
The escape from Li Jiaqi on Double Eleven is a new way for the brand to find for itself

author:Mido Digital Planet

This year's double eleven came a little earlier than last year, today, this battle for traffic and transaction volume shows no signs of cooling, when Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya two anchors handed over nearly 20 billion yuan in sales, careful netizens found that Li Jiaqi Weiya with goods has become less and less common "lowest price" publicity, but many brands have left discounts in their own live broadcast room, the brand self-broadcast secretly assembled into a powerful force.

In the past, the brand owners who relied on Li Jiaqiweiya to "take the fly" wanted to "untie".

As we all know, the frenzy of live streaming with goods mainly comes from cheap + excellent goods. High-quality goods + preferential prices can accurately hit the consumer's shopping G-point in the first time.

And with Wei Ya, Li Jiaqi, Sydney, Simba, Luo Yonghao, Chao Ran and other hundreds of anchors of all sizes, from the head to the middle waist, in the case of more and more inward volume in the live broadcast industry, now the anchors have begun to frantically shout to buy one get five, buy one get eight, five folds for consumers have become less sexy concepts, behind this madness is actually the brand owners continue to reduce prices and make profits.

The escape from Li Jiaqi on Double Eleven is a new way for the brand to find for itself

In the past, for brands, there were also two "price releases" in a year, 618 in the first half of the year and double eleven in the second half of the year. Brands can stick to their "price system" while reaping a wave of turnover. But now are the brand owners losing money in the sale, the current live broadcast with goods model, the unit traffic cost has become very expensive, in order to let the product can enter the head anchor's live broadcast room, constantly lower the price, give up their bargaining power.

Entering the head anchor live broadcast room, the brand owner only earns a brand exposure, which is used as an advertisement, not as a channel.

Double Eleven is essentially: anchors earn real money and silver, consumers earn wool, brand owners earn exposure, as for the platforms, anyway, it is tax-inducing.

Brands can not get a piece of online traffic from the platform and live broadcast room in Double 11, Double 11 is just a real carnival of e-commerce platforms, and it is just a false feast for brand owners.

In the face of such an embarrassing situation, how can brand owners find a good way out and strive to break the circle? Cultivate your own KOC to create your own double 11?

The answer is that brand owners need to establish F2B2b2C full-link digital capabilities, empower millions of terminals to connect directly to the C-end, realize the KOC of millions of terminals, deeply transform online traffic into the brand's own private domain traffic, build a private domain traffic user pool, solve the separation between the brand and the terminal, online and offline, let the brand marketing communicate to every target user, connect B and C, open up the product and sales, and achieve a real win-win situation between the brand and the terminal.

On the current e-commerce platform, although the online user traffic is huge, it is very dispersed and flowing, which live broadcast room has a brand discount, consumers will appear where, for low loyalty consumers who have milk is the mother, brand owners need to convert platform traffic into the brand's own platform ecology, build private domain traffic, deeply operate users, and firmly grasp private domain traffic and consumers in their own hands.

Therefore, in this year's double 11, many brands choose to invest energy in store self-broadcasting, and full-fledged brands no longer continue to transfuse blood to the head anchor, they hope to lead core consumers to their own ecology, after all, brand self-broadcasting is "pro-son".

Through brand self-broadcasting, it can accelerate the exposure of the brand and the sales volume on the product, well undertake the needs of users to buy again, solve the needs of users to repurchase, and improve the daily sales of the brand, and the fan base obtained through self-broadcasting is also very accurate.

Brand owners establish their own live broadcast matrix, indicating that the brand has adapted to the relationship change from the past "people looking for goods" to the current "goods looking for people", the core is around the user-centric, through marketing digitalization can directly connect to C-end consumers, know consumers, and use live marketing communication to strengthen consumer awareness.

But this is only to complete the F2C connection, million terminal KOC requires brands to open up the F2B2b2C full link, empower the B/b end, use stores, shop owners, shopping guides to connect users to achieve BC integration, and complete the transformation of million terminal KOC.

The escape from Li Jiaqi on Double Eleven is a new way for the brand to find for itself

Connecting users is not to pull traffic from offline to the brand's online store, but to the online store of the retail store, that is, the cloud store. "Cloud store" is the marketing "field" in the "people, goods, field" system in the offline in-depth distribution channels, the core is "BC integration", focusing on "direct connection to the C-end, empowering the B/b end".

