
Those Desires That Exist in the Depths of the Human Soul – The StreetCar of Desire

author:Yan Nanfei
Those Desires That Exist in the Depths of the Human Soul – The StreetCar of Desire

Because two days ago, I accidentally thought of a classic drama "Gone with the Wind", which aroused me to the heroine Vivien Leigh. Li missed and loved it, so she flipped through her profile on the Internet.

It is said that Vivien Leigh. Leigh was made for making a 1951 film released by Tennessee. After Williams' film adaptation of the play of the same name, "StreetCar Desire", he was suddenly on the verge of a nervous breakdown and was taken directly to a psychiatric hospital on the set, after which he died of depression.

So I was sad and deliberately turned over this old movie, wanting to understand what kind of movie could have such a huge impact on such a great film queen.

The film is about a neurotic half-old Xu Niang from the south of the United States who has gone to her sister's house in the north because of her life. The story of being sent to an insane asylum on the verge of collapse in various conflicts and contradictions with her brother-in-law. Vivien Leigh. Leigh played the heroine Blanche in the film. Unexpectedly, the heroine was actually the same as Vivien Leigh. Li's ending is similar, it is really a drama like life, life is like a drama.

The background of the story is the 1940s, when the northern United States is in the era of modern industrial civilization, and in conflict with the traditional farming civilization in the south. In a strong conflict between the two, the southern manor owners faced bankruptcy.

The heroine was born in the rich south, and in her youth she lived a carefree life on the main estate fields, but after experiencing such great changes, she became poor and poor.

The film does not elaborate on these past backgrounds, but is completely revealed through the neurotic chatter of the heroine, slowly allowing the audience to piece together these fragments like a puzzle piece, thus adding more sympathy to the heroine and making the tragedy of the whole play more intense.

For the first time, I didn't fully understand what the film was about, but after reading the description of the film review and revisiting the film, I understood the deep core of the film.


The heroine, Blanche, has gone through a rich youth with no worries about food and clothing, and has a good family education. At that time, the southern manor was a noble life, employing black slaves.

The owners of the manor had a lot of time to study the elegant arts of music, art, books, etc., claiming to be people who were detached from low-level interests.

Blanche was influenced by art, his body was full of strong artistic atmosphere, full of romantic feelings, simple, love first, illusory and ethereal.

Who knew that the happy life came to an abrupt end, and her life fell from the sky to the cruel reality. His family died, his estate was trampled on and auctioned off, and he was even in debt.

Blanche, a teacher, could not bear the weight of life, and the meager salary was running out of money after covering the funeral expenses of his parents and all kinds of debts.

In the long period of pampering life, she lost the perception of the cruel life, did not have any ability to live, and the artistic atmosphere carved into the bone marrow made her weak, sentimental, and melancholy.

In the course of her teaching, she fell in love with her students and married her, which led the school to expel her for misconduct. Unexpectedly, this student is also gay, which makes Blanche feel very painful, she can't accept it, although she loves him very much.

So scolding, insulting, she used all the language to rebuke him, they always quarreled, and finally in one quarrel, her husband shot himself.

The scene was forever frozen in Blanche's mind. She loved him dearly, and she thought it was her responsibility that led to her lover's death. This is also the fundamental reason for the sudden change in the personality of this character.

Later in life, whenever she thought of her lost lover, she first had a beautiful and moving melody in her mind, and then in the sudden sound of a gunshot, the music suddenly stopped. This is because his lover, in the middle of the dance, suddenly ran out and committed suicide.

The director uses this technique to visualize the audience feel Blanche's deep pain, setting the tone of the tragedy of the whole play.

Also forced by life, but also due to deep guilt and self-blame from within, Blanche punished himself by selling his flesh, completing self-exile in one indulgence after another. She used mankind's most primitive thirst for desire to escape the judgment of her heart for a while.

Such days passed for a while, until she was half old and Xu Niang was unattended. So she came to run to her sister Stella. Her sister was married to a worker in the northern United States. When the two first met, she was overwhelmed by carnal desires, attracted by her brother-in-law Stanley's strong and muscular body full of strong primitive desires, and she tempted him in an attempt to seduce him.

After learning that Stanley was a savage and rough vulgar man, she urged her sister to leave the man. Although she was a prostitute herself, dirty, she was still high in her bones, retaining a little residual dignity, she was highly educated, and in her view, Stanley was a wild man of primitive times. Her body and her mind were fighting, her body longing for Stanley, and her mind despised him. These two emotions intertwined and collided within her.

She could have started another happy life, marrying an honest man in a strange place where no one knew her past. But Stanley exposed her scars and raped her at the last minute, crushing her last straw of hope.

In her bones, she has always longed for the idealism of spiritual supremacy, hoping to cleanse her of the sins, overcome the entanglement of the original desires in her heart, and return to normal life.

But Stanley made her realize the reality that she would never be able to wash away the dirtiness of her body. She was on the verge of collapse at this time.


