
Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

author:Candy Mom

The article is original for Candy Mom, welcome to forward and share personally

People often joke that children around the age of 2 are "dogs" because children at that time gradually began to be difficult to carry.

In fact, before the troubled 2-year-old, many parents will have a stage of "suffering", but at that time, the baby is too small, and adults do not care and cannot bear to criticize them.

Mr. Song's baby is 5 months old, suddenly become crying and not easy to bring, sometimes the family is kind to hold the baby, but also by this little guy bite. Don't look at people who are not big and have no teeth, biting people is still very painful.

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

Adults holding him vertically on the shoulder will be bitten, sitting and holding his arm will be bitten, finger bite is the norm, bao mom is bitten to the point of wanting to give up breast milk, but see the child's innocent face and feel that there is no need to worry about anything with the child.

Mr. Song is still questioning, when did the child have so many bad problems? Doesn't that mean that the child grows up to be a naughty bag!

Later, the child's grandmother found out about this situation and said with a smile: "My grandson is not a naughty bag, you sloppy parents don't even know that the child has teething"!

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

New parents are a little confused about some of the child's inconspicuous performances, but experienced people can see the baby's recent state from one of the child's performances.

Take the small baby in the deciduous teeth eruption period, in addition to what to bite like Mr. Song's baby, there will be a series of light or heavy abnormal performances, so that parents are puzzled, bringing a little trouble to themselves and adults, but this is a necessary process.

★ Your baby becomes irritable and grumpy

One of the obvious manifestations of babies during the deciduous teeth period is that they become a little irritable, and when they are full of food and drink, they will cry inexplicably, especially at night.

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

This is because the baby's gums will have itchy and painful feelings when they grow deciduous teeth, they can't tell their parents directly in words, and they don't know what they should do to alleviate them, so they will become irritable.

★ There is a manifestation of "anorexia"

Babies during the deciduous teeth period, whether they eat breast milk or formula, will have a short-term anorexia, may eat well the day before, and the next day they start to become less serious about feeding.

Either eating and playing, or appearing to have no appetite, on the one hand, the pain of the gum affects sucking, on the other hand, the itchy feeling makes the baby want to stop and rub the gum bed. It is often misunderstood by new parents that the baby does not like to breastfeed, in fact, the baby has a word of suffering.

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

★ Babies become "dirty"

Your baby has already begun to drool before the deciduous teeth are noticeably white. The original stage of salivary gland development, coupled with the stimulation of the gums by the tusks, will cause the baby's saliva to secrete too much.

Small babies who are not strong in swallowing are often a mouthful of water hanging around their mouths, and from time to time a saliva directly flows down, dirty but also somewhat cute.

A series of bad habits when the baby grows deciduous teeth, about 4 months or so, more obvious, parents help the child to cope correctly, and they and the baby suffer less.

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

First of all, use the baby's exclusive teething stick, biting glue, etc. to alleviate the problem of baby's itchy gums, so that the baby is comfortable and the family will not be bitten by the baby all the time.

Secondly, to soothe the baby's emotions, during the teething period the baby can not avoid crying, then do not criticize him again. Hand out the teething stick at the same time also gentle to soothe the baby's emotions, the baby because of discomfort and do not want to drink milk do not force him to feed him, wait for a slow and slow feeding can also be.

Baby babies with deciduous teeth usually have some "bad habits", and adults and children may have to suffer

Finally, from this time on, focus on the baby's teeth and oral problems, first in the usual timely gently dry the saliva around the baby's mouth and chin, neck, protect the baby's skin, but also pay attention to the health of the baby's teeth.

In the beginning, parents can use clean gauze or finger toothbrushes to help clean their baby's mouth. When 11 to 12 teeth are grown, you can use a baby-specific toothbrush to protect your baby's baby's baby teeth.

【Today's topic】What is the performance of everyone's baby during the growth of deciduous teeth?

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