
Folk Tale "Earthquake Three Mountains"

author:A collection of Jiang Spicy's stories

In the late Ming Dynasty, the situation was turbulent, and the people had a very difficult time.

On this day, Huang Haichuan, the chief dart head of the "Dragon Dart Bureau", together with several dart divisions, escorted a group of people and horses to the capital. The team is full of spontaneously assembled merchants, who have been traveling from place to place for many years, and for the sake of safety, they have hired a joint venture to hire a dart master, and along the way, they have nothing to do with each other.

The crowd was hurrying forward, when suddenly a young man in the line shouted, "Guys, there is a tea house in front of us, we can rest our feet!" ”

When Huang Haichuan looked at it, he felt a little displeased in his heart. This shouting young man was a small trader who sold cloth, named Tian Xiaoding, who claimed to be from Xiucai, full of reading the Four Books and Five Classics, and then because of the fall of the family road, he abandoned the literature to engage in business. Huang Haichuan did not look up to the sour rot xiucai, plus Tian Xiaoding was stingy and financial, and he was extremely unhappy when he paid the commission, and he hated him to the extreme. Along the way, Tian Xiaoding was crooked and often complained, saying that the route set by the dart master was too winding, and saying that the caravan was traveling too quickly, which made Huang Haichuan overwhelmed.

At this moment, many merchants were also tired, so they went to the tea house with Tian Xiaoding. Huang Haichuan also had to follow behind angrily, and he beckoned his men to closely inspect the surrounding situation.

Not far away, there were more than ten guests sitting in the tea house, and the owner of the tea house was a father and daughter, who saw Tian Xiaoding and his party and warmly greeted them.

"A few old masters are hard, please sit in the house, the small shop has a first-class Longjing tea!"

The guests sat down one after another, but Tian Xiaoding was not idle, and his eyes stayed on the owner's daughter, which was a beautiful girl. After watching for a long time, Tian Xiaoding actually walked up to her and almost said: "Girl, Xiaosheng is polite, what is your name?" ”

The young girl looked a little frightened, her face was blushing with shame, Tian Xiaoding was trying to take another step closer, but was stopped by her father: "Gongzi, I have no knowledge of this lady, I will not entertain guests, please sit inside, I have prepared a good tea for you." ”

Folk Tale "Earthquake Three Mountains"


At this point, Tian Xiaoding was embarrassed and had to obediently sit back in his seat. There were a few good merchants on the side who ridiculed him for being sentimental, which made Tian Xiaoding extremely embarrassed. He looked up sharply, saw Huang Haichuan also looking at himself with a mocking face, and couldn't help but bump into him, pointing at him and saying, "Surnamed Huang, what are you doing here!" ”

Huang Haichuan was furious, took a step forward, grabbed him by the collar, and scolded: "Stinky boy, I have endured you for a long time, if it were not for the love of all the business friends, I would have driven you out earlier, and if you don't know each other anymore, I will not be polite!" Said, push hard.

Tian Xiaoding was unsteady on his feet, and he stumbled a few steps in succession, falling down at the neighboring table, startling the two strange tea guests to stand up.

Tian Xiaoding was ugly in public, but his mouth was not soft, and he kept scolding and grinning, Huang Haichuan's face was iron blue, and he strode forward and suddenly drew his waist knife and waved it.

Tian Xiaoding shouted, "Mom! "I closed my eyes in fright. Suddenly hearing the sound of a metal impact, he secretly opened his eyes to see that Huang Haichuan's knife did not slash at himself, but hit the tea guest next to him. The tea guest was not ambiguous, and he drew a short sword from nowhere, calmly responding to the enemy, and in an instant, the tea house was in a mess.

Huang Haichuan greeted everyone while fighting: "There are bandits who hijack the road here, so pay attention!" Before the words could be heard, those guests who had been sitting scattered before had taken out their swords and gathered around, and when the merchants saw this scene, they were frightened and fled, and the dart masters rushed forward to block the attack.

Tian Xiaoding saw the tea shop owner's family rolling to the ground, so he climbed in front of the two people and whispered, "Don't be afraid, this yellow dart head is very powerful, and it is more than enough to deal with these little hairy thieves!" Before he could utter a word, a bandit swooped up and slashed at them. Tian Xiaoding dodged while asking for help from the dart masters, but before the reinforcements arrived, the father and daughter had already fallen under the thief's knife.

After a long time of fierce fighting, Huang Haichuan and the dart masters finally killed the bandits, and he said loudly: "This place should not stay for a long time!" ”

"Ah, such a big thing happened, don't you report it to the authorities?" What about this poor father and daughter? ”

Huang Haichuan glanced at him and said coldly, "If the current government is in charge, do you still need us dart masters?" If you want to stay, stay! "After saying that, the head does not return, and it is long and gone."

Tian Xiaoding saw that no one responded, and had to obediently leave with the crowd.

At dusk, they found an inn to stay in. At dinner, Tian Xiaoding learned from the small talk of the accompanying merchants that during the day, when he fell to the ground, he happened to let the hidden bandits on the side be frightened, which was recognized by Huang Haichuan and avoided the loss of the caravan.

