
Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

author:Dumb super cute

Love life, love games, hello everyone, I'm dumb. We look forward to your attention, and I will share more interesting and latest information here.

Foreword: Recently the glory of the king has a new skin of the breaking news, in addition to Sun Shangxiang's twin skin, the official has officially announced, the follow-up will be more king glory and international clothing linkage skin, first of all, the official hinted at Xiao Qiao's new skin, it is very likely to become the object of the next set of twin skins, in addition, the spirit of nature special effects return, participate in the event can get free permanent effects, at the same time, the official will also give away 820,000 sets of permanent skins, including Liu Bei's legendary skin.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look.

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at

First of all, to understand Xiao Qiao's new skin, some time ago, the official announced Sun Shangxiang's twin skin, I believe everyone should also know, at present, Sun Shangxiang's new skin has been launched, which is also the first set of skins linked by the glory of the king and international clothing.

Officials said that there will be more linkage skins in the follow-up, that is, the second set of twin skins will be added in the follow-up. When the official announced the news, it hinted at the hero of Little Joe.

In the international suit, there is a hero called "Krisch", and her skills are very similar to little Joe, so the official call these two heroes "good sisters", such an obvious hint, I believe everyone must also understand, this is clearly hinting at little Joe's new skin.

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

Of course, at present, it can only prove the official hint, and can not be 100% sure, in fact, in the international service, although Krish's skills are the same as little Joe, but Krish's image is winged, and each of his skins has wings, just like Little Joe's swan dream.

So if these two heroes are the object of the next set of twin skins, I believe that Little Joe will definitely usher in a set of wingsed skins again, which I am still looking forward to.

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

The new event sent 820,000 skin sets

Once we've learned about the new skins, let's talk about the new activities.

Recently, the glory of the king launched the Activity of the Otherworldly Gifts to Smoke the Nutcracker, to put it bluntly, this activity is the activity of the new skin of the Dry General Mo Evil, and participating in this activity can have a probability of obtaining the permanent skin of the Dry General Mo Evil - the Nutcracker, and the first time you participate in the task, you can also get a 7-day experience card of the Nutcracker 100%.

Then it is not so simple to get a permanent nutcracker, because the probability is only 0.1%, but the official said that 500,000 sets of nutcrackers will be distributed in full.

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

In addition, three other sets of permanent skins will be given away, namely Liu Bei's lover of time, Sun Ce's cat and dog diary and Sun Wukong's western dart, the probability of these three skins is 0.01%, Liu Bei's lover of time is issued 20,000 sets, cat and dog diary is issued 100,000 sets, and Sun Wukong's western dart players are issued 200,000 sets, adding up to just 820,000 sets of permanent skins.

It is worth mentioning that the task requirements of this activity are actually very simple, if you buy Sun Shangxiang's new skin, then you can log in to the game every day to receive a reward, if you do not buy Sun Shangxiang's new skin, then you need to participate in a 5V5 game, but the task requirements of the QQ area and the WeChat area are not the same, you can take a look at the actual task requirements.

Little Joe's new skin was hinted at, 820,000 skins were sent for free, and the Spirit of Nature special effect was officially opened

In addition, in this event will also produce the spirit of nature back to the city special effect, for this special effect, I believe that many players want, in simple terms, it is equivalent to a return to the scene, every player has a 10% probability of getting a permanent return to the city special effect of the spirit of nature.

To sum up the key points: from the current official revelations, the follow-up will also add more king glory and international service linkage skin, in addition, the activity of the new skin of the dry will be mo evil has been launched, you can try it, after all, this activity also adds up to 82 sets of free skins, try your luck or it is OK.

Well, the above is the entire content of this issue of the article, I don't know if you have any other views? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate together.


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