
Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

author:Purple Cow News

On the afternoon of May 28th, the premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held in the Golden Eagle Store of Nanjing Lumiere Cinema. Director Mi Hehe and producer Liu Zhaojun brought the film's main creative team to the scene to watch the film with the guests and share their creative experience. Film producers, starring Pingyang Zonghan, Dong Shuai and other relatives and friends came to celebrate.

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

Directed by Mi Hehe

Yuan Jianqun, member of the party group and first-level researcher of the Nanjing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, took the stage to read a congratulatory letter; Wang Zhaohai, director of the Propaganda Department of the Qinhuai District CPC Committee; Song Xiaohui, vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Women's and Children's Welfare Foundation; and Ai Hui, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, delivered speeches. Cai Chenghua, president of the Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce, Zang Zhengjin, former deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress, Mu Gengsen, principal of Jinling Middle School Hexi Branch, and Tao Tiantian, director of the Film Department of the Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, attended the event.

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

Producer Liu Zhaojun

The inscription of the famous calligraphy master Mr. Yan Gongda for the title of "Football Daddy" was displayed at the event site, and the inscription of Li Xiao, president of the Jiangsu Provincial Book Court and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Calligraphers Association, for "Football Daddy".

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

Words and congratulations on the inscription

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

Li Xiao inscription

"Soccer Daddy" is about Luo Fei, a Language teacher who has no sports cell, but one day suddenly receives a call from winnie, an old foreign classmate, who is told that Winnie's son, Toby, will come to China to look for his father, and this father is actually himself, a father who has accidentally added the identity of "football star". In order to maintain the beautiful image of a child's father in his heart, Luo Fei had to greet this "son" with a hard scalp and began to practice football hard. He took advantage of the advantages of the Chinese teacher to integrate the combat theory of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" into the football game, and the picture of father and son playing football became a unique scenery on campus. In the later campus football competition, the father and son played together and won the game for Toby's football team, which made Toby feel the unique football sportsmanship in Chinese culture.

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

As a standard "small Zhengda" movie, "Football Daddy" fills the gap that children's movies just need, hoping to create works that are truly suitable for children to watch and appreciate, so that parent-child families have more choices when watching movies, and make some supplements for the domestic children's film market.

Produced in Nanjing! The premiere of the children's football movie "Football Daddy" was held

At the same time, "Football Daddy" also incorporates a high concentration of "Nanjing feelings" in its creation. The film's main creative team, including directors, producers, and young actors, are all from Nanjing, ensuring the original "taste of Nanjing" of the film. The three producers of the film, Wang Jinhui, Xue Fuyang and Niu Zhendi, are also overseas Chinese entrepreneurs rooted in Nanjing, and have made outstanding contributions to the development and construction of Nanjing.

It is reported that at present, the film is temporarily scheduled for release on Father's Day on June 18.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Kong Xiaoping

Source: Purple Cow News