
The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

author:I know what it is like

In intimate relationships, the moon is the most important position, because it is related to the sense of security and home, is a deep thought in the heart, so if you want to be closer to him, you must know each other's moon position and know how to get along.

A mismatch in the position of the moon does not mean the end of the world. Spending time with each other is itself one of the philosophies of love.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Aries people, need to always keep fresh and stimulated, he does things tend to be more impatient, impatient, once fresh long-term stimulation words. It will feel very depressed, in the emotional relationship. At the beginning, you will be more enthusiastic, you will choose to express your emotions more directly, and you will take action immediately when you meet someone you like. However, in the daily relationship, assuming that there is no way to provide him with freshness for a long time, his enthusiasm will soon fade.

His easy to accept long-term partner is a more independent, brave and strong person, like each other can make ideas about anything, and if you get along with others, you will also have to provide some advice, and it is not easy to put yourself in the shoes of others.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

The moon is a very stable person in Taurus, his emotional and life attitude is very stable, and he is not easily stimulated by the outside world and changes. But at the same time, it is not easy to express yourself. And the most intimate relationships have the same problems usually don't say anything. It requires a lot of security, not necessarily to show off how to be rich, but there must be material security, so in a relationship, this aspect of the basic security can not be satisfied, he will feel very painful, if the other party will even put forward money requirements, it will make him more uncomfortable, so what he needs is a stable state, once he establishes a relationship with others, he is not easy to change. The more familiar he is, the easier it is for someone to feel secure in him.

His words for the other half must be warm, make him feel comfortable and kind, and take care of others, not the kind of booing and asking for warmth, but the actual benefits. Because of stability, it will be slower to enter into intimate relationships than others.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Gemini is a fluctuating planetary position, when the moon is in the Gemini, the mood changes very quickly, they usually express themselves in a rational way, such as when they want to talk to someone, or will read books by themselves, he will constantly think about what the essence of my emotions is, so to nourish the Moon Gemini is to learn through speech and communication. That is, the exchange of ideas can satisfy their curiosity and establish a sense of close familiarity with them.

His requirements for the other half are very rational communication, rather than emotional intimacy, he may like to think more, learn more people, in the other half of the mind will also form such an image, and he will unnaturally follow the moon gemini to think and communicate.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

The guardian star of Cancer is the moon, so back to their hometown, the moon Cancer will be more sensitive, more likely to feel, the fluctuating mood will be greater, so more sense of security is needed. Cancer itself is a strong self-protection constellation, and it needs to spend a long time with others before it can adapt to each other and slowly let go of its defenses. After deep contact, he will protect his lover and take care of others like a mother, but he will also pay attention to the protection and nourishment of others, and will often be taken care of more than the moon Cancer crab pays. Another point is that if someone else refuses his care, he will be greatly hurt.

The need for the other half is very simple, four words of good wife and good mother.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Leo people are very much in need of attention, they are used to showing themselves, and their self-esteem is very strong and irrefutable. What needs more is recognition, appreciation and being treated as important and honorable people, and if ignored, they can feel uneasy and even hurt. Accustomed to being a leader and a king, from childhood there is the potential to be a child king. In the expression of emotions will be very direct, very enthusiastic, will be relatively generous to others, with a childlike innocent heart, Leo is a fixed sign, so relatively loyal. When he establishes an intimate connection with others, he has a sense of familiarity and generally does not change.

For the other half's needs, what he needs is bright, charismatic and carrying some domineering opposite sex

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Virgo people will pay special attention to their service to their lovers in their interactions with intimate people. Even the smallest details of the demand can be quickly detected. When he cares about a problem, he will immediately give the other party practical help and take care of the details of life. But it will be very utilitarian, it will show a kind of clumsiness. But for the Moon Virgo, this is the love he can give. In terms of emotions, he will be very sensitive, and some small things can also affect his nerves, showing not yelling, but fragmented thoughts.

