
The 5th Miao Ancestral Worship Ceremony of Hequ Carries forward the filial piety culture and inherits the excellent family style

author:Riverland News Network
The 5th Miao Ancestral Worship Ceremony of Hequ Carries forward the filial piety culture and inherits the excellent family style

The 5th Miao Ancestral Worship Ceremony of Hequ Carries forward the filial piety culture and inherits the excellent family style

Hequ Window Network News: Mi Gu is fragrant, and the golden wind is refreshing. On the 15th day of the ninth lunar month, more than 360 clan relatives from Yulin, Shenmu, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Hoshi, Ordos and other places in Shaanxi Province, dressed in festive costumes and full of joy, gathered in Longmengou Village, Jiuxian Township, Hequ County, where the Chaoyang Cemetery of Mingjing Zhaomiao is located, to participate in the Fifth Ancestor Worship Ceremony of the Hequ Miao Clan, to send their ancestors to Sun Si and show their ancestors' great virtue.

Carry forward the culture of filial piety and inherit the Miao family style. The Miao ancestor worship ceremony is divided into the agenda of sounding cannon music, reading the sacrifice text, raising the flag, and paying homage to the ancestors. The ancestral worship ceremony was presided over by Miao Weiqing, vice president of the Miao Clan Descendants Friendship Council of Hequ Old County, and Miao Lanzhu, honorary president of the council, delivered a speech, and President Miao Chang read the sacrifice text. The ceremony culminated in the rising of the Miao Banner. In the ancestor worship activities, the descendants of the Miao clan held a worship ceremony in the Miao ancestral hall, successively paying homage to the incense and burning the watch, kneeling to the ancestors, and observing the merits of the Miao ancestors and the Miao family culture. Ancestor worship not only brought a devotion to the ancestors, but also generously offered a meritorious wish of their own.

Since the Hequ Miao clan settled in Hequ, although there has been little wealth of jinwu and peiyu Mingke, and there are few thousand warehouses and hundreds of millions of rich people, there are patriots who are worried about the country and the people, strivers who strive for self-improvement, and devotees who pursue the truth. The thesis includes a gentleman, a man of open-mindedness and intelligence. Min Rong Ling Han, Shan Da Shu, "Qi Wei Zhuo Jie, good at a time, Yi Zhong Temple and people's plaques are located, tossing and turning, competing for praise, although Jia Ren Tian Shu knows that Ling Chinese characters are Ke Bao Ye"; There are Xi Zhengong, who is known as a model of a jinshi, a lifelong honor for relatives and filial piety, and a teacher for half a lifetime, "from childhood to old age, he has not tried to abandon his studies for a day, and all those who teach in the family and the township party and in the school are all those who will be able to get by doing their deeds. The disciples who have achieved: thirty talents, nine people who lead the village, five people who become jinshi, and the disciples who are subordinate to the scholar are invincible." On Wu, he went to Shaanxi to suppress the bandits of the Dukes of Shuguo, the Duke of Dehai, and the Duke of Changrong, and made outstanding achievements in battle, and the three of them were killed in battle, and all of them were named as generals who died in battle.

