
"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

author:I love cool movies

"Day and Night" january 19 finale, the entire TV series waves, at the beginning with the help of the uncrowned king Nangong Min, set a good rating of 4.7%, but the later plot has some water injection, it seems to be very protracted, so that the ratings fell to 3.3%.

Fortunately, in this period of time near the end, the plot is relatively clear, a series of reversals have been carried out, the ratings have begun to climb again, and finally the entire TV series ended at 6.2%, although the overall far exceeds the TV series of the same grade, there are many unsatisfactory places.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

The TV series was originally scheduled for October, but it was delayed until November 30, making South Korean viewers particularly anxious for Fans of Nam Nam-min. And in addition to the enthusiastic support of fans in the early stage, the subsequent ratings are far less than the suspense drama "Penthouse" broadcast at the same time, and the reason for this is obvious.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

First of all, the plot of the suspense drama must be wonderful, and the theme of this TV series is not new, the protagonist is a child who is genetically modified by experiments, because the genetic modification plan of The White Night Village 28 years ago, the extended suspense reasoning drama. This kind of theme is often seen in Western films, and there is not much freshness.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

And at the beginning of the play, the screenwriter may be in order to render the effect, directly present the bloody picture of crazy killing everywhere in the village 28 years ago, but there is no plot preparation and detail expression, the scene is high-energy, but the plot is chaotic, so it failed to win the audience's favor at the beginning.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

Secondly, the plot of the entire suspense drama has less reasoning and poor logic. The most attractive place of suspense drama is that the audience needs to reason according to the narrative events and restore the truth of the events, so as to have the pleasure of watching.

However, the whole narrative in the plot is very fragmented, and it feels that the events are generally patchwork, that is, there is no rendering effect of the plot, and it is not helpful to the audience's reasoning.

In fact, this TV series only has 16 episodes, the length of the whole drama is not much, even such a dozen episodes of the TV series, to inject water, this pot must be carried by the director and screenwriter.

Fortunately, the plot of the last two weeks returns to the right way and tells a relatively smooth story, which is also the reason why this drama is still good overall.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

Another point is that many supporting characters give a lot of shots and attention, but they have no effect on the whole plot. This is most profoundly reflected in the role of the doctor's sister.

Gave her so many shots, is it to shoot the face value of passers-by? This kind of expression method appears in the suspense drama, which is really not agreeable.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

There is also Kong Huiyuan, played by Xue Xuan, who has been on the South Korean Forbes celebrity list, before the TV series was broadcast, she was used to do publicity, and people are also very much looking forward to her acting skills, but after the broadcast, it is still relatively disappointing, and only the figure and appearance are seen, and the disparity with Nangong Min is very large.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

This TV series, as well as the ever-changing acting skills of Nangong Min, this time he played the captain of the special search team, and changed again, there is a little bit of a middle-aged man's image, which is completely different from the elite image he played in the past, the appearance is sloppy and not trim.

"Day and Night" ended with a high-profile ending, the rating broke 6, and the uncrowned king Nangong Min saved the water injection plot

The character of Du Zhengyu, good at observing details, strong reasoning ability, in the face of robbers taking hostages, the means are firm, it can be said that he is a paranoid who catches prisoners.

The lead actor Nam Min, a South Korean acting actor, once missed the best protagonist award in the TV drama unit and was known as the uncrowned king. In this TV series, he will be the special search team captain's IQ is superior, poor physical strength, the interpretation is vivid, there is no trace of drama, the ratings of this drama can be 6, Nangong Min's acting skills, is a link that cannot be ignored.

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