Those Desires That Exist in the Depths of the Human Soul – The StreetCar of Desire

Blanche's sister Stella left the Southern Estate at an early age to the North, where she was machine-heavy industry, and married Stanley, a worker here.

She was not too involved in the rise and fall of her family's estate and the death of her loved ones, and learned from Blanche that she had only returned to the funeral. Single-mindedly pursuing her own happiness without family responsibility, she has not borne the shock of her heart and the embarrassment of life brought about by that great change, so she is still just a little woman who is casual and only for the pursuit of love.

She has always had a deep attachment to her husband, Stanley, and although Stanley has a violent and gloomy personality, wild, and often argues with her and beats her, she has a morbid love in his stormy personality.

Just as women like bad men, women are like a mother who wants to convey her great maternal love all the time, who wants to domesticate and soothe a beast-torn heart.

Therefore, after a strong domestic violence, in the face of the sober Stanley's low and sad cry, Stella still chose to forgive him unconditionally and once again threw herself into his wild embrace.

Afterwards, in the face of Blanche's questioning, she said frankly, "So what?" She indulges herself in habit, allows her feelings to dominate her, succumbs to the satisfaction brought by male lust, and falls into her own primitive desires.

Blanche told her that she was also a once-highly educated lady, and should not bow to her desires in this way, and that people should not only be simple creatures, but also have a superior race that pursues music and art. Blanche wanted to take her out of this low-grade fun bad life.

At one point, Blanche's words touched Stella and pulled her out of lust, and her intellect told her that Blanche was right. She had been troubled and pained, and she wanted to flee at the moment, and she hugged Blanche tightly, like the last Noah's Ark of her life, which could save her and save her from Stanley's curse.

But when she heard Stanley's call again, as if the devil had once again sounded the flute of the curse demon, and saw Stanley's sexy oil-coated body emitting strong hormones appear in front of her again, reason was like a giant wheel crashing into an iceberg that sank in an instant.

She pounced on him and hugged him tightly, the love of the moment overshadowed all this world and reason, even if the world was destroyed, she wanted to covet the pleasure of this moment.

Stella lost to her own desires.


Those Desires That Exist in the Depths of the Human Soul – The StreetCar of Desire

Stanley, a retired officer, has a strong and sexy body and a clever mind, but has a capricious and gloomy personality.

Dependence on Stella is like attachment to his mother, he loves her and cannot do without her, otherwise he will become a lost lamb, and he will have nothing to rely on in this world.

He has extreme machismo, self-esteem that does not allow others to trample on, but he knows that he has nothing but his pitiful little self-esteem, so he is inferior. The more inferior you are, the more you will cling to the only bit of pitiful self-esteem you have.

Stella was educated in her early years and had a little bit of a feminine idea of autonomy, and in front of Stella, Stanley was both dependent on her for loving her and a little frustrated.

His mind was filled with primitive desire and violence, and he hovered between these two forces, and whenever he vented to Stella, he felt extremely guilty and painful, trying to save it.

When he first met Blanche, Stanley was amazed at her beauty, and his desire was germinating. And when Blanche seems to be provoked, he regards Blanche as a prey with male intuition, but she is still hiding, because she is Stella's sister.

Blanche was attracted to the hormones he exuded, but she was educated and despised the vulgar and unqualified Stanley.

Stanley sensitively captures this contempt, being struck down by the woman he looks up to, and most of all trampling on his self-esteem. He targeted Blanche at every turn and hated her.

It wasn't until he heard Blanche outside the window persuading Stella to leave him, and describing himself as a maggot in the gutter, that he was filled with hatred for Blanche.

So he had the idea of revenge on her, and her confused past was the best trigger.

He began to spare no effort to investigate her until the truth came out. He told the truth to everyone around Blanche, Stella, a friend who fell in love with Blanche. He wanted to see what noble and holy God the people who belittled him were. He hated her until he beat her back to her original form, back to the past.

Blanche broke down, and he beat her to hell with his own hands. Stanley had the kingly excitement of victory at the moment. He and she were finally equal, and she was no longer pretentious and unattainable, but a doll that he could play with.

With this perverted feeling, he wantonly raped her, used the last resort to destroy her mask, and vented the desire to covet her for a long time.

Blanche went mad and was sent to an insane asylum.

Stanley destroyed a woman with his own hands, who was enslaved by the devil of his own desires and became a slave to desires, a cruel executioner.

This profound film has won numerous awards and Blanche's character Vivien Leigh. Leigh and Stanley are played by Malone. Brando also won the Best Actor and Actress Award.

The subject of human desire is a topic that can never be exhausted. Desire comes from the primitive genes of human beings, and it is an inescapable curse. Reason, on the other hand, is the floodgates that stop desire.

Just like the seven deadly sins of the Catholic Doctrine, they are, in order, arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. In response to these human desires, we must identify, and we must bear the divergence without sinking.

As Blanche said in the play: Maybe we are still some distance from perfection, but human beings always have to constantly seek progress, just like art, music, poetry, people always have to constantly enrich their inner beings in order to reach the point of perfection, do not retreat, evolve into beasts.

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