
Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank supports the steady development of enterprises and drives stable employment for poverty-alleviated households - Yangyang salary increase

author:Traveling to shoot three jin

Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank supports the steady development of enterprises and drives stable employment for poverty-alleviated households——


Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank supports the steady development of enterprises and drives stable employment for poverty-alleviated households - Yangyang salary increase

The staff of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank handles business for customers

Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank supports the steady development of enterprises and drives stable employment for poverty-alleviated households - Yangyang salary increase

◀ Yang Yang (first from right) works in the workshop


□ reporter Lisa Hao text/photo

"Without the help of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank, the company may have collapsed, and it is even more impossible to give employees a raise, which is very grateful to Rural Commercial Bank." The relevant person in charge of Shanxi Jinguan Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jinguan Manufacturing Company) said with gratitude.

At present, some companies are either laying off employees or cutting wages in order to tide over the difficulties. However, Yangyang's Jinguan Manufacturing Company, with the strong support of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank, went from the brink of collapse to the smooth overall relocation, and then quickly resumed normal operation, not only did not stop paying employees for one day, but even raised salaries for employees who performed well. Yang Yangyang, the child of a former poor family, is one of the beneficiary employees.

On November 9, the reporter walked into Jinguan Manufacturing Company and Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank to explore the details.

Yangyang is facing unemployment

Because the company is on the verge of closing its doors

Founded in 2010, Jinguan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in wind turbine accessories, mechanical parts and connecting rod manufacturing. With the continuous expansion of the scale of construction in Ruicheng County, the location of the enterprise has gradually developed from the original remote location to a residential living area.

"Our company works 24 hours a day and there was no problem before. After the increase in the surrounding communities, residents complained to government departments more due to night operations. Xiao Kang, the relevant person in charge of the company, said that after communicating with the relevant departments, they decided to find a new site and carry out the overall relocation.

After a thorough investigation, the company selected a factory site that has collapsed. If you move over, the company does not have to rebuild the factory, and can quickly resume work and production after a simple transformation. "Before we invested a lot of money to buy equipment, plus the transformation of the old factory, there was basically no idle money on hand. If the relocation funds are not raised enough, the enterprise will be forced to close its doors, and the Yangyang who is employed here will face unemployment. Xiao Kang said.

Fortunately, with the strong help of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank, the company successfully moved to the new site at the end of April this year and resumed production in a short period of time. "After moving here, the scale of our company has expanded, environmental protection equipment has also been upgraded, and the annual output value has doubled." It is important to be able to continue to arrange employee employment and pay employees salaries and bonuses on time. Xiao Kang said.

The enterprise was saved, and the position of Yangyang was also preserved.

Yang Yang steadys the rice bowl

Due to the innovative development of enterprises

On November 9, Yangyang was busy as usual in the shell processing workshop of Jinguan Manufacturing Company. "Since Yangyang joined the company, he has performed very well, and we are considering a raise for him." The relevant person in charge of the company told reporters.

YangYangjia was once a poor household with a record of lika, and was lifted out of poverty last year. His family has three people, his father can not get out of bed in a car accident, incapacitated, his mother takes care of more than ten acres of land, and the family's income is tight. After graduating from Yangyang University, he worked in a coal mine in Jincheng, and because his family needed to take care of it, he returned to his hometown ruicheng. Under the introduction of the relevant departments of Ruicheng County, in 2019, he joined the Golden Crown Manufacturing Company.

When I first joined the company, Yangyang's monthly salary was more than 3,000 yuan. After unremitting efforts, Yangyang's salary has been growing, and now it can get more than 5,000 yuan per month. "I'm happy with the job, close to home, well paid and able to take care of my family. Leaders and colleagues are very concerned and caring for me, and I will continue to work hard to continuously improve my professional level. Yang Yang said.

The company not only did not close the door and stop production, but also developed rapidly, paying employees on time and constantly raising salaries. All this is inseparable from the support of the Rural Commercial Bank. "Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank not only helped us relocate, but also vigorously supported our technological progress and innovative development, helping us stabilize old customers and bring new customers." Xiao Kang said.

Nowadays, Jinguan Manufacturing Company has developed rapidly, its efficiency has steadily improved, and its rice bowl has been held more firmly.

Yang Yang is full of confidence

It is due to the strategic cooperation between banks and enterprises

Since the beginning of the year, Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank has actively fulfilled the social responsibility of inclusive finance, adopted measures such as incremental interest rate cuts, and comprehensively supported the high-quality development of small and micro enterprises.

Golden Crown Manufacturing Company's tax credit rating in 2019 is B grade, and in 2020 it will be upgraded to A grade. "Our bank usually pays more attention to the development of small and micro enterprises, and after learning that Golden Crown Manufacturing Company has difficulties, it actively supports it." Especially for small and micro enterprises whose tax rating has been upgraded from B to A, our bank's interest rate is more favorable and the credit line supported will be greater. The relevant person in charge of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank said that the company's previous loan amount was 500,000 yuan, and this time with the increase of tax rating, the amount increased to 13 million yuan. At the same time, the interest rate has also declined, and this 1 item alone can reduce interest rates for enterprises by more than 700,000 yuan a year.

In order to accurately serve the small and micro enterprises in the county, Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank uses the list system to dock small and micro enterprises. The bank took the initiative to communicate with relevant departments such as county taxation, market supervision, and agricultural economic center, and carried out door-to-door docking with credit-talking tax users, individual industrial and commercial households, and new agricultural entities, and established credit relationships.

At present, Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank has docked 2,089 taxpayer credit users, established 603 credit relationships, and granted credit amount of 489.65 million yuan; docked 102 new agricultural business entities, established 37 credit relationships, and granted credit amount of 120.59 million yuan; established 5,007 individual industrial and commercial household accounts, docked 1,030 households, and established credit relationships with 914 households, with a credit amount of 180.46 million yuan.

For the loan interest rate of corporate customers, Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank also implements preferential floating in accordance with relevant policies. Among them, according to the rating results of corporate taxation, the bank will have corresponding preferential policies. "We have lowered the interest rate on loans in response to the call of the state. Give profits to high-quality enterprises, support their development, and let them settle more people for stable employment. The relevant person in charge of Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank said.

"For us, without the help of rural commercial banks, there would be no company today." Xiao Kang said that in the next step, they will continue to upgrade their products, take the road of deep processing and finishing, and continuously enhance the added value and market competitiveness of products. Ensure that employees' salaries, bonuses, and even salary increases are paid on time and in full.

Watching the continuous increase of new equipment and the continuous introduction of new technologies in Jinguan Manufacturing Company, Yangyang is full of confidence in the future days.

Ruicheng Rural Commercial Bank supports the steady development of enterprises and drives stable employment for poverty-alleviated households - Yangyang salary increase

Source: Yuncheng Evening News, November 12, 2021

Editor: Dong Yingzan

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