Tian Xiaoding heard the words and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. In recent years, bandits have run rampant, robberies have occurred frequently, and even more gangsters have "shaken the Three Mountains" and caused chaos in the rivers and lakes, causing panic among the people. Hearing that this thief was highly skilled in martial arts and skilled in all kinds of hidden weapons, he gathered a group of bandits and robbed the merchants everywhere, and even the official government had no choice, and even did not know what he looked like, which made those merchants who walked the rivers and lakes raise funds to hire dart masters. Speaking of this Huang Haichuan, originally he was also from a famous family, after Wei Zhongxian took power, his family was persecuted and reduced to a commoner, and in desperation, he made a living by licking the blood of the knife. Although this man is somewhat indifferent, he is a chivalrous man, employed by others, and will be loyal to others.

Late at night, Tian Xiaoding was sleeping soundly, and overheard a hustle and bustle outside the window!

"It's on fire! It's on fire! Someone shouted.

Tian Xiaoding got up from the bed and looked out, and sure enough, he saw the fire in the south-facing house, and there were many people gathered outside the door, many of whom were business friends of the team.

Tian Xiaoding hurriedly ran over, at this time, Huang Haichuan was comforting everyone: "Don't be impatient, this fire is coming strangely, don't fall into the thief's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, each of them is optimistic about the accompanying objects." ”

Everyone nodded and said yes, and Tian Xiaoding was suddenly shocked and quickly turned around and ran back to the house. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped through the door, he saw a shadow cat in the room, as if rummaging for something. Tian Xiaoding lost his voice and exclaimed, "There are thieves, hurry, come on people!" ”

The black shadow saw it, and it didn't give a crap, and a short dart shot out of his shaking hand, Tian Xiaoding shouted and fell to the ground, at this time, Huang Haichuan and the others heard the news and rushed to the scene, and the black shadow jumped out of the window.

I don't know how long it took for Tian Xiaoding to gradually regain his sanity, and the first thing he said when he opened his eyes was: "Did the thief hold it, what about my belongings?" ”

Everyone told him that the thief had fled, and that there was no loss of his belongings, so Tian Xiaoding was relieved, and everyone was secretly amused, and this sour and rotten show actually loved money as much as his life.

Huang Haichuan asked, "Boy, what kind of person are you, and how did you provoke the great thief of the 'Earthquake Three Mountains'?" As he spoke, he took a short dart with the words "Earthquake Three Mountains" inscribed on it.

"Just now, you almost shot through the head!"

Tian Xiaoding found that his hair was scattered, and he dared to love that the dart was pasted on his scalp, and he was immediately horrified: "I, I am just a small trader, how dare I provoke this plague god!" He shook his head wildly, and Huang Haichuan couldn't ask for the reason, so he had to give up.

The next day, everyone packed up and continued on their way.

Seeing that it was close to the capital, everyone was getting more and more relaxed, but Huang Haichuan still looked solemn.

They wandered into a dense forest, and Huang Haichuan suddenly waved his hand, signaling everyone to pay attention.

At this moment, there was a dead silence around him, and an invisible murderous qi swept in!

Folk Tale "Earthquake Three Mountains"

Suddenly, there were several crunching roars from the forest, followed by dozens of black-clad people with knives, and without saying a word, rushed to the caravan.

Huang Haichuan roared angrily and led the dart masters to cover up the past. However, this gang of bandits was extremely fierce and numerous, and after a long period of bitter fighting, the "Dragon Dart Bureau" had already killed and injured most of them.

Huang Haichuan was tripped by the bandit leader, the opponent's knife technique was extremely strange, and after dozens of rounds of fighting between the two, Huang Haichuan was gradually defeated.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, followed by a flash of blood! Looking at Huang Haichuan again, he had fallen to the ground in pain, and he had been hit by a dart in his leg.

"Earthquake Three Mountains!" Huang Haichuan's eyes showed a look of horror. The bandit leader did not answer either, and swung his knife at him!

At this moment, a piece of rubble flew from nowhere and shot directly at the door of the bandit's head, he hurriedly raised his knife to block, and just when he was distracted, a figure sneaked up to him like a ghost. The bandit leader only felt a numbness in his abdomen, and the hole in his body had been hit by someone, he looked up, and the killer was actually Tian Xiaoding, who was weak and couldn't help the wind.

At this moment, Tian Xiaoding seemed to have changed a person, and his eyes lit up: "Zhen Sanshan, Hugh is rampant, Xiao Dingtian is here!" ”

The bandit leader was a little surprised: "You, are you 'Jade Finger Scholar' Xiao Dingtian?" ”

Tian Xiaoding nodded with a smile, his real name was Xiao Dingtian, he was a chivalrous warrior with a bit of acupuncture magic, this time, he was mixed in the caravan under a pseudonym, which was another hidden affair.

