a generation of singers, offstage he drove a car to herd sheep. A tear-jerking song, he sang for half a century in his seventies.

In addition to Xin Lisheng, also active on the art stage is Jia Deyi, a family of three generations who sing folk songs, and he dedicated his life's efforts to hequ folk songs and duotai.

The original folk songs are a quintessence flowing in the blood of the Chinese nation, and it is also a treasure of the national root culture. Therefore, the Hequ folk song has been called "a gorgeous wonder that blooms in the hundred gardens of Chinese art". Over the years, successive leaders of Hequ have attached great importance to the development of Hequ folk songs and duotai art, and have paid great attention to and promoted the art of errentai. A new group of duo artists and folk singers have emerged actively in the surrounding areas of Jin, Shaanxi and Mongolia, and have played an irreplaceable role in the development of folk song art and duo tai.

The ancient name hequ "Gusai Xiongguan, an important town in eastern Shaanxi, the right Yanjiang of Jin," was the history of the Jinge Iron Horse Herd chasing deer more than 200 years ago. This important merchant town, Xikou, which once profited from transporting rice grain to the border in exchange for salt, went away step by step with the vicissitudes of history; The brand-new West Exit is coming to us along with the 5,000-year-old Civilization of China!

Episode 4 Spring Wind and Rain

The river is mighty and the waves are rolling. The rushing waters of the Yellow River create a beautiful and rich river curve. Jingo iron horse, the vicissitudes of the years, the former water and drought docks have undergone epoch-making changes. And now; The land of Hequ is bathed in the spring breeze of the party's reform and opening up. Emancipate the mind and keep pace with the times. It has achieved a great historical change in five hundred years.

Hequ was once a typical example of the management of mountains and water in the country and the management of small watersheds. It was once called a pearl on the bank of the Yellow River in northwestern Jin, as the typical deeds of Comrade Wang Haiyuan's "agricultural village". It is also the birthplace of the Seventh National People's Congress Deputy Miao Chaoman, the country's first household package to control the small watershed. From the governance of small watersheds to "running schools, digging coal and planting fruit trees", to the implementation of open and introduced, the strategy driven by large projects; The economy and society of Hequ have undergone unprecedented changes. Preliminary demonstration of equivalent reserves of 6 types of minerals 18 species. With abundant reserves of coal, iron ore, limestone, bauxite and other mineral deposits, it has become a strong basic guarantee for Hequ to achieve leapfrog development.

In recent years, Hequ has introduced large groups such as Luneng, Shenhua, Huangwan, Jinshen, Hualu and other large enterprises, and on the basis of large enterprises, CNOOC, Shanmei Group, Shandong Shanshui Group, Shenda, Shendong Electric Power, Provincial Coal Sales and other large enterprises have settled in Hequ. It has created the necessary conditions for the transformation and leapfrog development of Hequ. A group of civil servants who have created an excellent investment environment and changed their work style have also escorted the rapid development of Hequ's economy and bravely moved forward!

Winter to spring, the hard work of alternating cold and summer, Hequ ushered in the fruitful results of the construction of new rural areas. Yulingwa Village, Fengjiazhuang Village, Tangjiahui Village, and other vibrant new rural areas have shined in Hequ and become the leaders in the construction of new rural areas in Shanxi Province.

The county will be strong and the people will be rich. In recent years, the Hequ County Party Committee and government have made every effort to improve agricultural production conditions, vigorously develop high-efficiency agriculture, put forward the development model of "implementing the mountain fine seed project" and the "agricultural modernization project", and vigorously grasp the detoxified potato seed (zhǒng) potato industry. The implementation of this project can achieve the goal of "promoting the planting of 100,000 mu of first-class potatoes in three years". Make Hequ truly become the production base of the original seed of the whole province (zhǒng) potato and the "first county of the three Jin seeds (zhǒng) potato".

In the past, "the water flowed at the bottom of the river, and people were worried on the shore", but now "take the Yellow River by hand, and the irrigation should flow by itself". The Yellow Irrigation Project is a project that the 140,000 people of Hequ have been looking forward to for decades. Under the care and support of the province, municipality and relevant departments, the yinghuang irrigation project will be fully implemented, this agricultural project will completely change the situation of "ten years and nine droughts" in Hequ, realize the integration of investment-driven, people's livelihood security, ecological improvement, and tourism development, promote the harmonious integration of economic, social and ecological benefits, and make the yinghuang irrigation project truly become a source of happiness that benefits thousands of households and future generations.

Beautiful Yellow River Bay The ancient Great Wall of a long time

In the past, it was the source of the west mouth wave and the famous folk song town at home and abroad. From the loyal and invincible Yang Family General, to the Yuan Qu Four Great Bai Pu; From Wenjin Shiwu Bangyan to Tsinghua University students and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, this place continues the tradition of respecting teachers and re-teaching, and in the future, it will become the largest coal electrification base in Asia, the largest detoxified seed potato base in Shanxi, and a livable city in the "Golden Triangle" garden of Jinxi, Shaanxi and Mongolia.

A new river song with harmonious development is rising up in the land of the Three Jins, looking up at this ancient and magical hometown of Xikou, the river song will surely create one miracle after another worthy of history and the times.