The other half he needs is a person who likes to be picky and pursue perfection, so the requirements for the other half will be relatively high, he is not saying that the material is high, but the demand for the quality of life, or the quality of life. Even the Burrow smells roses.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Libra people pay special attention to interpersonal relationships, which is considered by him to be the greatest meaning of survival, and even some people will think that whether you can be with me, the most important thing is to see what opinion my friends have, social relationships are the source of security, afraid of loneliness and need someone to accompany, often deal with others, establish good social relationships, in many relationships also attach great importance to fairness, pay attention to whether each other can be equal, so she has a very important part of her requirements for the other half is whether you look at him equally. Be able to see other things from his point of view, but also pay attention to interdependence, because his emotions will also be affected by others. He will easily control his emotions, put him in a state of balance and harmony, and analyze the world in a rational way.

Therefore, the most important requirement for dealing with the opposite sex is whether there can be an intellectual beauty. Don't lose your temper, whether you are willing to share your unhappiness and happiness with him.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

The position of the moon in the Scorpio needs to have a deep emotional bond with others. The need for love will also be stronger, but it will not be easily revealed, so as not to be seen through. Once discovered, it feels like someone else is holding his heart in his hand and playing with it. (When describing a Scorpio, you can use some words that Scorpio likes.) entrails. Right. Deep emotional relationships seem to him to be somewhat dangerous, so he will naturally have a sense of fear and jealousy about deep emotional relationships, believing that people in this world will frame their lovers and seduce him at any time. So it is not easy for them to establish a deeper relationship with others, but if they have complete trust in a person, they can devote themselves to it, and the moon is in the position of Scorpio, even if they are used to thinking deeply, it is easy to do things to produce the idea of wavering and giving up.

He likes that his partner's demands are chaotic and complex love, sometimes he feels that he is manipulated by her, and sometimes he hopes that he can control others, so he has fear and love, which are produced together.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

The moon in Sagittarius people, the need is free, can never be bound by anything, especially emotional relationships, so if you get along with them, you must give them a certain space, but unlike the space of the moon Capricorn and the moon water bottle, they will want to play and explore with their lovers. So in a relationship, his solitary space does not need to be extra respected, but also needs some changes and stimulation, as well as some learning and intellectual communication, so that he can feel that he can learn something in the process of communicating with you. Therefore, if you get along with him, you need to have a certain amount of experience. His overall mood is bound to be more optimistic, but it will also be easy to exaggerate and dramatize, but not as pompous as the moon lion. Emotions come and go quickly. In childhood moments, Moon Shooter, will surely have more space and let him explore.

In the requirements for the other half. I also hope that the other party is an optimistic and confident person, who will encourage learning, and especially like to have intelligence.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Capricorn people on the surface look very stable emotions, in fact, have been suppressed, related to his childhood experience, learned that emotions can not be easily revealed, they are taught that it is useless and non-existent, so they will be very demanding to succeed. Many Moon Capricorn people do not easily express their feelings, and they will even have a tendency to depression, which is very similar to the Moon Scorpio. They will only take care of others in some practical way, to accomplish some specific things, they think that feelings can be used to be nourished by work, fame, and achievement, so it is easy to become a workaholic, and even ignore all the relationships with people and people.

Their ideal opposite sex is a person who is alienated from himself and is a serious person, so for him, the person who returns him to the safest place is instead a common cause and steadfastness.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Aquarius people seem to be as smooth and calm as Capricorn Moon, the same will doubt whether he is a person without feelings, in his childhood experience, he will freeze a lot of emotions, and replace them with reason, any feeling will try to rationalize by all means. So emotions are bad things for him, and in his experience, the mother should also be a calm and rational person, but she does not care much about herself, so that in the future all emotional relationships will be unconsciously alienated. In the process of getting along with others, he will show indifference and do not care about himself, so that others find it difficult to approach, but unlike Moon Capricorn, Moon Water Bottle people will be happier. There is more joy in team and friends and some social contacts.

The ideal opposite sex is an interesting freak who gives him enough space to focus on his own things.

The Moon in the Astrolabe – the essence of man and the need for intimacy

Moon Pisces people emotional expression is very rich, sentimental, very sensitive, because Pisces has no boundaries, so he can feel from anyone's emotions, and bring in to give themselves the empathy, soft heart, but also easy to be affected by other people's emotions, used to empathy with others, so in the emotional relationship will be easy to appear dependence. Very afraid of separation. In his childhood experience, he was very dependent on his mother, who may have been a victim, or a savior.

In her emotional relationship, she also needs such a savior to save herself. Be able to understand her emotional needs and have a wealth of emotions for her to experience.

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