
Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you

author:Train uncle Old Gan

Today's market, some speechless, said a few days ago, there is no stop fall here, just the fall relay, especially the Shanghai market, sure enough, today came true. Shanghai today low open, 3498.94 open, after the opening of a wave of killing, a wave lower than a wave, the opening price is today's highest price, fell below the 3500 integer mark, fell below the annual line, the lowest to 3448.44 points, the end of the session closed some, closed a long lower shadow line, closed 3492.46, down -14.54 points, down -0.41%, traded 443.1 billion, Shenzhen 14521.72 open, low open more than 60 points, the lowest to 14302.80 points, close 14515.88 points, down -56.05 points, down -0.38%, also closed a long shadow line, the transaction of 637.1 billion, the two cities a total of 1080 billion, 80 billion more than yesterday, today's good situation is a stock up more than down less.

Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you
Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you

Wanxiang money tide today did not fall stop test disk, 6.21 yuan open, low open 5 cents, look at today's market low open a lot, will definitely kill, so did not wait for the opening, 9.28 points on the hanging on 6.26 yuan, ready to go out first, wait for the market to kill and then buy back, not a moment to deal, the market is also as expected a wave of killing, but the universal direction does not kill, step by step, and the amount is also followed, a little anxious, especially when it rushed to 6.34 yuan, more anxious, because the highest price of the two days on November 4th and 5th is 6.34 yuan, I am afraid of directly pulling up after the breakthrough, chasing in at 6.30 yuan and chasing it, after chasing in, the stock price began to kill, fell below the moving average, the lowest to 6.19 yuan, and then calm down and so on, always can't hold its breath, fell down to make up and there is no courage, because the market is falling sharply But fortunately today did not let eat noodles, pray! Today's transaction was 145 million, 8 million more than yesterday, and today's price of 6.30 yuan is the highest price since this rise, looking forward to the backgammon.

Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you
Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you
Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you
Buy high and sell low, just the opposite, universal money tide - how long I have to wait for you

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