
Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

author:Gluttony Dog Food Encyclopedia

Alaskan dogs are very docile and hospitable, will not take the initiative to attack humans, even with strangers can play together for a long time, and the appearance is mighty and handsome, the return rate of taking them out has soared by 100%, but why are there fewer people? These are 5 reasons to discourage Allah.

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Reason one: Alaskan dogs are large dogs, which is one of the reasons why it is rarely raised, Alaskan dogs have a lot of strength, not to mention weak girls when excited, even young and strong young people are difficult to pull it. Under the premise of normal feeding to ensure health, Alaskan male dogs can generally weigh more than 50 kilograms, while Alaskan female dogs can grow to 40 kilograms.

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

And their height, shoulder height, and body length are far beyond the size standard of ordinary dogs, and in some cities they are still forbidden dog breeds, not because they have a bad temper, but because Alaskan dogs are really too big!

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Reason two: The Alaskan dog is timid, don't alaska dog is so big, but in fact, its guts are only a little. Its boldness is the complete opposite of its size, with a very big contrast, especially when the "huge" Alaskan dog is frightened by the small insects and hides behind its owner, it knows how funny and angry such a scene is. Master: "Your tendon flesh is white!" ”

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

And the Alaskan dog is worthy of being one of the dogs that are collectively known as the "three fools of the sled" with the husky and the Samoyed! The behavior and personality of the three of them are also very similar, naughty, playful, and energetic, so the owner must wear a leash when leading the Alaskan dog out, otherwise it will "give up", which is very dangerous!

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Reason three: Alaskan dogs don't have a high IQ, so it's difficult to train. But as long as the owner can give enough patience and time, he can also train Allah very well. In the face of this lack of concentration of dog training, you can only use the "must kill" - snacks, it is best to choose the right size and will not be full. Refer to the blue article below to learn more.

【Dog Training Snacks】I still don't know how to choose the right training snacks for my dog? 1 minute to teach you

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Reason four: Alaska is a large dog, the amount of food is super large, if there is no financial ability, it is difficult for ordinary people to raise Alaska, because just eating can eat the shoveler poor! Even if Allah can eat it anymore, it can't let it eat so much, or it is necessary to feed it regularly and quantitatively to avoid problems such as Alaska being too obese or indigestion.

High salt and large amount of oil, sweets, human food, all can not be given to Allah to eat, or eat dog food is better, after all, it is scientific allocation, nutritional balance. But quality dog food doesn't seem to be as cheap as it seems, so it discourages many people who want to keep Alaskan dogs.

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Reason five: Alaskan dogs have serious hair loss, Alaskan dogs, like other dogs, will have a twice-a-year molling season, but each hair loss season of Alaskan dogs lasts for half a year, which means that the hair loss period of Alaskan dogs lasts for one year, 365 days a year!

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

So if you want to raise an Alaskan dog, you must first do an allergy physical examination, if there is rhinitis and dog hair allergies, you must not raise it, do not use your own physical health to embarrass your own life. The pet owners who really want to raise Ala can also solve this situation of Ala's crazy hair loss, comb it twice a day, clean up the hair that has fallen off on the body in time, avoid the breeding and breeding of bacteria and insects, and colleagues can also stimulate the hair to grow new hair.

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Of course, pet owners can also choose the internal adjustment, for their own Ara choose a full range of dog food containing fish oil and comprehensive nutrition! It is recommended that pet owners understand the knowledge of dog food in the following blue article.

【Dog Food Tips】 If you still can't choose high-quality dog food, then learn it quickly

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska

Conclusion: Is your dog also very edible?

Feel free to post your dog's meal in the comments section

Alaskan dogs are rarely kept, do you know why? These 5 reasons why you don't raise Alaska