
Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

author:Happiness Fat East

Li Hongzhang believes that everyone knows who it is

But the little friends know

What is Li Hongzhang's hodgepodge?

Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

This dish is named after Li Hongzhang

Naturally, there is an allusion to Li Zhongtang...

Hurry up and find out with Xiaobian!


Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

Li Hongzhang, a famous minister of the late Qing Dynasty, one of the main leaders of the foreign affairs movement, a native of Modian Township, Feidong County (now divided into Yaohai District, Hefei City), was mostly honored by the world as Li Zhongtang, shaoquan (泉), and in his later years he called himself Yi Shu (宜叟), nicknamed Provincial Heart, and Yuwen Zhong.

Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

Together with Bismarck and Grant, he was called "the three great men of the world in the nineteenth century". Li Hongzhang lived and studied in Feidong as a teenager, and later began to recruit Huaijun from Feidong, Feixi, Chaohu and other places, and gradually reached the peak of power. There are many stories about him, among which there is a famous dish named after him, that is, the world-famous Li Hongzhang smorgasbord.

Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

In the twenty-second year of the Qing Dynasty (1896), Li Hongzhang was ordered to Russia to attend the coronation ceremony of Emperor Nicholas II. Li Hongzhang took this opportunity to go abroad to communicate with the world's great powers and learn from other people's development experience.

Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

Therefore, he went all the way from European countries to the United States, ate Western food for more than two months, and his appetite was really unbearable, and as soon as he arrived at the US Embassy, he called for a Chinese emblem dish to be burned to entertain American guests. Unexpectedly, Chinese food is very popular, and even after eating for several hours, foreigners are still eating with relish, and they have the appearance of eating all the dishes.

At this time, the head chef said to him: "Lord Zhongtang, the dish has been eaten, only the scraps are left, and I can't get my hands on it, what should I do?" After a little thought, Li Hongzhang said: "Mix the scraps together and stew it, and bring it up in a large basin." After a while, a large pot of steaming vegetables was brought to the table, the aroma was fragrant, the foreigners rushed to eat it, they all shouted after tasting it, they asked the name of the dish, Li Hongzhang could not answer for a while, but said: "Delicious and delicious!" ”

"Delicious and delicious" is pronounced similarly to The English chowder (Hotchpotch), and since then "smorgasbord" has spread in the United States, and the dish has been named "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord".

Now the "Li Hongzhang smorgasbord" is already there

One of the top ten famous dishes in feidong

A stew made in a hurry

Nowadays, it is also divided into high-end and low-end

Hurry up and look down with the editor

Li Hongzhang's smorgasbord high-end dishes are mainly made of seafood: sea cucumber, squid, abalone, Harry, sea fish, etc.; the seasoned broth is made of beef, tenderloin, chicken, ham, etc. boiled in water and boiled to make a 10:1 soup.

Li Hongzhang's smorgasbord low-grade dishes are all local, locally sourced, using old hens, ducks, pigeon eggs, egg dumplings, pig's trotters, mushrooms, flower mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, tofu skins, etc. The broth is only made by boiling the pork barrel bone with water and simmering to make a 10:1 soup.

Top 10 famous dishes 丨 Popular in the United States "Li Hongzhang Smorgasbord", have you ever eaten?

The production process of Li Hongzhang's smorgasbord can be summed up in three simple steps:

1, first boil the broth, about 4-5 hours;

2. Clean the cooking material and change the knife to form;

3: After the broth is boiled, put the cooking material into it and simmer it together, and after about ten minutes, seal the clay pot and put it in the steaming box for 4-5 hours.


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