On the government of the Ming Wanli Jingzhao Chaoyang Public Integrity, known for its reputation, the township sage eunuchs are recorded in the county chronicle; The Qing Dynasty punished Si Yingzhang for being greedy and refusing bribes, the notarization was strict, and the emperor gave a plaque "Kingdom as a Guest". On righteousness, there is a thousand letters of pure justice, courage and wisdom, and a chivalrous heart. When Wang Jiayin was in turmoil, Gong "was ordered to be appeased, and subtly attached to the city to move into the city." Unexpectedly, he was denounced by the rebel Xu Zibin. The giant thief Wu Tinggui was tested with flowers, straight and unyielding, and his language was high, and he was poked by the thief. Zafu erected a tombstone and was listed as a knight"; In the face of the national famine, hunger and death, corpses and bones all over the wilderness and open warehouses to help the poor, to help the people from water and fire. On the business there are Miao Gong Xianglin famous Jinqin Gorge big business names "Yihetang" and "Sanhetang", the purpose of the business is righteousness first, peace is precious, honesty is the basis, treat merchants kindly, the camel bell leading to the three sides is often sounding day and night, and the merchant ships in the Yellow River flow endlessly, accounting for seventy percent of the cargo throughput of the Jinqin Gorge. There are also Miao Gongshi who are proficient in the art of medicine and the art of xiangdi and are "skilled and virtuous, and must go to the past, and do not seek generous rewards"; Good sore healing, fine medicine, "there is a way to seek its skills and no wind and rain, will go." All critical illnesses should be dropped. Miao Gongfeng, who is not profitable, is not a rule; Just and honest, the example of a scheming eunuch, he once served as the governor of Pingshun and Puxian County, Shanxi, Miao Gong, built a private senior primary school for his hometown, and sent a large number of talents to the country, which was praised by the people as a "school for the poor". The historical sages of the Miao clan are admirable, can be sung and praised, and are the pride and pride of the Miao clan. The sages within the Miao clan have cultivated the genealogy seven times, found the roots and left the books for future generations, cleared the edges for investigation, increased knowledge and educated people, flesh and blood, inherited the past and the future, carried forward the spirit of the Miao clan, and enhanced the cohesion of the clan, providing quite rich and detailed historical information, which is a rich inheritance left by the sages to my Descendants that cannot be bought with money, and also highlights the prosperity of the Miao culture and the vigorous and heroic appearance of the Miao talents. The children of the Miao clan have lofty aspirations, and the brilliance of virtue and talent shines in China. Over the past few hundred years, regardless of the expansion of the political field, the migration of natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the development of the economic environment, generations of outstanding Miao clan people have followed the seventh ancestor Miao Gong Chaoyang's royal family training of "playing the most" and "being prudent and diligent", carried forward the fine traditions of their ancestors being honest and honest officials, being cautious, and diligent in handling affairs, and sincerely united with the vast number of members of the big family of the Chinese nation, inspired and energetic, built their homeland with pure feelings, and added color to China with simple character.

Since the founding of New China, whether in the period of economic recovery in the early period of liberation or the period of construction in the era of the Great Revolution, whether in the face of bloody rain and wind, or in the environment of hardship and hardship, whether from the culture to the military, or from the business to the teaching, they have made outstanding contributions to social progress and the prosperity of the cause. They included Miao Congmo, a member of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Provincial Public Security Department, who was praised by the founding leader Chairman Mao as "Wu Xiucai." Throughout his life, he used a paintbrush and painted a large number of satirical paintings, humorous cartoons, genre paintings and other works for the public, criticized the ugliness and badness of society, and praised the beautiful life and advanced figures of the People's Daily Miaodi. There are national forestry afforestation model seedlings that are afforested before death and trees are seen after death, and there are seedlings that have opened a national household to manage small watersheds, and the people of Chuanghequ County have gone to the Great Hall of the People for the first time to participate in the history of the NPC deputies' congress. Throughout his life, he has not forgotten the purpose of serving the people, and for ten years he has kept in mind the Miao Yinzhu of gathering wealth for the country with taxes. There are Miao Xiuhua, who are diligent and earnest in handling affairs for the people and working conscientiously for the party. Miao Ximing, the boss of a mining co., LTD., who started from an underground coal miner and became a benefiting employee and benefited the society. There are outstanding entrepreneur Miao Genhuan, there are the title of "Servant of the People" awarded by the President of the People, the honorary title of "Star of Entrepreneurship" inscribed by the Premier himself, and Miao Zien, chairman of the Qinlong Group, who is currently a deputy to the People's Congress of Shaanxi Province and a member of the Patriotic Association of the People's Republic of China. Thirty-five years without leaving the teaching desk, the essay "Am My Duties Wrong?" Miao Yu, a senior primary school teacher who won the International Outstanding Paper Award. There is teaching and educating people, peach and plum all over the world; Miao Qinglong, who speaks out in righteousness and righteousness. There are members of the Electronic Organ Association of the Chinese Musicians Association, and Miao Yurun, a single-row key and double-row key electronic organ judge of the Examination Jury of the Chinese Musicians Association. And so on and so forth cannot be enumerated. The descendants of the Hequ Miao clan from all walks of life have tried their best to be in the light before and after the glory, and the glorious ancestors are like the stars and the style will last forever. They were loyal and dedicated, added glory and color to the Miao clan, added bricks and tiles to the construction of the motherland, won the applause of the people, and won high praise from the society.

On that day, the display of the Miao clan genealogy of Hequ Old County became another important part of the ancestor worship ceremony. The people who came to worship the ancestors praised the Miao family tree compiled by Miao Chang, which spans ancient and modern times, has detailed contents and rich pictures, and they say that Miao Da has done a great thing for the Miao clan.

The 5th Miao Ancestral Worship Ceremony of Hequ Carries forward the filial piety culture and inherits the excellent family style
The 5th Miao Ancestral Worship Ceremony of Hequ Carries forward the filial piety culture and inherits the excellent family style