
The trophy of life - original

author:Talk about the wind and rain
The trophy of life - original

(Shen on the wind and rain, high-quality learning)

[2020 822 Joint Examination (Inner Mongolia Volume)] "Given Information 8" mentioned, "This is the trophy of the strivers, this trophy not only has my name, but also the name of our team, in fact, there should be the name of the country" According to your understanding, refer to the given information, take the theme of "Trophies of Life", connect with reality, write a topic by yourself, and write an essay. (45 minutes)

Requirements: (1) self-selected angle, clear intentions; (2) clear thinking, fluent language; (3) refer to the given information, but not limited to the "given information" ;(4) the total word count of 1000-1200 words.

丨 Outline of ideas 丨

Central thesis: The trophy of life belongs to the individual, but also to the team and the country. Sub-argument one: The trophy of life belongs to the individual and requires personal struggle. Sub-argument two: the trophy of life also belongs to the team, which requires the cooperation of the team. Sub-argument three: The trophy of life still belongs to the state and needs the support of the state.

丨Indogenic Fan Wen 丨

Who does the trophy of life belong to?

Shen on Mu Fu

Mr. Ding said: "This is the trophy of the strivers, and this trophy not only has my name on it, but also the name of our team, in fact, it should also have the name of the country." "I deeply agree. In this fight against the epidemic, Zhong Nanshan, a retrograde who dared to heal and speak out, Zhang Boli, who turned the treasures of China into a good recipe for the epidemic, Zhang Dingyu, who always adhered to the fight against the epidemic in the "Eye of the Storm", and Chen Wei, who was in contact with the deadly virus, won the trophy of life. This honor not only has their personal efforts, but also the strong support of the medical team's unity of purpose and national unity. The trophy of life is never just an individual, but also belongs to the team and the country.

The trophy of life belongs to the individual and requires personal struggle. Needless to say, the rewards for individual struggles should have a personal share. Mr. Ding gave up the preferential treatment abroad, resolutely returned to China, with the ambition of revitalizing the motherland's pharmaceutical cause, with the social responsibility of "being a good medicine that the people can afford", and through his unremitting struggle, he won the trophy of this strivers. Wang Jicai and Wang Shihua have struggled for more than thirty years to defend the island for the country, touched China, and are regarded by us as a model of the times; Shen Hao and Huang Wenxiu have the courage to take responsibility at the grassroots level, have the courage to act, struggle for a lifetime, dedicate their lives, the state gives them commendations, and the people carve them in their hearts. This is the best reward for the strivers, and this is also the trophy that the strivers deserve. It can be seen that the trophy of life should be engraved with the name of the individual strivers.

The trophy of life also belongs to the team and requires the cooperation of the team. "One arrow is easy to break, ten arrows are difficult to destroy." "It's hard to clap alone, it's hard to fly alone." "Go alone fast, go far." These old sayings are telling us that the power of the individual is limited. Only when a person integrates himself into the team, struggles with the team, and even struggles with the team, can the struggle burst out of more passion and harvest greater trophies. For example, in the text, Mr. Ding did not choose to fight alone, but chose to return to China with several partners, form a team, rely on the team, and overcome difficulties together, only to harvest the trophy of life and stand on the highest podium of life. For another example, the Chinese women's volleyball team, sharing weal and woe, united as one, won the good results of five consecutive championships, which inspired the Chinese people and shocked the world. That's the power of a team, that's the energy of collaboration. Therefore, the trophy of life should also be engraved with the name of the team.

The trophy of life still belongs to the state and needs the support of the state. Today's China is different from the Past China, today's China is a golden country of struggle, is a hot land for officials to start a business. In the new era, the state has issued a series of good policies to encourage new deeds in the new era and encourage public innovation and entrepreneurship. It has activated the emerging economic format of the Internet, stimulated the passion of the sons and daughters of China, and ignited the hot land of China. Malcolm Gladwell's The Outlier famously makes the idea that the success of so-called achievers does not depend primarily on individual talents and talents. So what? Times and countries. For example, an important reason why Mr. Ding chose to return to China is that "the state encourages returnees to innovate and start a business, and they can do what they can't do abroad at home." "Similarly, the great scientist Yang Zhenning, the outstanding medical scientist Tu Youyou... Behind their achievements, they all have a strong backing - China. Therefore, the trophy of life must also be engraved with the name of the country.

We were born in the best era, grew up in a great country, only believe in the team, rely on the team, only believe in the motherland, love the motherland, engrave the name of the team and the name of the country on the trophy of life, let the name of the individual shine with the name of the team, the name of the country, in order to harvest more trophies and bigger trophies in the road of life.


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