
Do you know how short a "one thought" is? What is the difference between a thought and a moment?

author:Lawyer Jiang Haiwu

In the Indian "Vinaya of the Sangha", it is recorded that the momentary is one thought, the twenty thoughts are one moment, the twenty moments are one finger, the twenty fingers are one lo, the twenty lo is one whisker, and one day and one night are thirty whiskers.

A day and night is 24 hours, 4.8 million "moments", or 240,000 "moments", 12,000 "snap fingers", 30 "whiskers". And a day and night has 86,400 seconds, then a "whisker" = 2880 seconds, a flick of the finger = 7.2 seconds, a "moment" = 0.36 seconds, a "moment" = 0.018 seconds, faster than the electric light stone fire.

That is to say, a thought is 0.018 seconds, a moment is 0.36 seconds, a flick of a finger is 7.2 seconds, and a whisker is 48 minutes. Don't use it wrong in the future.

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