Xiao Dingtian reached out to remove the other party's face towel, and when the true face was revealed, he couldn't help but shout, "How are you?" You're not dead! ”

At the same time, a short dart shot over, only to hear a muffled sound, and Xiao Dingtian fell to the ground. Immediately after, a woman with a sword jumped to the front and said, "Zhensan Mountain is here!" ”

Xiao Dingtian's eyes suddenly lost their luster, and the two people in front of him were actually the father and daughter of the teahouse.

The woman blew a whistle, and the bandits flocked to rob the merchants of their goods, and the merchants cried and cried their mothers, and fled.

Xiao Dingtian said in surprise, "You, you are the 'Earthquake Three Mountains', then who is he?" ”

The woman said triumphantly, "He's my personal bodyguard, you didn't expect it!" Gossip less, hand over the 'Jade Qilin'."

Hearing this, Xiao Dingtian's face showed a look of surprise.

"Zhen Sanshan" laughed, "I have already heard clearly that the official government secretly escorted the "Dark Dart" in this caravan, but it was the priceless treasure "Jade Qilin", which was to be given to the current saint, and I did not expect that the person who escorted the dart was Xiao Daxia. ”

At this point, Xiao Dingtian was very calm: "Since you are prepared, on that day, the tea house was in a bloody battle, why did you want to cheat to death?" ”

"I guess that the person who can take on the responsibility of the dart must be a top master, if he acts hastily, he will naturally not be able to get a bargain, so he has played a bitter meat trick to lure him out, but I did not expect that Your Excellency would hide it so deeply."

Xiao Dingtian heard the words and secretly blamed himself for his carelessness. Yesterday, as soon as he entered the tea house, he recognized the gang of thieves, he expected that the other party was just some ordinary bandits, he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and it was inconvenient to appear, so he pretended to fall down and warned Huang Haichuan, and the leader of the bandits was right under his eyes.

"So, last night, you mixed into the inn, also to steal the "Jade Qilin"?" ”

"Zhen Sanshan" approached a step forward, "Yes, although you dodged a dart last night, today you are not so lucky, quickly hand over the 'Jade Qilin'!" ”

Xiao Dingtian smiled contemptuously, "Where is the 'Jade Qilin', you are counting!" ”

"Zhen Sanshan" heard the words, and his face changed drastically. Xiao Dingtian did not lie, in fact, the government did make some painstaking efforts to arrest this giant thief, but it did not find anything, and in desperation, it had to ask Xiao Dingtian to come out. After many days of investigation, he locked the way for the "Earthquake Three Mountains" to commit the crime, so he disguised himself as a hawker and mixed into the caravan to wait for this gangster to appear. In order to "lure the fish to the bait", he also released the wind on the rivers and lakes, saying that in this caravan, the hidden treasure "Jade Qilin", so that the "Earthquake Three Mountains" and the like would smell the wind and move.

After learning that he had been deceived, "Zhen Sanshan" became angry and said viciously, "The old lady will send you on the road!" Then, the sword was raised!

Just at the moment of the first attack, Xiao Dingtian's eyes regained their radiance. Before Zhen Sanshan could see his gesture, he had been stabbed to the point by a short dart. Where did she know that Xiao Dingtian wore a special shoulder that could block the sword. Just now, he would make a calculation, pretend to be injured and fall, and secretly hold the short dart in his hand. At this moment, he saw that the "Earthquake Three Mountains" were loose in precautions, so he returned the salute to the other party.

After the "Zhensanshan" fell to the ground, the situation changed drastically, Xiao Dingtian and Huang Haichuan were angry and drove away the bandits, and they were about to take "Zhensanshan" into custody, but they heard her cold laughter: "Xiao Dingtian, if you open your net today, we will be at peace, otherwise we will definitely let you frustrate and scatter ashes, do you know who I am?" ”

Xiao Dingtian frowned, and "Zhen Sanshan" continued, "It is no secret, I am the righteous daughter of the 'nine-thousand-year-old' Duke Wei, these possessions are used to honor his old man's family, if you don't believe it, you can look at the 'death-free iron coupon' in my bag!" ”

Xiao Dingtian and the two were shocked, and when they turned over the bag of "Zhen Sanshan", they saw a piece of exquisitely engraved "death-free iron coupon". Xiao Dingtian inhaled a cold breath, he had long heard that Wei Zhongxian had raised a group of jianghu masters to serve his life and looted property everywhere, but he never expected that they would do such a heartbreaking thing, even the civilians.

"Well, if you know each other, I can still say a few kind words for you, so that you can walk in peace..." Her "cloud" word had not yet been spoken, and her head had rolled to the ground, and then Xiao Dingtian turned over his hand and slashed down the old man.

Folk Tale "Earthquake Three Mountains"

Huang Haichuan exclaimed, "Xiao Daxia, what are you?" ”

Xiao Dingtian wiped the blood on the spatula and said lightly, "How can such a court last long when the castrated thieves are in turmoil and the people are not happy?" Brother Huang, take care of yourself, let's see you again! "Say it, and go away."

Jiang Spicy's original work, picture from the Internet

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