The social cloud can help traditional enterprises to achieve "live distribution", through KOL (opinion leader) or KOC (seed users) on their own live broadcast platform live streaming with goods, by the brand headquarters to lead the hot promotion activities, and offline deep distribution channels of all dealers and terminal retail stores integrated, the use of their respective circles to launch public domain traffic, and then the public domain traffic conversion order based on LBS accurate drip irrigation to dealers and terminal retail stores, to achieve the purpose of live streaming.

For example, if a wine company does live broadcast activities, it directly applies the power of distributors. The brand carried out live broadcasting at the headquarters through the social cloud store, and the dealers broadcast it according to their different needs, and achieved quite good results.

There are three successes:

1. The operating entity is clear. The brand owner is only responsible for providing marketing materials, and the distributor creates a live broadcast atmosphere according to the regional characteristics

2. IP of live broadcast activities. Form online activities with fixed time, fixed frequency, and clear user profiles

3. Online transaction and offline performance. Through the traffic distribution mode of cloud stores, consumers can choose the nearest store to pick up, reduce the cost of performance, and also improve the offline traffic of stores.

Based on the live broadcast model of traditional liquor companies in social cloud stores, it is actually the closest and most likely to break through the current Red Sea competition of brand live broadcasting. Because its live streaming model has several features that other brands do not have: BC integration, which is F2B2b2C full-link mode.

A wine company does a member day live broadcast activity, using not a member mini program but a social cloud store, why? Cloud store is a multi-store mini program mall built by brand owners based on the existing channel deep sub-structure, forming a BC integrated connection structure of brand owners (F) - distributors (B) - stores (b) - users (C). In this structure, the cloud store live broadcast traffic is shared by multiple stores (divided by dealer area), and unmarked users will be assigned to the nearest store according to LBS positioning, and users who enter through a store channel will be automatically assigned to the corresponding store. Solve the problem of regional channeling of goods in channel live broadcasting, because users and stores are one-to-one correspondence.

The escape from Li Jiaqi on Double Eleven is a new way for the brand to find for itself

Under this structure, a top-down three-level management and empowerment mechanism is formed: brand owners → dealers → stores, and marketing expenses are passed on layer by layer to prevent confusion in the promotion system and price system. Dealers can specify the promotion rules of the store according to the sales target and submit it to the brand headquarters for review, so as to realize the flexible marketing model of one place, one policy, and thousands of stores and thousands of faces.

The escape from Li Jiaqi on Double Eleven is a new way for the brand to find for itself

The social cloud store based on the Mini Program Mall can bring dealers and stores together to play together, to achieve "human-store integration, separation of people and goods, global coverage, dynamic expansion, automatic distribution, full chain win-win", without changing and subverting the traditional channel management structure, optimizing on the basis of the existing channel structure, using Internet thinking and tools to empower, and truly allowing the terminal to enjoy the benefits, so dealers and stores are willing to cooperate highly, and after truly realizing BC integration, all traffic belongs to the brand, and then converts into a private domain.

In this process, dealers, terminal stores and even shopping guides, has actually become the brand's KOC, as the brand's private data can be precipitated, through the social cloud store, the brand can achieve a million terminal KOC, with a million brands of their own KOC, the brand can seize user traffic from multiple dimensions, and precipitate in their own traffic pool for deep operation, the original traffic that belongs to competitors to intercept, gather more and more accurate crowds, build their own private domain system, Achieve the purpose of doubling performance and enterprise growth.

Behind the Double Eleven brand's escape from Li Jiaqi's choice to stand on its own mountain, it reflects the brand owner's sensitivity to the changes of the times.

As far as the traditional brand is concerned, it is as difficult to recreate a product like Li Jiaqiweiya. Instead of letting the head be kidnapped, it is better to rely on self-reliance, rely on the advantages of traditional brand offline channels, realize the KOC of million terminals, use a strong brand base as a foothold, take offline as the base, online as the wing, through diversified product matrix and omni-channel operation, develop against the trend, and lead the wave of digital transformation in a challenging era.

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